Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C119 Zhao Qiankun Came!
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C119 Zhao Qiankun Came!
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C119 Zhao Qiankun Came!

The best central hospital in the province.

Zhao Qiankun called in the best doctors, used the most expensive medical equipment, and operated for eight hours, but Pei Rong still couldn't keep her hands and feet.

For the rest of her life, she could only spend it in a wheelchair.

Outside the ward.

Zhao Qiankun looked at his wife lying on the bed.

He relied on the foundation of his family and the fact that he had been in the business world for more than twenty years to establish his current position.

No matter who he was, no matter who he was, they had to give him some face.

Yet now he couldn't even protect his wife?

That made him sad and angry!

Zhao Qiankun, who was almost forty years old, had an extremely ugly expression on his face as he clenched his fists so tightly that cracking sounds could be heard.

At this moment, a bodyguard in a black suit walked up to him and whispered, "Director Zhao, the good-for-nothings around Madam have all been chopped up and fed to the dogs."

Zhao Qiankun's eyes turned cold as he looked at the man and asked: "Is Bai here?"

The bodyguard replied: "I have already notified him. He is rushing towards the hospital."

"Good-for-Nothing, all f * cking good-for-Nothing! When I use people, none of them can be relied on!"

"Don't forget who gave him his achievements!"

"If I can make him get up, I can make him an idiot on the street again!"

At this moment, the sound of leather shoes could be heard from the corridor.

The bald man wiped the sweat on his forehead. Under the escort of several bodyguards, he was rushing over.

When Zhao Qiankun saw the bald old man, his face instantly darkened.

The white-crowned old man shouted from afar: "Director Zhao, I came late because of something!"

Zhao Qiankun glanced at him and said sarcastically: "Oh, it's Master Bai. I thought Master Bai couldn't come because of something."


The old man quickly walked in front of Zhao Qiankun and apologized repeatedly: "Director Zhao, I'm really sorry, I was really delayed by something."

Although the old man was also a boss who could call the wind and summon the rain, in front of the provincial capital's Zhao Qiankun, he was just a hooligan leader who relied on Zhao Qiankun's rewards for food.

The bald Weng wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, "Director Zhao, I actually went to A City to find out about the other party."

"Find out about the situation?"

Zhao Qiankun glanced at him coldly and asked: "Isn't he just an idiot? He doesn't have any background yet. Didn't you say that Qin Hu was just a grandson in front of you?"

"You can take care of him any time you want? And that little brother of yours in A City? What's his name, Scar Cheng? Are you bragging to me?"

The old man licked his lips and said, "Director Zhao, Qin Hu is nothing in front of me! However, that guy called Lin Xuan beside him is really good at fighting!"

Zhao Qiankun glared at him.

"He can fight?!"

"Even if his entire body is made of iron, how many nails can he hit? If that son-in-law of the Pei family dares to hurt my wife, he must die! Go to hell!"

Zhao Qiankun gritted his teeth and said: "I haven't returned to A City in the past few years. Have they forgotten who I am?"

Ten years ago, Zhao Qiankun was also known for his ruthlessness. In A City, he relied on his ruthlessness to kill many business competitors. In the end, he worked until the provincial capital established itself here, establishing his current position.

In the past, in A City, there was also a legend of him, Zhao Qiankun!

He had only extinguished the fire, but he had yet to close the furnace!

Now, he, Zhao Qiankun, was doing well in the provincial capital. Whether it was in the business world or the underworld, his status was extremely high.

Now that he had returned to A City once again, the entire business world and underground circle of A City would probably be shocked and tremble!

The white-haired old man had already thought of a way to deal with Zhao Qiankun on the way here.

After all, he was holding onto the rice bowl that Zhao Qiankun had given him. Once he angered this God of Fortune.

Half of his subordinates would lose their jobs.

"Director Zhao, I actually have another way." The bald Weng moved closer to Zhao Qiankun and said.

Zhao Qiankun took a deep breath and said: "Speak."

"Qin Hu made a lot of money tonight in the underground boxing competition on the first floor."

"We can use this opportunity to hold a celebratory feast for him. In fact, we want him to come over and detain him! We want him to spit out all the money he won and then hand over Lin Xuan!"

"If he still wants to establish himself in A City, then he must promise me. Otherwise, he won't be able to survive in A City! I think he understands this more than anyone else!"

Zhao Qiankun nodded, and said: "There's no need to beat around the bush with him, just tell him directly that I, Zhao Qiankun, have returned to A City!"

"Tell him to bring that Lin Xuan here tomorrow, along with a hundred million in compensation. Otherwise, I'll make sure he dies a horrible death!"

"Alright, I think that's fine!" The bald old man had been waiting for him to say this.


The news of Zhao Qiankun's return to A City quickly spread throughout the business and underground circles of A City. Many big shots were shocked!

Zhao Qiankun really came back!

Furthermore, many people knew the reason for his return this time.

Then wouldn't this A City be turned upside down?!

The Old Man wanted to kill Qin Hu, and Zhao Qiankun wanted to kill Lin Xuan. This time, these two people could be considered to have dealt with the King of Hell!

No one was optimistic about Qin Hu, let alone Lin Xuan, who was a son-in-law with no background at all.

No matter how good you are at fighting, so what?

Provoking Zhao Qiankun was already a death sentence in the eyes of those underground big shots!

Many people were gloating, waiting to see Qin Hu suffer.

This time, he definitely did not have a chance to turn the tables!

Those big shots in the underworld were waiting for Qin Hu to fall and rush forward to divide his territory!


At the entrance of Rain Corporation, Lin Xuan had just watched Pei Qiuyu enter the office building when he went straight to the security office.

At this moment, a voice came from behind him, "Boss!"

Lin Xuan saw that it was Qin Hu who ran over eagerly.

Lin Xuan looked at him and asked, "Qin Hu, you don't look well."

Qin Hu wiped his sweat with the back of his hand and said: "Not good, Zhao Qiankun is back!"

"Zhao Qiankun? That husband of Pei Rong?" Lin Xuan asked.

Qin Hu quickly nodded his head: "That's him. The White-headed Old Man is following him now. This person is extraordinary!"

Lin Xuan smiled faintly and said, "In my eyes, there's nothing special about him. Just say what you want to say."

Qin Hu hurriedly said: "The white-haired old man asked someone to bring me a message. He said that at seven o'clock tonight, he wanted me to bring you along to apologize to Zhao Qiankun. Only today!"

His words made Lin Xuan laugh.

"Only today? What does he think he is?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "What will happen if he doesn't go?"

Qin Hu said, "They didn't say, but if you don't go, the consequences will be very serious!"

"You hurriedly came to find me just for this?" Lin Xuan waved his hand and smiled. "Don't worry."

Qin Hu grabbed Lin Xuan's arm anxiously. "Boss, I think this matter has really blown up this time!"

"How about I hire a boat first and we take the money and run away?"

"Hahaha." Lin Xuan laughed. "Run away? How could you think of that? Don't worry about it. I told you, they are just a bunch of trash."

"Do you understand? They're just a bunch of trash."

Qin Hu didn't know how to explain this to Lin Xuan.

It seemed that Boss really did not know Zhao Qiankun's strength!

Trash? That was a person who had once made people tremble in fear!

Qin Hu wanted to say something else, but Lin Xuan patted his shoulder. "Qin Hu, you don't have to worry about Zhao Qiankun. I will take care of it myself."

"As long as you do what I told you, it will be fine."

At this moment, Qin Hu's body was drenched in sweat.

Did Boss really not understand Zhao Qiankun's strength? Or, was his strength so strong that he didn't care about Zhao Qiankun at all...

Qin Hu was more willing to believe that it was the latter, but no matter what, he was extremely panicked at this moment.

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