The Ultimate Healer System/C9 The Mission of the Wave Country
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The Ultimate Healer System/C9 The Mission of the Wave Country
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C9 The Mission of the Wave Country

While sparring, Hirome gradually gained the upper hand through his mastery of the kaleidoscope technique, completely dominating Kakashi in the fight. Knowing your opponent's next move in advance makes it much easier to respond, and for those quick on their feet, it's possible to immediately devise a counter strategy.

Hirome quickly seized an opportunity to slice the bell from Kakashi's waist and used his sword to push Kakashi back. By the time Kakashi launched another attack, Hirome had already picked up the bell that had fallen to the ground.

"Mr. Kakashi, I've got the bell!"

Kakashi, holding the bell in Hirome's hand, let out a wry smile and called an end to the match.

The scene shifted to Naruto and the others, bound to a tree stump, with Kakashi standing nearby and Hirome sitting casually on the grass.

Kakashi lectured the young ones, impressing upon them the importance of teamwork. Then, he turned his attention to Haruno Hirome.

"So, Mr. Hirome, how do you plan to distribute the bell you've acquired?"

Kakashi's question immediately shifted the focus to Hirome. Sasuke, watching Hirome with the bell, felt a surge of irritation. He had been bested by him again!

"The bell? Give it to the three of them!"

"What?" Naruto and the others were shocked by Hirome's declaration.

"I'm way stronger than these guys. Even if I go back to Ninja School, I'm sure to become a ninja next year." Hirome appeared nonchalant, but deep down, he understood that the bell wasn't the real prize.

Hearing Hirome's words, Naruto and the others insisted they didn't want the opportunity, leading to a polite impasse among them.

As they each deferred to one another, Kakashi, who had been stern just moments before, seemed quite pleased with the unfolding scene.

"You've all passed!"

The others, except for Hirome, were taken aback by Kakashi's sudden announcement, wondering if they had misheard.

Once Kakashi repeated his statement, they realized they had indeed heard him correctly.

After reinforcing the lesson on the value of comrades once more, Kakashi instructed them to meet at the Hikage Building the following day, emphasizing that tardiness would not be tolerated.

After issuing the final instructions, Kakashi dismissed the group and hurried to the Hikage Building.

In the Hikage Office, the Third Generation Hikage, with a look of utter shock, listened to Kakashi's report and sought confirmation of the events described.

Once Kakashi reaffirmed the details, a smile crept across the weathered face of the Third Generation Hikage, though it was far from flattering. "Hirome's progress is surprising, but not excessively so. However, I never anticipated Naruto's remarkable development. He truly lives up to being the son of the Water Gate!"

"If the Water Gate knew, they'd surely be comforted!"

With that, the Third Generation Hikage took a satisfied drag of his cigarette and nodded as if Naruto's achievements were partly his own doing.

If Hirome were present, he'd undoubtedly berate the Third Generation Hikage for his brazenness, considering it was he who had mentored Naruto.

Moreover, if the Water Gate were aware of your treatment of Naruto, they'd be furious enough to rise from their grave!


Life settled back into a calm routine for Hirome in the days that followed.

He carried out missions, went on dates with Hinata and Ino, and occasionally helped treat challenging cases at the hospital.

His days were full and pleasant.

Naturally, Hirome couldn't be bothered with D-class missions. Whenever one came up, he'd simply find a spot to recline and sketch.

Initially, the members of Class 7 were frustrated, but Kakashi's inaction left them powerless, and they eventually adapted.

One day, Naruto reached his limit with the monotonous tasks.

"I'm fed up. Give me a tougher mission!"

"Indeed, I find the D-class missions quite dull as well!"

The Third Generation Hikage glanced at Naruto and then at Hirome. "Well then, I'll assign you a C-class mission. Go protect someone. Please, come in!"

Tazuna entered, visibly displeased to see his protection detail was just a group of kids.

"What's with all these kids? Can they really keep me safe?"

Confronted with skepticism, Naruto was quick to respond.

"Hmph, don't look down on us. We're stronger than you think!"

Seeing the disdain on Tazuna's face, Hirome was quite displeased.

In an instant, he appeared beside Tazuna, pressing the Heaven Leaning Sword against his neck, and said softly, "Sir, if you don't show us respect, I will kill you."

As he spoke, the sharp edge of the sword grazed Tazuna's neck, drawing blood that trickled along the blade.

"What?" Tazuna was terrified by Hirome's sudden appearance, frozen in place and nearly wetting himself.

"Hirome, what are you doing? Are you really going to kill our client?"

"Ah? Just kidding!"

Hirome sheathed the Heaven Leaning Sword and used Medicine Ninjutsu to heal Tazuna's wound.

"Sorry, it was just a joke. Please don't take it to heart!"

Hirome offered an apology to Tazuna, though his expression betrayed no real remorse.

Tazuna, genuinely frightened by Hirome, instinctively stepped back.

"No... it's okay!"

"So, Mr. Tazuna, having witnessed our capabilities, do you still have any objections to us undertaking this mission?"


By now, Tazuna had been thoroughly intimidated by Hirome and certainly dared not voice any objections.


Stepping out of the Hikage Building, Naruto was bubbling with excitement, mainly because he had never left the village before.

Being a Jinchuuriki, leaving the village was never going to be easy.

The group set off toward the Wave Country.

What goes around comes around. When Hirome spotted the two small puddles that Mr. Ghost had disguised, he nearly burst into laughter.

Extras not only lacked rights but apparently intelligence as well. It was quite pitiful.

However, Hirome had no intention of intervening. Such riff-raff weren't worth his effort.

After Mr. Ghost launched their attack, Kakashi was the first to 'fall,' just as it happened in the original story.

The difference now was that Naruto had changed significantly. Even though he still hadn't seen through Mr. Ghost's disguise, the life-and-death training with Hirome meant he was not frightened by them in the slightest.

Working alongside Sasuke, they easily defeated the Ghost Brothers.

Once the Ghost Brothers were dealt with, Kakashi emerged.

"Everyone performed admirably, especially Naruto, nicely done!"

Naruto, basking in Kakashi's praise, gave a thumbs up and flashed a bright smile, his white teeth gleaming. Haruno Hirome couldn't help but feel as though he was in the presence of not just Naruto, but a fierce beast from Konoha!

'This is terrifying. I'll have to have a word with Naruto later; we can't have him being led astray!'

"Mr. Tazuna!"

"What... What?"

"These men came for you, didn't they? It looks like you've withheld some mission details. This mission is at least a B-rank one, isn't it?"

Caught in his deception, Tazuna resorted to playing the victim and attempting to guilt-trip them.

Yet Naruto, ever the impassioned youth, fell for it and was eager to help Tazuna complete the mission.

"Hirome, what's your take?" Kakashi inquired, turning to Hirome.

"Uh, I'm just observing. But the greater the mission's difficulty, the more exciting the challenge. Opportunities like this are rare, so of course, I choose to continue with the mission!"

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