Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C121 Order I Set
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C121 Order I Set
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C121 Order I Set

Zhao Qiankun gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and he directly pounced towards Lin Xuan!

When he was about to reach Lin Xuan, he suddenly swung his fist, whistling through the air, straight at Lin Xuan's head!

Zhao Qiankun had also become a master teacher in his early years. His fists had crushed the heads of countless people, and he had even killed dozens of people by himself, blowing up the heads of their leaders. To this day, no one in A City could compare to him.

Zhao Qiankun's reputation as a ruthless man was not unfounded!


Zhao Qiankun roared, using all his strength. He could already foresee the scene of Lin Xuan's brain exploding under this punch!

But in the next second.


Everyone present was stunned!

At the critical moment, Lin Xuan only flipped his hand and slapped Zhao Qiankun's full-power punch away.


Immediately after, Lin Xuan slapped Zhao Qiankun's face again, causing his head to buzz and blood to flow down the corner of his mouth.

This!... How was this possible?!

Just as Zhao Qiankun was in shock.


"Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!" A series of rhythmic slapping sounds rang out continuously.

Zhao Qiankun's head also followed the rhythm of Lin Xuan's every slap.

The subordinates lying on the ground were all trembling.

Just as Zhao Qiankun's face was swollen like a pig's head, Lin Xuan grabbed him by the collar and lifted him into the air.

"Is this even worthy of being called a ruthless person? He's like a weak shrimp, unable to withstand a single blow!" Lin Xuan said disdainfully with a calm expression.

In contrast, Zhao Qiankun's pained face and the fear that arose in his heart!

No one had ever been able to catch his fist, but now, in front of Lin Xuan, he was like a mouse that had been caught by a cat.

Everyone present was stunned.

Zhao Qiankun, who weighed more than 170 kilograms, was lifted up by Lin Xuan like a chicken.

At this moment, Zhao Qiankun felt that his throat was dry and his limbs were trembling.

Then, Lin Xuan kicked out!


Zhao Qiankun let out a miserable cry as his entire body flew out, and immediately after, he smashed heavily into the wall behind him.

Following that, he slid to the ground and tried to get up.

But in the next second.

Lin Xuan's figure flashed, and he was already standing in front of him.

It was too fast!

Lin Xuan instantly raised his foot and stepped on Zhao Qiankun's head, preventing him from struggling any longer!

The entire hall fell silent!

It was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop!

A trace of fear flashed across Zhao Qiankun's once rebellious eyes.

Just a moment ago, he had said that he would chop Lin Xuan to death, but now, his face was twisted in pain as he was stepped on by Lin Xuan.

"Trash!" Lin Xuan looked down at Zhao Qiankun and said indifferently.

After being humiliated like this, Zhao Qiankun's already stubborn and unyielding heart once again flared up.

"You! Do you know who I am?!"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "Ant, you talk too much."

As he finished speaking, he raised his foot and stomped down again.


... "Ah!"

Zhao Qiankun screamed in pain as his spine was instantly broken by Lin Xuan!

When his subordinates on the ground saw this scene, they were all horrified!

Who exactly was this person?!

How terrifying!

Zhao Qiankun kept screaming, his entire body twitching violently.

"Ah! It hurts so much! You... Kill me..."

Lin Xuan only said indifferently: "You dirtied my shoes."

Zhao Qiankun opened his eyes wide, his pupils instantly constricting!

Lin Xuan's soles were rubbing against Zhao Qiankun's head.

His head was barely worthy of wiping the soles of Lin Xuan's shoes.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was like stepping on a dead dog, while Zhao Qiankun was crawling on the ground, not daring to raise his head again.

After wiping his shoes, Lin Xuan put down his feet and slowly walked to the door.

Then, he stopped.

At this moment, everyone in the room looked at him in fear.

It was as if they were waiting for the judgment of the Grim Reaper.

Lin Xuan spoke. He looked at Zhao Qiankun and said in a loud and clear voice, "Tomorrow, I will gather all the so-called big shots of A City and have a meeting with Qin Hu! I will set up an order for them."

"Also, before noon, transfer all of your assets to Qin Hu's account. If you lose a single cent, I'll ask Qin Hu to come over and collect your body!"

After saying that, Lin Xuan turned around and walked out of the door.

The hall was silent once again.

Zhao Qiankun felt as if the entire sky had collapsed!

At this moment, he began to regret coming to A City, and regretted provoking such a terrifying person!

If all the money could not be transferred to Qin Hu's account by noon tomorrow, he would die.

This was Lin Xuan's order to all the big shots of A City, and also his final sentence for Zhao Qiankun.


Lin Xuan was walking on the sidewalk with a snack bag in his hand, calling Pei Qiuyu.

"Wifey, I bought you your favorite wonton noodles. That's right, it's Uncle Xiang's shop at the corner of the street."

"I also saw a tanghulu, so I bought one for you."

"What guilt? There's no such thing. Do you know how many girls are envious of your body that doesn't get fat even after eating?

Lin Xuan's mouth was as sweet as honey.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

At this moment, the green light on the other side of the street lit up.

Just as Lin Xuan was about to cross the pedestrian walkway, an open Ferrari sped over with a "weng" sound.

Lin Xuan's movements were quick. He quickly leaned back and dodged the car.


The Ferrari stopped not far in front of him.

"Are you f * cking blind?! You don't even look at the car when you walk!"

In the car, a boy with dyed yellow hair scolded Lin Xuan.

"Smelly loser, you gave me a fright." An extremely beautiful woman with wavy hair also cursed at Lin Xuan in disgust.

A gust of wind blew past and Lin Xuan could smell the strong scent of alcohol on the man's body.

He said lightly, "Just now, it seemed like you guys ran the red light."

At this moment, the yellow-haired driver hugged the beautiful woman and laughed, "What's wrong? Do you want to bite me?"

"Let me tell you, the leaders of the sub-bureau are all brothers with my dad. I have a lot of money!"

"Crushing a poor loser like you is no different from crushing an ant, do you understand?"

"Damn it, wasting my time! I just want some money! Take it!"

The yellow-haired kid took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills and threw it on the ground.

"Let's go, baby." After saying that, the yellow-haired brat kissed the pretty girl on the cheek and stepped on the gas pedal. With a hum, the car drove away in a cloud of dust.

Amidst the roar of the engine, Lin Xuan faintly heard the woman say, "That man just now was like a dog... Hahahaha!"

Lin Xuan shook his head. She was just an arrogant rich second generation and a gold digger. It wasn't even a small interlude.

Lin Xuan didn't even look at the money on the ground. He quickened his pace and rushed back. His wife still wanted to eat wonton noodles while it was hot.

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