The Ultimate Healer System/C1 Haruno Hirome
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The Ultimate Healer System/C1 Haruno Hirome
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C1 Haruno Hirome

"Wow, it's breathtaking!"

A charming young boy lay on the roof, gazing at the distant sunset, and let out a sigh that seemed too mature for his years.

His sigh carried a sense of age and resignation that seemed at odds with his youthful form.

The boy's name was Haruno Hirome, and he had a sister named Haruno Sakura.

Indeed, he was a transmigrator.

In his past life, he was as ordinary as most people.

That all changed the day he awoke in this strange world to find himself reborn as an infant.

For someone steeped in web literature for years, adapting was not an issue.

After a brief period of grief and confusion, he came to terms with the reality of his transmigration.

He even attempted to activate a Golden Finger or some kind of system, to no avail.

After numerous failed attempts, he began to take an interest in his new family background.

Initially, he was quite content with his new family.

But when he learned he had a twin sister named Haruno Sakura and that their parents resembled characters from a manga, he became withdrawn.

He had thought he'd transmigrated to ancient R Country, never imagining it would be the Naruto Universe.

His greatest strength was self-awareness; with his lackluster talent, even gaming was a challenge, let alone becoming powerful without the aid of a Golden Finger system.

Thus, he abandoned the impractical fantasy of dominating the Naruto Universe as he had imagined in his past life.

Nevertheless, he didn't give up on the mythical Golden Finger.

After innumerable attempts to summon the system, it finally materialized when he was three years old.

He acquired a system named "God Level Healing System."

But this system was unlike what he had envisioned, living up to its name.

It granted him the God Level Healing Arts from the start, with the system panel displaying a single notification:

"The system provides the host with God Level Healing Arts. This skill has no energy cost, no cooldown, and can heal any injury as long as the spellcaster is not beyond saving. The host will also gain the corresponding abilities and points from the spellcaster."

Upon activating the system and reading this message, he was ecstatic, proclaiming himself unbeatable.

After taking a moment to cool down, he came to the realization that it was just incredibly difficult for him to die. At present, he lacked any combat power, but he considered that in the future, with considerable combat abilities, he might easily defeat opponents of the same level using the God Level Healing Arts.

However, if he encountered someone significantly stronger than himself, he'd be finished in a single move! And even if he couldn't die, being unable to fight back meant he was destined to be captured and turned into a pitiful lab rat.

With this in mind, Haruno Hirome resolved to stealthily and shamelessly build his strength in the background until he was ready to take the world by storm with his prowess. Holding onto this plan, he pleaded with his father, Haruno Choo—an ordinary Medicine Ninja—to teach him how to harness Chakra and Medicine Ninjutsu.

Haruno Choo eventually relented and instructed him in the ways of Chakra cultivation. He thought that perhaps Haruno Hirome's interest was just a passing fancy and that he would abandon the effort once he realized he couldn't extract Chakra.

But Haruno Hirome was earnest. Ignoring his father's warnings, he began to extract Chakra recklessly, without any regard for his physical well-being. After all, if he damaged his body, a single application of the God Level Healing Arts would restore him to full health—nothing to worry about.

He was confident that he would soon master Chakra extraction and then learn Medicine Ninjutsu from Haruno Choo, allowing him to openly heal others and gain skills.

However, after a period of intense training, he came to grips with the extent of his dismal talent. Days of fervent practice passed without even a glimpse of Chakra. Despite this, he didn't give up, recognizing that he was an ordinary person with limited natural ability.

Ten days later, when he finally succeeded in extracting Chakra, he left Haruno Choo astonished. Yet, he didn't see himself as particularly remarkable. Nonetheless, he had reached his objective. Haruno Choo, thrilled by his son's 'talent,' was eager to train him to become an exceptional Ninja.

Haruno Hirome held a deep admiration for Haruno Choo's identity as a Medicine Ninja and aspired to be as exceptional in the field as Haruno Choo.

Touched by this, Haruno Choo began to diligently teach Haruno Hirome the art of Medicine Ninjutsu.

Haruno Hirome quickly mastered the Healing Arts.

He also started accompanying Haruno Choo to the hospital daily to practice Medicine Ninjutsu.

Though he only treated patients with minor injuries and hadn't acquired any significant abilities, his reputation as a medical prodigy quickly spread.

A slight smile played on Haruno Hirome's lips as he thought about this.

He opened his Personal Data Panel!

Host: Haruno Hirome

Abilities: God Level Healing Arts, Chakra extraction (small amount), Healing Arts, Physical Technique (low)

Points: 0

Looking at his rather basic Personal Data Panel, Haruno Hirome chuckled to himself, feeling content.

"At last, a great beginning!"

While Haruno Hirome was still basking in the anticipation of future triumphs in the Ninja Realm, a thunderous shout from below shattered his reverie.

"Hirome, come down quickly!"

Recognizing the familiar bellow, Haruno Hirome immediately leapt down from the rooftop.

"Mother, what can I do for you?" Hirome asked, his face a picture of sycophancy. His mother was the uncontested matriarch of the household.

"Go fetch your sister; it's nearly lunchtime and she's nowhere to be found. Always out and about, she's not behaving like a proper young lady..."

Anticipating a longer lecture, Haruno Hirome promptly took his leave.

Leaving home, he headed straight for the park where Sakura was known to frequent.

As he passed by the Ninja School, Hirome heard sobbing. Driven by curiosity, he approached.

Before him was a scene he knew all too well: three rambunctious kids were ganging up on Hinata, demanding an apology.

"Hey! It's not nice to bully girls!" Haruno Hirome chided, stepping forward with a chivalrous demeanor and a gentle, sunny smile.

His heart swelled with happiness, nearly forgetting this pivotal moment.

Even though Hinata was just a young girl and Hirome was far from being a lolicon, he knew the importance of building relationships early on.

"Back off, mind your own business, or we'll have to rough you up!"

"Yeah, beat it..."

Their mocking laughter was short-lived; within moments, Haruno Hirome had knocked them to the ground.

The three troublemakers scampered off in tears. Hirome gently helped Hinata to her feet, smiling warmly. "Are you okay?"

"No... I'm fine, thank you!"

Hinata's bashful demeanor told Hirome that his mission was accomplished.

"Miss Hinata, are you hurt?"

Just as Hirome was contemplating escorting Hinata home, her family members arrived on the scene. Content with the outcome, he bid Hinata farewell and departed.

He hadn't gone far when he stumbled upon Uzumaki Naruto, battered and bruised.

Seeing Naruto's injuries, Hirome was baffled. He had stepped in to save Hinata on Naruto's behalf, so how had Naruto ended up hurt?

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