The Ultimate Healer System/C19 The Exam Is Coming
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The Ultimate Healer System/C19 The Exam Is Coming
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C19 The Exam Is Coming

"Tch, just putting on airs..."

Sasuke was irked for a reason; it was supposed to be his moment to shine, but that spotlight had been stolen by Hirome.

"I guess I need to keep pushing myself!"

With that thought, Sasuke got ready to leave.

"Your name, I find it interesting too..."

Gaara's gaze was lethal as he fixed his eyes on Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke!"

With those words, he departed without a backward glance. Time was of the essence, with the Middle Ninja Exam looming; he was determined to outdo Hirome.

Naruto watched as Hirome and Sasuke took their turns showing off before departing, barely able to contain his excitement. "Hey Gourd Boy, the name's Uzumaki Naruto. Make sure you remember that!"

"Hmph, I've got your name down. And for the record, I'm Gaara. Call me wrong again, and you're dead!"

Naruto brushed off Gaara's threat with a grin. "Haha, Gaara, got it. But killing me? That's not happening. I'm way too strong for that!"


Meanwhile, at the Hikage Office.

A group of Upper Ninjas had assembled for a briefing by the Third Generation Hikage on the upcoming Middle Ninja Selection Exam.

"Now, I hereby declare that the Middle Ninja Selection Exam will take place on July first, just seven days from now."

"Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai, you who mentor our new Low Ninjas, do you have any candidates you deem worthy of recommendation?"

"I, Hatake Kakashi, lead Class 7: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Hirome, and Haruno Sakura. I vouch for these four personally and recommend them for the Middle Ninja Selection Exam!" Kakashi stated with uncharacteristic solemnity.

Following Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma also recommended all of their rookie Ninjas.

Once the three had finished, the room buzzed with conversation; it was the first time in five years that all the rookies were entering the Middle Ninja Selection Exam.

"Please hold on a moment. These ten Low Ninjas were all once my students. They're certainly rare talents, but isn't it premature for them to take part in the Middle Ninja Selection Exam now?"

Iruka stepped forward, just as he had in the original story, to voice his concerns.

"Additionally, I'm not sure Haruno Hirome and Uzumaki Naruto have what it takes to participate in the Middle Ninja Selection Exam. Haruno Hirome specializes in Medicine Ninjutsu, which might not be enough for the challenges of the exam..."

"Iruka, I understand your worries, but they're no longer your students; they're under my command," Hatake Kakashi interjected sharply.

"Moreover, you're not seeing the big picture. Haruno Hirome isn't a child anymore. Just to give you an idea, our class recently completed an S-class mission, during which Hirome defeated an Upper Ninja. Do you still doubt his eligibility for the Middle Ninja Exam?"

The room filled with ninjas erupted into a buzz of astonishment.

"What? A newcomer has already completed an S-class mission?"

"Still, with Kakashi's abilities, completing an S-class mission wouldn't be out of the question!"

"Nonsense, Kakashi could handle an S-class mission on his own, sure. But to lead four newcomers? If they lacked the strength, even if Kakashi's Class 7 managed to complete the mission, it'd be a miracle for the rookies to survive!"

"Exactly, and let's not forget, Kakashi mentioned that the newcomer, Haruno Hirome, took down an Upper Ninja!"

"Wow, are the new recruits really that formidable these days?"

As Kakashi listened to the murmurs below, he mused to himself, "If they knew that Hirome also defeated a Shadow Level adversary, they'd be absolutely petrified!"

Once the crowd had absorbed the shocking update, Kakashi went on, "Uzumaki Naruto also played a crucial role in the mission. His physical technique now exceeds that of many active Middle Ninjas!"

"What…" Iruka was left speechless by the revelations Kakashi had shared.

"Do you have any further doubts?"

Iruka fell silent for a moment, still reluctant to accept the truth. He suspected Kakashi was just trying to reassure him and that it couldn't possibly be factual.

"Even so, I would like to conduct a test on them, if you'd permit me, Hikage Lord."

"A test? That won't be necessary. Kakashi has spoken nothing but the truth. There's no reason for skepticism."

"Alright, everyone disperse and prepare for the upcoming Middle Ninja Selection Exam with all your might!"

The Third Generation Hikage dismissed Iruka's request.

Once the crowd had dispersed, Kakashi passed by Iruka and remarked, "Iruka, they're not kids anymore. They've become ninjas capable of standing on their own."

After Kakashi departed, Iruka stood there momentarily stunned, then murmured to himself, "Capable of standing on their own, huh?"


The day of the Middle Ninja Exam had finally come, and Class 7 assembled at the school entrance.

"Hirome, am I really not going to hold you back?"

Sakura, trailing behind, tugged at Hirome's sleeve, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Ever since their return from the mission in Wave Country, this question had often plagued Sakura's mind.

She was well aware of Hirome and Sasuke's abilities, so Hirome's impressive performance during the mission had shocked her but not surprised her.

However, Naruto, whom she had always underestimated, had demonstrated a level of physical technique that left her stunned and struggling to come to terms with it.

When someone she had looked down upon surpassed her, disbelief followed by self-doubt was a natural response. And now, Sakura was grappling with that self-doubt.

Upon hearing Sakura's words, Sasuke paused, then turned away, his thoughts unreadable.

Naruto, ever boisterous, flashed a grin and laughed, "Haha, Sakura, no need to worry. I'm really strong. As long as I'm here, there won't be any problems!"

Naruto boasted, oblivious to the others' exasperated expressions.

"My dear sister, when did you become so sensitive? That's not the Sakura I know. In my eyes, you've always been fearless and strong!"

Hirome felt compelled to reassure his sister, seeing her spirits dampened.

"Hmph, I'm not scared. Don't underestimate me!" Sakura clenched her fists and held her head high, attempting to project confidence despite her lingering concerns.

Watching Sakura stride toward the classroom building, Hirome sighed inwardly, resolving to find a way to enhance his sister's abilities.

The four of them reached the second floor and encountered a throng of fellow examinees.

Ah, is this the iconic moment where Lee and his crew play dumb? I can't miss this—it's even more entertaining than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Hirome couldn't help but push his way through the crowd, eager to witness Lee and his friends' amateurish charade.

As expected, once he made it to the front, he saw Lee being pummeled without fighting back, desperately pleading for mercy.

"Please, let us through!"

Watching this genuine spectacle, Hirome couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Kid, what's so funny?" Kamizuki Izumo, now in his Middle Ninja guise, fixed Hirome with an icy glare as a subtle aura of menace began to emanate from him.

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