Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C16 Bring You out for a Ride
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C16 Bring You out for a Ride
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C16 Bring You out for a Ride

Lin Xuan's face darkened. "You've frightened my wife. How do you plan to make amends for that?"

The young man with the perm was in a panic. "It was Young Master Yu who sent me. I'm just following orders..."

"Young Master Yu from L Group?" Lin Xuan inquired.

"Yes, that's him."

Lin Xuan turned and commanded, "Break their legs and dump them in the trash. Let them drag themselves back to L Group."

"Don't... don't come near me!"


Meanwhile, in the opulent manager's office of L Group, resembling a palace chamber, a middle-aged man with a slicked-back hairstyle sat imposingly in the executive chair. He addressed Yu Yuxuan, "Son, the whole world knows the Nine-star General will conduct the sealing ceremony on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

"He's set to marry Pei Qiusha from the Pei family. Remember when you were so set on marrying Pei Qiuyu from the same family? I thought they were just a minor clan, so I only allowed a betrothal gift of six hundred and sixty thousand."

"Looking back, it was a pittance. We'll definitely need to strengthen our ties with the Pei family going forward."

Yu Yuxuan nodded, "You're right, Dad. Pei Qiuyu still refuses to consent, so I have no choice but to take matters into my own hands."

Yu Jianlong, unable to contain his eagerness, asked, "Have you managed it?"

"Not yet! I've sent out two groups. The first made a mess of things with that pig debacle, and now it's all over the internet."

"And I've heard nothing from the second group."

Yu Jianlong sighed deeply, "The company you keep... they can't even handle a simple task."

"I'll try calling the second group again." Yu Yuxuan pulled out his phone and dialed.

"Still no answer. Useless, the lot of them. They can't even do one thing right."

"We'll have to take care of it ourselves," Yu Jianlong declared. "There's a jewelry auction this afternoon at the Versailles Palace Hotel."

"Go there and pick out a piece of jewelry that's worth a fortune for Pei Qiuyu's betrothal gift. Choose the finest, most expensive piece."

"I've already spoken to the jeweler. I still carry some weight around here."

"Just hike the price to over a hundred million, and with our family's clout in A City, no one will dare to challenge us."

"Over a hundred million?!" Yu Yuxuan was shocked. "Dad, our total assets are just over ten billion. Isn't that... a bit too steep?"

"You don't get it, son. No pain, no gain! With the influence of a Nine-star General, even a sliver of association will propel us to new heights in A City. All the top players will be vying for our favor."

"I may not boast about being the Underground King of A City, but at the very least, you and I will be walking tall."

Yu Yuxuan licked his lips, impressed. "Dad, you're incredible. Always thinking ahead. I'm on it!"

With a sly grin, Yu Yuxuan exited the manager's office.

Lin Xuan was discreetly escorted to a Bentley Mulsanne.

At Lin Xuan's command, the driver pulled up not far from the Mercedes-Benz dealership.

Inside the car, Wang Baifa queried, "Hall Master, if you wanted a car, you could have any model you wished for. Why come here?"

"My wife's car was wrecked. I'm getting her a replacement. Can you imagine her reaction to driving a Bentley? She'd be terrified."

Wang Baifa nodded in understanding, "That's a fair point."

Lin Xuan requested, "Hand me a card, one with a modest limit, then you can head back."

Wang Baifa fished through his wallet, eventually pulling out a black gold card. "This is the smallest limit I have—two billion."

"It'll do." Lin Xuan pocketed the card and stepped out of the vehicle.

Lin Xuan made his way into the dealership.

The sales staff at the counter noticed Lin Xuan's arrival from a distance, sizing him up, yet none approached.

"Sir, are you interested in any of our cars?"

A rookie saleswoman, seeing no one else attending to him, took the initiative to ask.

The veteran sales reps watched with detached amusement, some snickering at her naivety.

These seasoned salespeople could tell at a glance that the newcomer didn't look like he had money.

Perhaps she came in just to enjoy the air conditioning, given the heat outside.

Lin Xuan instructed, "Please assist my wife in choosing something."

The saleswoman beamed, "Your wife is truly fortunate to have such a wonderful husband! Which model are you interested in, sir?"

Truth be told, Lin Xuan wasn't familiar with cars priced under ten million yuan, so he casually replied, "Any will do."

The other salespeople couldn't help but roll their eyes at his nonchalance.

Just a poor nobody, a total country bumpkin!

He knows nothing about cars, and yet here he is in a Mercedes-Benz dealership, trying to impress?

"Why not consider this model? It's one of our key offerings this year, perfect for daily use, and exudes a sense of class. It's especially suited for young urban women," the saleswoman suggested enthusiastically. "In terms of design, materials, and craftsmanship, it adheres strictly to the standards of our German factories. The only drawback might be that the discount isn't as substantial as what you'd get with the BMW 3 Series."

Lin Xuan responded decisively, "That's fine. We'll take it."

"Huh?" The saleswoman was taken aback.

The nearby sales staff also turned to look, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

He had just walked in, from clueless to committed buyer in less than three minutes?

You can't be serious!

You didn't even ask about the price or the performance, and you're ready to buy?

But before anyone could further question his motives, Lin Xuan produced a black gold card. "The PIN is six zeros. Register the car directly; I'm ready to drive off."

"Okay... That will be an additional thirty thousand for fast registration."

"Do it," Lin Xuan said, unfazed.

"Right away!"

The saleswoman, thrilled, hurried off with the card to process the transaction.

She could hardly believe her luck; on her very first day, she had closed a deal.

The commission from selling a Mercedes-Benz was more than her monthly wage.

As she passed by the other salespeople, one of them sneered, "Be careful, he's probably a con artist."

Another chimed in, "Ah, the naivety of a newcomer. You learn once you've been burned!"

When the POS machine chimed with the sound of a completed transaction, every salesperson felt the sting of embarrassment!

The saleswoman, hands trembling, respectfully returned the black gold card to Lin Xuan, "Sir, with tax and registration, the total comes to four hundred and thirty-nine thousand yuan. Here's your card, along with the invoice and car keys."

"He actually bought it?"

It was then that someone remembered, "I took a glance at that card earlier. It looks custom-made, with a minimum balance requirement."

"Wasn't it something like a billion?"

Upon hearing this, the sales team was dumbfounded, internally berating themselves for their earlier condescension. Whoever had stepped forward would have sealed the deal.

They were kicking themselves now, wishing they could give themselves a few good slaps for missing out on such a lucrative sale!

Lin Xuan pulled up to the front of Pei Qiuyu's company just as she dashed out in a flurry.


"Lin Xuan, what are you doing here? I was just about to head your way!"

Noticing Pei Qiuyu's sweat-drenched forehead, Lin Xuan tenderly wiped it away with a tissue.

"Sweetheart, everything's been taken care of. Those guys were just fraudsters, and the police have carted them off."

"Oh, thank goodness. I was so worried about you," Pei Qiuyu said, her hand on her heart, relieved.

"Come on, get in the car," Lin Xuan invited with a smile.

"Get in?"

With a grin, Lin Xuan held the door open, "Let's go for a spin."

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