Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C115 You're Betting too Little
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C115 You're Betting too Little
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C115 You're Betting too Little

As soon as Lin Xuan walked out of the security room, he received a call from Qin Hu.

On the phone, Qin Hu's voice was trembling. "Boss, Scar Cheng called me just now and invited me to come to the first floor tonight."

It was Scar Cheng again? Interesting!

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Since he invited you, then go."

As soon as he said this, he heard Qin Hu on the verge of tears. "Boss, you don't know what kind of place that First-Rate Building is!"

Lin Xuan asked indifferently, "Oh? Is it very scary?"

Qin Hu said in a trembling voice, "The First-Rate Building is actually an underground boxing arena. It is where the underground bosses of A City and even the provincial level gather!"

"If I go in there, I will most likely die!"

"Hehe, I still have a life ahead of me. I'm not afraid," Lin Xuan said lightly.

"Boss, don't joke around with Little Tiger!" Qin Hu almost begged, "Boss, you can't leave me alone! The major shareholder over there is Scar Cheng and a few other big shots. Little Tiger heard that Scar Cheng recently invited Sung Kun, the underground boxing champion of Muay Thai!"

"He can kill a cow with one punch!"

Lin Xuan smiled sheepishly and said, "I'll go with you tonight and meet them. I would like to see what kind of dragon's pool and tiger's den that is. In a place like A City, how many rotten loaches and shrimps are there?"

"It saves me the trouble of looking for them one by one."

"Boss, are you really going with me?" Hearing this, Qin Hu was instantly overjoyed and felt much more at ease.

As long as his boss appeared, it would increase his confidence!

Lin Xuan said lightly, "I'll just go and take a look. It doesn't matter."

"Alright! Boss, I'll go and prepare right away. I'll choose the best bodyguards to escort us there!"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's useless even if we go. Just the two of us will do."

Qin Hu was shocked!

What kind of courage and boldness was this?

Only an absolute boss would have the courage to go into the depths of a tiger's den and fight alone!

On the other side of the phone, Qin Hu licked his dry lips and said, "Alright then, at eight o'clock tonight, I'll drive over to pick you up!"

Lin Xuan nodded and said indifferently, "Alright, see you there."


First floor.

It was located in the north of A City. It was an ancient building that was eight stories tall. It was richly ornamented and stood with its back against the lake.

Looking from afar, it had the ancient feeling of building in the south of the Yangtze River.

In fact, under the First-Rate Building was a large underground boxing arena in A City.

At this moment, in the underground boxing arena.

Scar Cheng was sitting on a sofa. In front of him was a muscular boxer, every muscle bulging out of his body. He was pounding a sandbag in front of him.



Every time the boxer's fist hit the sandbag, it would make a deafening sound.

Scar Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the boxer. He said, "Sung Kun, tonight you will smash Qin Hu's head!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the boxer suddenly punched the sandbag.

The thin iron sand flowed through the hole and fell to the ground, making a rustling sound.

Scar Cheng widened his eyes in shock!

He had actually shattered the iron sand in the bag into powder!

"Good! Good!"

Scar Cheng's eyes lit up, and then a ruthless expression flashed across his face. He said, "Kill him! I'll reward you with five million!"

At this moment, the bald old man walked in and said, "Although Sung Kun can fight, you can't be careless."

Scar Cheng immediately stood up and said respectfully, "Master Bai, you are here!"

The old man nodded and said, "That Qin Hu will definitely bring the son-in-law of the Pei family."

Scar Cheng said, "Master Bai! I have already investigated that son-in-law of the Pei family. He is just a piece of trash!"

"Qin Hu treated him like a god just because he received Nine-star General's blessing. Isn't he an idiot?"

The bald crane took a deep breath and said, "I don't think it's that simple."

"The more simple his background is, the more mysterious he is!"

"Master Bai, I don't quite understand what you're saying," Scar Cheng said in surprise.

The bald old man said meaningfully, "Such a capable person, but his background is as simple as a piece of white paper. Do you think this is not suspicious?"


Scar Cheng waved his hand and said, "I don't care if he's suspicious or not. If he dares to come here today, Sung Kun will beat him to death!"

"At that time, his beautiful wife will be mine!"

The bald old man shook his head and said, "Why do you still like wives so much? You have money, how many women can't you get?"

Scar Cheng chuckled and said, "His wife is too tasteful. I only saw her once, and I couldn't help it. Hehe."

"Now, when I think of her, I want to throw her on my bed and ravage her. Hahaha!"

The bald old man shook his head and pointed at him with a smile. "You, hehe."

"But it won't hurt to be careful."

Scar Cheng nodded and said, "I know, Master Bai! Just wait and see a good show!"

"Tonight, as long as they step into this first-grade building, I will make sure that they never return!"

The white-haired old man laughed, "Alright, spread the news. Tonight, Sung Kun will pay ten to one, and I will bet ten million on him winning!"

"Hahaha, alright!" Scar Cheng laughed and said, "There will definitely be no surprises tonight! Sung Kun will definitely win!"


In the evening, Lin Xuan and his family had just finished dinner.

After Lin Xuan washed the dishes, he found an excuse to leave the house.

Qin Hu's Land Rover was parked across the street from the entrance of the residential area.

As soon as Lin Xuan got into the car, Qin Hu asked, "Boss, why don't I call a few more people? Otherwise, we can bring our guns with us."

Lin Xuan waved his hand lightly. "Cut the crap. Drive."

... "Oh."

Qin Hu asked as he drove, "Boss, I heard that they all bought Sung Kun for tonight's boxing competition. It's 1 to 10."

Lin Xuan asked, "What about us?"

Qin Hu replied, "1: 100... And it seems that I'm the only one who bought it."

Lin Xuan said lightly, "Then they will all have to pay."

"Boss, actually..."

Before Qin Hu could finish, Lin Xuan asked again, "How much did you buy?"

"One... One million." Qin Hu stammered.

Lin Xuan said, "Add the stakes."

"Raise the stakes... How much?" Qin Hu asked uncertainly.

"Raise as much as you can. I can make you a lot of money tonight!"

Qin Hu gritted his teeth as he looked at Lin Xuan's calm and composed expression. He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Raise my bet! Add... 50 million! No, 80 million! I can't take it anymore!"

After putting down his phone, Qin Hu said, "Boss, I bet 80 million..."

Lin Xuan smiled and blurted out, "It's not a big deal, but you still bet too little."

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