Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C44 Subdue
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Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C44 Subdue
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C44 Subdue

Seeing that, Luo Chen continued to give orders.

"Use the flame!"

"Use the 'Blast' word!"

"Use Dragon's Fury!"

Luo Chen had only casually told them this, he did not expect the small fire dragon to use such a dragon type ultimate move like the Dragon's Fury. However, something unexpected happened.

All the small fire dragon s could do it!

This caused Luo Chen to be dumbstruck, and he continued to console himself that the little elf gifted by the System was really strong … This couldn't even be considered a Quasi-Deity, almost all of them could be considered a divine beast.

Unfortunately, the Heracleum was beaten up to the point where it couldn't retaliate at all, and could only tremble in fear.

The Heracleum was smashed into the ground again, and Luo Chen was about to use a normal elf ball to subdue it, but he suddenly realised that the Heracleum had not lost its resistance, and stood up again in the water, and stared at the small fire dragon with eyes full of anger.

The small fire dragon did not mind and made a face.

Seeing this scene, the Heracleum that was angry to begin with became even more furious. It roared into the sky, and at the same time, its body emitted a resplendent white light.

"This is..." After a moment of hesitation, Luo Chen said in pleasant surprise, "It can't be, you even evolved?"

Not only was Luo Chen not unhappy, he became even more interested. Such a strong little elf was what he liked.

A moment later, the Heracleum's body grew larger, wings grew out from its back, and it instantly evolved into fast dragon.

With a shake of her fast dragon, he flew up into the sky, and then, he hovered in the air. From time to time, he would use a jet of flames and various unique moves to provoke the small fire dragon.

The pitiful small fire dragon was still an unevolved elf after all. It could only run around on the ground in anger.

Luo Chen suddenly thought of something, and said: "small fire dragon, evolve!"

Hearing this, the small fire dragon was startled, then raised its head and looked at the fast dragon in the sky, its mouth releasing an extremely strong roar.

"Boom!" The small fire dragon's figure was instantly enveloped in white light and continued to grow bigger. Not only did it not stop when it evolved into a flaming dinosaur, it even continued to grow bigger.

It was actually two stages of evolution!

A moment later, an extremely large Erigeron appeared in the middle of the arena, and almost instantly flew into the air!

Luo Chen shouted: "Use the Dragon Star Group!"

"Boom!" The Erigeron spat out a huge ball of flame towards the sky, and then, the ball dispersed into countless fireballs, smashing onto fast dragon's body.

Luo Chen continued to command: "Last strike, land on Earth!"

The Erigeron directly grabbed fast dragon's shoulder, flew straight up into the sky, drew a picture of a garden, and then suddenly smashed down!

The earth trembled!

When the dust dispersed, fast dragon's eyes turned into two circles, completely losing the ability to fight.

"Go, Fairy Ball." With a wave of his hand, Luo Chen threw the elf ball out, and then successfully recovered his fast dragon.

"Aooo!" The Erigeron roared towards the sky, the flames it spat out dyeing the entire sky red.

"Well done." Luo Chen tiptoed and touched the Erigeron's head.

The Erigeron intimately rubbed its head against Luo Chen a few times.

Even if it had evolved two levels directly, the Erigeron still trusted Luo Chen as usual.

Luo Chen threw the elf ball, released her fast dragon and said: "fast dragon, you will be my partner from now on."

fast dragon also let out two soft cries.

"Next... Let's go to the Erigeron Valley first. " Luo Chen thought for a while and said.

Although Erigeron s had great innate talent, they didn't have much combat experience, and Erigeron Valley was the place where a group of strong Erigeron could be trained.

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