The Ultimate Healer System/C20 Naruto Who Made People Surprised
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The Ultimate Healer System/C20 Naruto Who Made People Surprised
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C20 Naruto Who Made People Surprised

"Uh, never mind. Carry on..."

Watching Kamizuki Izumo's expression, Hong couldn't help but chuckle.

With Hong remaining silent, Kamizuki Izumo refrained from pressing further. With a cold huff, he began lecturing the rookies on the significance of being a Middle Ninja.

He went on at length, essentially emphasizing the heavy responsibilities of a Middle Ninja and how it wasn't something these kids could handle.

"You're absolutely right, but this isn't the third floor!"

Sasuke, noticing that Hong seemed reluctant to reveal Kamizuki Izumo's poor illusion, stepped up to the plate.

After stirring up a buzz, Sasuke glanced back at Sakura and said, "Sakura, you must have realized this already. Back in school, your analytical skills and knowledge of illusions were top-notch!"

Sakura was deeply moved. Standing tall and brimming with confidence, she declared, "Exactly, I noticed a while ago. We're on the second floor!"

"Caught on, have you? But that's not going to cut it!"

Iron replied icily before launching into an immediate attack.

Hong, witnessing the scene, chose not to get involved. He figured he'd leave this moment for Lee to shine.

Sure enough, Lee quickly positioned himself in front of Iron and Naruto.

Indeed, Naruto's Physical Technique was formidable.

As Lee reached out to grab their legs, he was momentarily taken aback by the immense strength from Naruto's leg, nearly causing him to falter in his act.

Thankfully, Naruto hadn't unleashed his full power, and Lee, committed to his performance, responded with due seriousness.

Ultimately, Lee successfully countered Naruto's strike.

To onlookers, Lee appeared to handle it with ease, but his right hand trembled slightly as he held it behind him, a testament to Naruto's formidable strength.

"Lee, this isn't what we planned!"

Tenten and Neji approached, chiding Lee for his impromptu actions.

Sasuke observed Lee and Tenten, piecing together that they had been feigning ignorance.

Lee's subsequent action made Tenten and Neji aware that Lee was being his usual self.

Lee strode confidently toward Sakura, struck a pose he believed to be suave, and professed with heartfelt emotion, "My name is Rock Lee. You're Sakura, right? Please go out with me. I promise to protect you with my life!"

Upon hearing those words and seeing Lee give a thumbs-up, Sakura was left speechless. This guy wasn't even on Naruto's level! Wait, why am I thinking about Naruto?

"Absolutely not! Your eyebrows are too thick..."

Sakura's blunt rejection stung Lee deeply.

"Haha, Sakura, don't be so quick to turn people down. Everyone deserves a chance!" Hong laughed uproariously, his voice dripping with sarcasm and jest.

"Ah, you bastard Hong, why don't you just drop dead!"

"Ouch, that really hurts my feelings. Knowing there are more people out there who love and protect you makes me quite content. I'm doing this for your benefit!"

"No, no..."

Sakura shook her head vehemently. She wasn't bothered by admirers, but Lee as a suitor was just too much to handle – he didn't even measure up to Naruto!

Lee was visibly upset by Sakura's reaction, leaning against the wall with one hand, tears streaming down his face.

Naruto couldn't help but laugh carelessly at the sight, thinking to himself that Sakura had never reacted like this when he confessed his feelings for her. It seemed she might still have feelings for him.

If Hong knew what Naruto was thinking, he'd surely taunt him with a song: "The one you love has someone else!"

"Your name!"

Neji approached Sasuke, hands in his pockets, exuding an air of superiority.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking someone else's name?"

Sasuke could sense Neji's pride and realized they were kindred spirits.

"Hyuga Neji, and you are?"

"Uchiha Sasuke!"

"And you?"

Having gotten the information he wanted, Neji turned to Naruto. He had already picked up on Lee's earlier distress and now directed his question at Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto. You've got a keen eye; I'm quite the formidable one!"

Naruto was thrilled that Neji had asked for his name.

After a brief exchange, they all departed for the real 301.

Lee had his sights set on Sasuke. Despite Sasuke's inaction earlier, his top-ranking performance and the Uchiha family's prestige made Lee eager to challenge him.

After sending Tian Tian and Neji on ahead, Lee hurried to catch up with the members of Class 7.

"Wait a minute, my name is Rock Lee, Uchiha Sasuke. I challenge you!"

Sasuke, having declared his intentions, certainly wouldn't back down. Though it wasn't ideal to engage in battle before a competition, declining a challenge was not in keeping with the Uchiha family's ethos.

"Hold on, Sasuke, let me take him on!"

Naruto intervened, fixing Lee with a serious gaze.

"Hmm? But he challenged me..."

Sasuke was determined to surpass Hong. If he couldn't handle someone like Lee, how could he ever hope to catch up to Hong or seek revenge?

"Sasuke, let Naruto handle this. Lee excels in Physical Technique, so it's natural for Naruto to want to test his skills against him."

Hong cut in, revealing Naruto's intent. Naruto hadn't mentioned it, but he was clearly eager to face someone who could withstand his attacks.

Sasuke considered this and then nodded in agreement.

Naruto stepped forward, his eyes burning with determination. "I'll be your opponent!"

Lee had his sights set on Sasuke, but he wouldn't underestimate Naruto either.

They took their positions and prepared for the clash.

"Konoha Tornado!"

Naruto and Lee launched their Tornado Kicks simultaneously, their legs colliding mid-air with a resounding "bang," sending ripples through the air.

After the impact, both fighters retreated several steps, proving to be equally matched.

Clearly, Hong's rigorous training with Naruto had paid off.

Lee was taken aback, but the clash had given him a new appreciation for Naruto's abilities.

Another expert in Physical Technique!

Lee aimed a high kick at Naruto's face.

"Konoha Rising Wind!"

Naruto summoned all his strength for a powerful leap, channeling his energy into his legs to counter Lee's kick.


Their legs met again in mid-air.

This time, with Naruto's upward force, Lee was sent flipping over.

Naruto touched down first and immediately sprang back into action.

"Konoha Tornado!"

Before Lee could even hit the ground, Naruto's Tornado Kick was on its way.

Just as Sasuke and Sakura thought Naruto's strike would secure victory, Lee maneuvered in mid-air, narrowly avoiding Naruto's Tornado Kick.

After evading Naruto's strike, Lee was the first to touch down.

"Konoha Raging Wind!"

Lee's sweeping leg aimed where Naruto was about to land, delivering a fierce blow.

"Naruto, watch out!" Sakura cried out in alarm.

Sasuke remained silent, but his grave expression spoke volumes; he too sensed that Naruto might not make it this time.

Yet, Hong remained unconcerned. If Naruto couldn't dodge an attack like this, what would that say about the effectiveness of his intense training?

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