The Ultimate Healer System/C7 The Graduation of the Class
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The Ultimate Healer System/C7 The Graduation of the Class
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C7 The Graduation of the Class

Time flew by, and before we knew it, Haruno Hirome and his peers were at the age of graduation.

On graduation day, everyone arrived at the classroom bright and early.

Hirome was one of the last to arrive, just in time to witness the defining moment between Naruto and Sasuke.

Seeing Naruto, who had finally grown into a normal stature, filled Hirome with a sense of pride.

Over the years, Hirome had been diligently teaching Naruto Physical Technique. Thanks to Hirome's rigorous training, Naruto's skills had rapidly advanced, and he now had the strength of a Middle Ninja.

Moreover, Hirome had earned a substantial number of points from training Naruto, making it a win-win situation.

As for Ninjutsu, Hirome had hardly taught Naruto anything, confident that the fool Shuimu would eventually present Naruto with that treasure.

Reflecting on Shuimu, Hirome noticed the headband on Naruto's forehead and surmised that the inevitable had already occurred.

Turning his attention to Sakura and Ino, Hirome couldn't help but feel a headache coming on. For some unknown reason, Sakura adamantly refused to let Ino be his girlfriend, and their constant bickering was a source of irritation for him.

Hinata, on the other hand, had shed her shyness thanks to Hirome's relentless flirting (whenever the opportunity arose). However, given their underage status, Hirome kept it to just flirting, never crossing the line.

In terms of his own development, Hirome had become a rising star in the field of Medicine Ninjutsu over the past few years.

He had treated numerous patients, and many had traveled to Konoha specifically to seek his medical expertise.

Since the Ninja Realm had been relatively peaceful this year, Hirome hadn't experienced any significant power boosts. But he wasn't worried; he knew the story was about to unfold.

With that thought, Hirome accessed his personal Data Panel.

Host: Haruno Hirome

Abilities: God Level Healing Arts, Medicine Ninjutsu (Proficient), Physical Technique (Upper Ninja), Three-body Technique (Upper Ninja), Kunai Throwing (Upper Ninja), Mangekyo Sharingan (Uchiha Fugaku, concealable), Gougakyu Arts, Chakra (Elite Upper Ninja), Shuriken Usage Skills (Proficient), Instant Movement Technique, Sword Technique (Upper Ninja), Shadow Clone

Points: 150,000

Hirome looked at his data panel and couldn't help but smile. Despite not making significant progress in recent years, he was aware that once the story kicked off, his point acquisition would accelerate.

Inside the Hokage Office, a group of Elite Upper Ninjas gathered around the Third Generation Hokage's crystal ball, observing the dynamics of Hirome's class.

They burst into laughter upon seeing Naruto and Sasuke's antics.

Kakashi facepalmed. "Teachers and their students... they can be so unreliable!"

The view shifted, taking another sweep of the room, showcasing the future Top Twelve Experts of Konoha.

Eventually, the crystal ball's image settled on Hirome, encircled by Sakura, Hinata, and Ino.

"Isn't this kid our Konoha's star medic? He's graduating this year? I thought he was part of the medical team!" an unidentified Upper Ninja remarked upon seeing Hirome.

"Indeed, his Medicine Ninjutsu is impressive, but it's also true that he's among this year's graduates," the Third Generation said, taking a slow drag on his cigarette.

At that moment, Iruka entered the classroom to begin assigning the teams.


"Class 7: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Hirome!"

"Class 8: Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino!"

"Class 10: Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, and Akimichi Choji!"

Once the team assignments were complete, Naruto couldn't wait to ask, "Sensei, aren't we supposed to be in groups of three? Why do we have four? Sasuke seems like the odd one out!"

Iruka was about to clarify. "The graduating class indeed consists of 27 students, which would normally form groups of three. However, since you were the last to pass the exam, you were added to the already strong Class 7 to prevent you from falling behind."

Iruka's words doused Naruto with a cold reality, causing a rare blush to spread across his face amidst the laughter of his classmates.

"Come on, Naruto, don't let it bother you. We're in the same class now. Isn't that something to be happy about?" Hirome tried to console him.

After hearing Hirome's comforting words, Naruto finally felt a bit better, though he was still irked about being in the same class as Sasuke.

"It would be even better without Sasuke..."

Iruka announced an early dismissal, instructing them to wait in the classroom for their team leader to arrive in the afternoon.

In the Hikage Office, the Third Generation Hikage held Kakashi back.

"Kakashi, I'm entrusting Naruto to you!"

"I understand. It's a hassle, but I'll treat it with the seriousness it deserves!" Kakashi replied, preparing to take his leave.

"Also, Haruno Hirome is a rare talent. Make sure you guide him well!"

"Why does my team have to have four people? It's such a hassle..."

In response to Kakashi's grumbling, the Third Generation chuckled. "Don't underestimate Haruno Hirome. Having him by Naruto's side puts my mind at ease. Regardless of their relationship, his Medicine Ninjutsu will be a great help!"

Kakashi nodded without further comment and departed.

Watching Kakashi's retreating figure and then glancing at Haruno Hirome in the crystal ball, the Third Generation Hikage felt a growing anticipation for Hirome's development.


That afternoon, Hirome arrived late, having overslept from his nap.

Seeing the three who had been waiting in the classroom for quite some time, Hirome couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"Hey, everyone's so eager!"

"Mr. Hirome, why are you just getting here?" Naruto complained, sounding deflated.

"Brother, where were you? It's a good thing the team leader is also late. Otherwise, being tardy on our first meeting would've made a terrible impression, you know?" Sakura chided, hands on her hips and tone stern.

"Relax, relax. The teacher isn't here yet. What's there to worry about?"

"Exactly. The teacher is so annoying. I'm going to punish him!" Naruto set up his little prank—a chalkboard eraser trap.

"An Upper Ninja won't fall for such a childish trap. It's pointless..." Sasuke dismissed Naruto's trap with disdain.

"You never know..." Hirome knew all about Kakashi's sense of humor.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Kakashi nonchalantly poked his head in, and the eraser hit him squarely, making Naruto burst into laughter.

Kakashi then uttered a remark that Hirome would never forget, "How should I put it? My first impression of you all is, well, not great!"

"Don't take it to heart, Kakashi. This is just your future beloved disciple greeting you in his own unique way!" Hirome said with a chuckle, completely dismissing Kakashi's earlier words.

The group of five made their way to the rooftop, where Kakashi kicked things off with his introduction, which was rather uninformative.

Next up was Naruto, brimming with enthusiasm during his self-introduction, followed by Sakura, whose introduction sounded more like a love confession, and then Sasuke, whose introduction came across more like a vow of vengeance.

"And what about you?" Kakashi inquired, turning his attention to Haruno Hirome after everyone else had finished.

"I'm Haruno Hirome, Sakura's older brother. I'm fond of beautiful girls and Medicine Ninjutsu. There's nothing I really dislike. As for my dream, I aspire to be a renowned Medicine Ninja, alleviating the pain and despair of my comrades!" Hirome declared.

"Got it, I've got a clear picture now. But before we take on any official missions, there's one more thing—a survival exercise. You must pass this test to become a Low Ninja. Anyone who fails will be sent back to the Ninja School!" Kakashi explained.

While the others looked on in surprise, Kakashi stoked their anticipation further as he laid out the rules for becoming a Low Ninja. He then dismissed the group, sending them on their way home.

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