Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C17 Arrogant
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C17 Arrogant
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C17 Arrogant

Pei Qiuyu settled into the plush car seat, feeling as though she were floating in a dream.

She was utterly flabbergasted. "Lin Xuan, where on earth did this car come from?"

"I hit the jackpot with a lottery ticket—five million," Lin Xuan replied, grinning.

"I'm being serious here!" Pei Qiuyu insisted, with a stern look.

Lin Xuan chuckled. "Shortly after you left, Director Wang came by. He learned about your car accident and offered to give you a replacement vehicle. And here it is."

"Director Wang?"

Pei Qiuyu exclaimed in disbelief, "Is that for real?"

"If you doubt me, give him a call right now. He'll confirm it," Lin Xuan suggested.

"But why would he give me a car?" Pei Qiuyu was still skeptical.

"Honey, you're now a business partner with Director Wang. It's only natural for him to lend a hand, right?"

Lin Xuan elaborated, "Plus, Director Wang mentioned we could pay for the car in installments. Once we've made enough, we'll settle the debt."

"Lin Xuan, you've got some nerve. How could you just accept that?"

Lin Xuan, with a look of earnest resolve, responded, "My dear, you're the big-shot manager of a thirty-million-dollar deal now."

"You need a decent set of wheels when you're out and about. You can't seriously be considering riding your mom's electric scooter, can you?"

"I'm going to call Director Wang this instant..."

After the phone call, Pei Qiuyu inhaled deeply.

"See? I wasn't lying, was I?" Lin Xuan asked, still smiling.

Resigned, Pei Qiuyu conceded, "Fine. I guess I'll just have to work twice as hard to pay Director Wang back for this car sooner rather than later."

"That's the spirit! Having a goal is what gives you drive," Lin Xuan cheered.

"Come on, let's take this baby for a spin."

Pei Qiuyu shook her head, "I'm driving!"

"Heh, alright then."


In Pei Qiuyu's residential complex.

With the Nine-star General's sealing ceremony fast approaching, Lee Moxiang was keen to take her family to witness the grand event.

So, she brought Pei Qiang home from the hospital, where he had been undergoing rehabilitation therapy.

Lee Moxiang was currently supporting Pei Qiang as they strolled by the entrance of their home.

"Moxiang, Pei Qiang still isn't ready?"

Sun Lanping was smug, convinced that Pei Qiusha was the one the Nine-star General would marry. Eager to further humiliate Pei Qiuyu's family before the ceremony, she made a special trip to see them.

"You actually brought him here? Surely you don't believe that the Nine-star General would marry your Qiuyu?"

The condescension in her voice was deeply unsettling to the elderly couple.

Lee Moxiang managed a strained smile and replied, "No, your family is the talented one."

Her own family's embarrassment over a foolish son-in-law was bad enough, but now Pei Qiusha's engagement to the Nine-star General only intensified her discomfort.

Pei Qiang let out a sigh: "Let's head back inside."

"Don't leave yet!" Sun Lanping said cheerfully as she approached. "Oh, and Qiuyu hasn't gotten a divorce yet. You know what they say: men fear choosing the wrong profession, women fear marrying the wrong man."

"Weren't you the one pushing for her divorce? I have a distant nephew who's quite handsome, though he's got a bit of a limp."

"Just like Pei Qiang's walk. But the man's wealthy—a security guard at a big company, pulling in four or five thousand a month."

"What do you say? Should I introduce him to Qiuyu?"

"He'd be a vast improvement over your dim-witted son-in-law."

"Thanks, but no thanks!" Lee Moxiang retorted, visibly irate.

"Hey, I'm only trying to help. Qiuyu may be pretty, but she's been married before. She can't hold a candle to my daughter, whose fiancé is the Nine-star General. And you? You're stuck with a worthless son-in-law."

The neighbor lady's face was aglow with self-satisfaction. "Tell me, you're not planning to show up at the grand ceremony in that old clunker, are you? I've got an old car I hardly use, but it's still a step up from that heap of yours. Ah, my daughter is truly blessed."

Wang Lan's face darkened. "We're not in the same league as you."

With that, she turned to leave, knowing any further conversation would only lead to a quarrel.

"Hey, in such a rush to leave? Give some thought to that nephew I mentioned. You don't want to end up regretting it later!"

Sun Lanping reveled in the feeling of kicking someone when they were down.


Just then, a brand-new Mercedes-Benz C260 rolled up and came to a halt in front of Sun Lanping. The white piano finish gleamed in the sunlight, nearly blinding her.


At that moment, Pei Qiuyu stepped out of the car.

Sun Lanping was taken aback.

"Pei Qiuyu... whose car did you borrow?"

She couldn't believe that the car could actually belong to Pei Qiuyu.

"Borrowed? Qiuyu bought this car," Lin Xuan chimed in as he exited the vehicle.

Sun Lanping's brow furrowed. Pei Qiuyu bought it? How could she possibly afford it?

"Qiuyu, this car is gorgeous!"

Lee Moxiang was overjoyed, almost neglecting her half-paralyzed husband.

"Qiuyu just landed a massive thirty-million-yuan deal. She can definitely afford it," Lin Xuan explained.

Sun Lanping's face stiffened, a wave of discomfort washing over her.

"Hehe, you all enjoy your chat. I've got things to do." With that, she scurried off, only to trip and fall to the ground.

"Haha, sister-in-law, take it easy. Don't hurt your back!" Lee Moxiang couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

Back at home, Lee Moxiang discovered that the car was actually financed by Wang Baifa, and the money was still owed.

Lee Moxiang let out a sigh. "I was wondering... If only Director Wang were my son-in-law, how wonderful that would be."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Pei Qiuyu responded with displeasure.

Lee Moxiang waved it off with a smile. "Regardless, I finally got to settle the score today."

"Qiuyu, take me and your dad for a spin later, will you?"

"Sure." Pei Qiuyu inquired, "How come Dad was discharged from the hospital?"

"What else could be done? The doctor said that with the limited medical facilities here, staying at the rehab center wouldn't make much difference for Dad."

"I was hoping to share in the limelight by bringing your dad along to the Nine-star General's sealing ceremony, so I checked him out."

"Ah, I'm just not that lucky to have a son-in-law as outstanding as a Nine-star General."

Lee Moxiang turned to Lin Xuan with a look of clear distaste. "What are you still doing here?"

"Can't you see I'm busy taking care of your father? I have no time to cook. Go out and get some food, will you? You're so oblivious!"

She pulled out a hundred yuan and tossed it to Lin Xuan. "Treat yourself to something nice for once. Off you go!"

"I'll come with you, Lin Xuan," Pei Qiuyu offered.

"He can manage on his own!" Lee Moxiang snapped, visibly irritated by Lin Xuan.

With a grin, Lin Xuan replied, "Babe, you stay here with Dad. I'll be right back."

Stepping outside, Lin Xuan dialed the president of the World Medical Association.

The president answered, clearly overwhelmed with honor. "Hall Master, to what do I owe the pleasure of your personal call?"

"Where are you now?" inquired Lin Xuan.

"I'm currently on a world lecture tour, at my second stop. I've just been received by the local governor."

"Alright, when your tour is over, make your way to A City to see a patient for me," Lin Xuan instructed calmly.

"I'll leave immediately and buy a plane ticket right now!"

"There's no rush. Come over after you wrap things up."

"Understood! As soon as the lecture is finished, I'll fly straight there!" George was overjoyed.

For him, serving the Sky Dragon Palace Lord was an immense privilege, a chance to bring glory to his lineage.

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