The Ultimate Healer System/C13 Undying Twoman Group
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The Ultimate Healer System/C13 Undying Twoman Group
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C13 Undying Twoman Group

At the dining table, Naruto and his friends were heartily digging into their meals, completely unconcerned about their appearances.

"Mr. Kakashi, the bridge construction is almost finished. It would be best if you accompanied me to oversee it soon," one of them suggested.

"Understood, I'll be there tomorrow," Kakashi replied.

Upon hearing Kakashi's conversation, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura simultaneously set down their large bowls.

"We want to go too!" they exclaimed.

"You should continue your training. The enemy might not even show up," Kakashi dismissed their request, believing that the enemy was unlikely to appear and that even if they did, the trio wouldn't be much help. It would be better for them to keep training.

"I refuse to accept that. We've been training hard, not to cower when faced with an enemy. I'm definitely going!" Naruto declared, pounding the table with fervor.

Sasuke and Sakura, unusually in agreement with Naruto, nodded in support.

Kakashi, however, remained resolute. "Continue your training. If the enemy shows up, I'll let you know."

"Mr. Kakashi has a point. The enemy might not appear. I've been quite bored these past few days. Instead of wasting time, it's better to use it for valuable training."

"Plus, you all have an important task!" he added.

With a wink to Kakashi and a quick glance at Tsunami bustling in the kitchen, Hong hinted at a plan.

Kakashi caught on immediately and straightened up.

"Ahem! Indeed, there is a crucial mission for you. My investigation indicates that Kado is a ruthless criminal, likely to kidnap Tsunami and Inari to blackmail Tazuna," Kakashi announced.

"Therefore, the important duty of protecting Inari and Tsunami falls to you!"

Kakashi's earnest demeanor left Naruto, ever so straightforward, unable to discern any deceit. "Mr. Kakashi, entrust this mission to us. We'll ensure their safety!" he pledged with zeal.

Sasuke and Sakura, unlike Naruto, caught the subtle exchange between Kakashi and Hong and realized they were being hoodwinked.

"Damn, are we still too weak?" Sasuke clenched his teeth, inwardly frustrated at feeling like a liability.

Yet, seeing Inari's hopeful gaze, Sasuke sighed. Despite Kakashi's potential bluff, the threat they discussed could very well be real.

Seeing the three little troublemakers finally settle down to continue their meal, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and shot Hong a grateful glance.

If Naruto and the rest were hurt, he'd have a tough time explaining it to the Third Generation.


The next day, Kakashi and Hong headed to the bridge construction site together.

Shortly after work commenced, they heard the jingle of bells from the bridge.

Following the sound, they spotted two odd figures clad in black cloaks with red cloud emblems, approaching them with bamboo hats adorned with wind chimes.

Recognizing the unmistakable attire, Hong nearly exclaimed in shock.

"Damn, I knew Kado would hire a pro, but I never expected him to spring for someone from the Akatsuki. Time for some real action, though I'm curious who it might be. Could it be Kodo?"

As the pair drew closer, Hong's face fell in disappointment upon seeing their features.

It was the Undying Two-man Group.

"Looks like I won't get to flex my muscles after all. Just a light warm-up is all I'll get. No need for the kaleidoscope to take down these two!"

Realizing the newcomers were the Undying Two-man Group, Hong inwardly scoffed.

He didn't consider them a threat; to Hong, they were incapable of causing him any harm.

Moreover, Hidan's prized ability was utterly neutralized by Hong!

Hong was merely feeding his blood to Hidan for the Curse Ceremony.

Once Hidan went through his motions and Hong deployed his God Level Healing Arts, Hidan's efforts would be in vain.

It was unlikely that Hidan could inflict any real damage on Hong.

What mattered most was that Hong saw no desirable abilities in the duo. Being immortal himself, he had no use for their peculiar powers.

Thus, Hong felt a profound sense of disappointment.

If Hidan and Kakuzu could read Hong's thoughts, they'd be furious!

"Identify yourselves and your intentions!" Kakashi called out, blocking the path of the Undying Two-man Group.

"Oh? Konoha ninjas, huh? You think you can stop us? If you don't want to meet your end, then make yourself scarce!"

Hidan was extremely displeased. Kakuzu had actually brought him to this desolate backwater for a mission, all for the sake of money. It was nothing short of sacrilege.

"Haha, we can't let them get away. This is the renowned Konoha Ninja, Kakashi. The bounty on his head is a whopping 50 million taels. I never expected this mission to yield such a bonus. Fantastic!"

"Hmph, so this guy is quite formidable?" Hidan, ever the battle fanatic, was only interested in whether Kakashi was worthy of being a sacrifice to the God.

"He's not the strongest, but he's got some chops!"

"Then, he's mine!"

Kakashi couldn't help but scowl upon overhearing their conversation. They dared to underestimate him!

"Haha, it's not often we see Mr. Kakashi at a disadvantage!" Hong snickered to himself.

"Hey, sickle-wielding fool, you're up against me! Mr. Kakashi wouldn't stoop to fight an imbecile like you. It's beneath him. I'll be your challenger!"

"How dare you insult a messenger of the God... I'll chop you into mincemeat!"

Hidan, infuriated by the young upstart's disrespect, brandished his sickle and lunged at Hong.

"Alright then, let's have some fun!"

Hong drew the Heaven Leaning Sword and engaged Hidan in combat. Blades flashed and steel sang as they clashed.

The fiercer their battle grew, the stronger the gusts that kicked up the surrounding dust.

"Hmph, kid, you've got some moves. I admit I underestimated you."

"But now, it's time to get serious!"

After a powerful exchange, Hidan leaped back, ready to make his move.

"I'll never understand why villains have to be so talkative!"

Hidan's continued arrogance, as if he had already secured victory, irked Hong.

It looked like Hidan was at his limit, ready to pull out his signature move.

'He's resorting to his ultimate technique now? How dull.'

'Well, if that's the case, I'll indulge you!'

Hong resolved to play along with Hidan's display. It would be much more satisfying to defeat him when he thought he had the upper hand.

As for whether this staunch Evil God devotee would waver, that was not for Hong to ponder.

Hidan was visibly irked to see that Hong remained nonchalant despite his warning.

"Eat my Flying Sickle!" he bellowed, yanking the chain with one hand while flinging the sickle with the other.

At Hidan's roar, Hong snapped out of his act. Why on earth aren't you flying...

Still, Hong played along, sidestepping the attack and feigning ignorance of Hidan's intent.

Observing Hong's apparent carelessness, Hidan let out a wicked laugh and yanked the chain viciously, reeling the sickle back in.

The sickle's tip grazed Hong's arm just right, drawing a thin line of blood.

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