The Ultimate Healer System/C15 Defeat
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The Ultimate Healer System/C15 Defeat
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C15 Defeat

"Hmph, your abilities are a real pain, and this guy isn't exactly the best teammate, but if I were taken out so easily, I'd have a hard time explaining it to the boss!" Kakuzu remarked coldly as he watched Hidan approach with a sword in hand.

"Hmph, it seems you've forgotten about me! I clearly pierced your heart earlier, though I have no idea why you're unscathed."

"Lightning Blade!"

"But... I won't stand idly by while you attack my subordinates!"

The tables had turned. Kakuzu now found himself in a situation eerily similar to Kakashi's earlier predicament.

Hidan, wielding the Heaven Leaning Sword, swiftly reduced Hidan to over a dozen pieces.

"Damn it..."

Kakuzu cursed under his breath upon seeing Hidan dismembered. He was aware that Hidan wouldn't die from such wounds, but his concern wasn't for Hidan's well-being.

Rather, with Hidan out of the picture, Hirome would be free to turn his attention to Kakuzu, and the thought of Hirome's fearsome light was enough to unsettle him—if it hit, he might not survive, no matter how many hearts he had.

'No, I can't just sit here and wait for death. I need to retreat!'

In this situation, any further delay could mean no chance of escape.

Kakuzu's survival to this point wasn't just due to his strength but also his belief in the principle that 'a wise man does not stand under a wall in danger'.

After all, he was the man who had thrown shuriken at the First Generation Hikage from eight hundred miles away and then made a quick getaway!

However, he knew that a direct escape was unrealistic at the moment, especially since he intended to take Hidan with him.

'It looks like I'll have to sacrifice the heart I've worked so hard to preserve!'

With that realization, Kakuzu made the tough decision to cut his losses and transform.

As Kakuzu began his transformation, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura finally arrived on the scene.

"We're here! Has the enemy not been taken care of yet? Looks like Mr. Kakashi and Mr. Hirome really do need our help!" Naruto burst into laughter upon seeing the enemy still standing.

Sasuke, standing next to him, was exasperated. 'Naruto, did you not see the chunks of flesh over there?'

"Naruto, what brings you here?"

Kakashi asked, somewhat exasperated. He and Hirome were just about to finish off the remaining enemy, Hidan.

At that moment, Naruto and his team arrived, and we had to divert our attention to protect them. It was quite the predicament...

"Hehe, Mr. Kakashi, we've completed the mission you assigned us. Just as you predicted, Kado sent a warrior to capture Jinbo and Yinu. But I've already taken them down!" Naruto boasted with pride.

Sakura and Sasuke couldn't help but feel a bit miffed upon hearing Naruto's words, knowing full well that it had been a team effort.

"Oh, is that so? I see. However, this opponent is beyond your ability to defeat. Better stand back!" Kakashi nodded, signaling the three youngsters to not get in the way.

But of course, Naruto and the others weren't about to just step aside.

"Is that the enemy? I'll handle this!"

Naruto was becoming increasingly overconfident.

While Naruto was making a fuss, Kakuzu completed his transformation, snorting dismissively, "Hmph, since you're all here, come at me together!"

With that, the remaining three Mask Monsters positioned themselves opposite Hirome and the others.

It was a perfect match-up: one for Hirome, one for Kakashi, and one for the trio of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

The battle was imminent.

"Earth Escape: Earth Spear!"

"Thunder Escape: False Darkness!"

"Water Escape: Water Curtain!"

In the midst of the chaos, Kakuzu seized the opportunity to use Earthly Grievance to collect Hidan's body and make their escape.

Without Kakuzu's control, the Mask Monster was easily dispatched by Class 7.

"The enemy has escaped!"

After the fight, Sasuke looked at the vanishing remains of Hidan and Kakuzu with a hint of frustration.

"Yes, they both had peculiar abilities. It's fortunate we managed to take one down," Kakashi remarked, though he felt somewhat powerless.

"No, that one's not dead. Didn't you notice his eyes were still moving?"

Hirome cut in, dispelling Kakashi's moment of relief.

"Compared to the monster that can transform, the one Hirome sliced into pieces is still alive, possessing such eerie powers. Where on earth did these guys come from?"

Kakashi pondered the abilities of the two adversaries, planning to report his findings to the Third Generation Hikage upon his return.

"Ninjas are worthless! I've spent so much money, and yet I can't even handle a few kids without stepping in myself. Today, none of you will leave here alive!"

Kado arrived on the bridge with his entourage, hurling insults at the ninjas to vent his frustration towards them.

Upon spotting Kado, Hirome saw dollar signs. "Looks like you're Kado. I didn't come looking for you, but here you are, delivering yourself to me!"

"What are you standing around for? Kill them all, then wipe out these foolish peasants who dare to stand against me!"

With a grand gesture, Kado signaled his minions to charge at Class 7, brandishing their weapons.

Naruto and Sasuke, still eager for battle, exchanged knowing looks and charged forward as if they had a silent pact to see who could defeat more warriors.

Watching the two dart among the warriors, Hirome chuckled and remarked to Kakashi, "Those two are brimming with energy!"

"Indeed, they are," Kakashi agreed.

Sakura glared at Hirome, irked. Since the mission began, this irritating guy had become incredibly strong!

He had been concealing his true power all along.

She used to show off her good grades in front of him, and now she realized he must have been mocking her the whole time!

Hirome sensed the animosity from behind and turned to Sakura with a puzzled look. "Sakura, what's the matter? Are you intimidated by all these people? Don't worry, they're just underlings. They'll be dealt with in no time!"

"Hmph, I'm not scared..."

Looking back, Kado's forces were nearly vanquished.

Hirome, with a keen eye, noticed that Kado had fled.

He couldn't let this go and instantly pursued him.

On a small boat, Hirome caught up with the fleeing Kado.

"Thought you could just run after your performance?"

"You... you... I'm a world-renowned tycoon. What do you intend to do?"

Kado was petrified, fearing Hirome might take his life.

Hirome forced a warm smile. "What I do next depends on your actions!"

Realizing the situation, Kado quickly responded, "How much money do you want? I'll have someone deliver it to you right away."

"I don't ask for much. Hand over one billion and vow to stop your evil deeds, and I'll spare you."

"What, one billion? Impossible, I don't have that kind of money!"

Kado vehemently rejected Mr. Hirome's offer upon hearing it.

Mr. Hirome had anticipated this; he knew Kado wouldn't agree so easily.

But in truth, Mr. Hirome preferred it this way—it made things more interesting.

Soon after, agonizing screams echoed over the sea.

The Heaven Leaning Sword danced a cruel ballet on Kado's body, plunging deep and then shallow, leaving a trail of blood and cries of pain.

Then came the healing, only for the Heaven Leaning Sword to resume its grim work. This cycle repeated until Kado could no longer endure the torment.

"I've agreed, I've agreed. Please, just let me go!"

Only after inflicting a few more gashes did Mr. Hirome spare him.

"Get the money to Konoha Village quickly. And another thing—I'm warning you, if I catch you doing anything nefarious again, I won't be so lenient. A far more dreadful punishment will be waiting for you!"

Kado was thoroughly terrified, assuring Mr. Hirome over and over that he wouldn't dare, and he vowed to atone for his actions in the Wave Country. Satisfied, Mr. Hirome released him.

Should Kado ever think to renege on his promise, Mr. Hirome would teach him the true meaning of regret.

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