Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C20 I will Marry You Tomorrow
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C20 I will Marry You Tomorrow
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C20 I will Marry You Tomorrow

Lin Xuan dialed the number of Ye Lingtian, a five-star God of War.

This was the same five-star general who had delivered the betrothal gifts to the Pei family.

Under Lin Xuan's command was Martial, one of the four halls within the Sky Dragon Palace and among the twelve grand halls known as "Civil, Martial, Monarch, Minister."

"Ye Lingtian, leverage your connections to disrupt the capital flow of A City Bank. Additionally, shut down all suppliers to Y Corporation!"

"At tomorrow's sealing ceremony, have all their executives kneel and apologize to Pei Qiuyu. If they don't, by the ceremony's end, eliminate them all within A City."

"Yes, Palace Lord! I'll handle it immediately!" The confidence and vigor in his voice were palpable, along with immense reverence for the Sky Dragon Palace Lord.

After hanging up, Lin Xuan turned to his wife, "Tomorrow, they will all kneel before you, begging for forgiveness."

His face was a mask of resolve.

He hadn't anticipated that his attempt to surprise his wife would lead to the Pei family's buffoons stirring up chaos, distressing Qiuyu to the point of tears.

He would show them no mercy.

Upon returning home, Lin Xuan found Pei Qiuyu still weeping at the table.

"Why do they treat me this way after all my efforts? When will these days end?"

Approaching her, Lin Xuan tenderly patted Qiuyu's shoulder, soothing her with heartfelt concern, "Don't cry, my love. These trying times will pass soon."

"I, Lin Xuan, promise you a future filled with joy and happiness. Believe in me."

Pei Qiuyu looked up, her eyes brimming with tears.

Gently, Lin Xuan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Please, no more tears. You're not yourself when you cry."

"Do you find me unattractive?" Pei Qiuyu dabbed at her tears.

"How could I ever find my wife unattractive? You, Lin Xuan's wife, are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Hmph, you always know just what to say," Pei Qiuyu said, feeling somewhat consoled.

"All I want is a stable life. Can you provide that for me?"

"Absolutely. Whatever you desire, I'll make it happen," Lin Xuan assured her, his voice filled with compassion.

My wife is just too kind-hearted.

"Now, what makes me happy is just having a full belly."

"Okay, I'll whip up something for you to eat."

"Mm, go on then. I'm starving."

Lin Xuan headed into the kitchen and got busy.

Before long, he brought out a bowl of piping hot noodles.

"Honey, eat it while it's warm. I added two poached eggs for you."

Pei Qiuyu, famished, grabbed her chopsticks and dug in.

"Is it good, dear?"

"Mhm." A contented smile spread across Pei Qiuyu's face.

Lin Xuan chuckled and shook his head; his kind wife was so easily contented.

Just then, the door burst open.

Lee Moxiang, upon laying eyes on Lin Xuan, fumed, "You worthless excuse for a man, you have the nerve to show your face here!"

"Mom." Pei Qiuyu quickly got to her feet.

"Today, I'm not holding back. I'm going to beat this good-for-nothing to a pulp! If he dies, I'll accept the consequences!"

Lee Moxiang stormed into the kitchen, seized a cleaver, and charged at Lin Xuan.

"Lin Xuan, run for it!" Pei Qiuyu screamed in terror.


Lee Moxiang, brandishing the cleaver, looked ready to chop.

Pei Qiang and Pei Qiuyu were petrified.

"Mom, please, calm down!" Pei Qiang, despite his ailment, managed to grasp Lee Moxiang's wrist.

"Mom, drop the knife!" Pei Qiuyu rushed over and wrested the blade away.

Collapsing into a chair, Lee Moxiang broke down, "I can't take this life anymore..."

"Sob sob sob..."

Pei Qiang soothed her, "The kids are already in a bad way, don't hold it against them."

Lee Moxiang sobbed, "The Pei family never saw us as human, and now Qiuyu has lost everything!"

"Our family is on the brink of ruin... Sob sob sob."

"Mom, we're not the ones who are ruined, they are," Lin Xuan interjected calmly.

"Ha!" Lee Moxiang seethed, "You scum, how can you still have the audacity to leech off Qiuyu?"

"Haven't you done enough damage already?"

"If she'd married Yu Yuxuan, would we be dealing with this mess?"

"The boss's family soared high and turned into phoenixes, while we've been trampled into the mud!"

"Mom! How can you blame Lin Xuan?" Pei Qiuyu argued with conviction. "It's Uncle's family who are the heartless rich. They're the ones who won't end well!"

Lin Xuan chuckled. "Wife, you're absolutely right."

"What's so funny!" Lee Moxiang snapped at the sight of Lin Xuan.

"Listen up, at tomorrow's sealing ceremony, I'm taking Qiuyu to apologize to Grandma and Qiusha's family."

"If they forgive us, our family might just have a lifeline. Tomorrow, you're divorcing Qiuyu, and she'll marry Yu Yuxuan!"

Pei Qiuyu's cheeks flushed. "I wouldn't marry someone like Yu Yuxuan even without Lin Xuan!"

Lee Moxiang let out a weary sigh. "Why won't you listen? I'm not trying to hurt you. Just admit you're wrong tomorrow. We still have a sliver of hope."

Lin Xuan countered, "Qiuyu is definitely attending the sealing ceremony tomorrow because she's the star of the show. And it won't be her apologizing, but those who have wronged her!"

"Enough already!" Lee Moxiang glared at Lin Xuan, her fury barely contained. "Bragging at a time like this? Have you no shame?"

Pei Qiang, trembling, steadied Lee Moxiang. "Come on, let's get you back to take your medicine. I'm worried about your blood pressure."

Muttering curses, Lee Moxiang followed Pei Qiang back inside.

Pei Qiuyu and Lin Xuan exchanged glances.

"Don't let Mom's words get to you."

Tears welled up in Pei Qiuyu's eyes. "She's hit me before, and I never held it against her. I've spent our entire savings over the years to pay for your treatment."

"Mom was once strong-willed, but she sacrificed so much for my sake..."

Lin Xuan nodded. "I understand, sweetheart. I won't resent Mom for any of it."

"You're finished eating, now go get some rest."

After freshening up, Pei Qiuyu, clad in her pink spaghetti-strap nightgown, sat on the edge of the bed looking as nervous as a bride on her wedding night.

"Honey, why aren't you sleeping? What's keeping you up?" Lin Xuan inquired with curiosity.

A blush crept over Pei Qiuyu's face, her pretty features glowing with a charming rosiness in the lamplight.

She felt a bit embarrassed!

Yet, she summoned her courage and ventured, "Tonight, I'd like you to sleep in my bed."

"What?" Lin Xuan was taken aback.

With a shy dip of her head, Pei Qiuyu continued, "We've been married for three years, yet only in name. Tonight, I want to give myself to you for the first time."

"If I belong to you, they won't force me to marry someone else."

"Besides, you've done so much for our family these past three years. I don't want to disappoint you."

Lin Xuan remained silent, prompting Pei Qiuyu to look up, only to find him smiling at her.

"Why are you laughing? Do you find me ridiculous, or do you not desire me?" Pei Qiuyu demanded, her eyes sharp.

Lin Xuan's smile widened as he replied, "Desire you? Of course, I do. But more than that, I want you to be my wife in every sense of the word."

"Therefore, we must attend the sealing ceremony tomorrow. I promise to give you the most magnificent wedding in front of everyone."

What girl doesn't dream of a romantic, unforgettable wedding?

Pei Qiuyu's smile returned, even though she considered Lin Xuan's words to be mere consolation.

But for her, they were more than enough.

"Alright, time for bed, my dear."

With that, Lin Xuan tucked Pei Qiuyu in and returned to his own cot, quickly succumbing to sleep.

Lying in bed, Pei Qiuyu gazed at the ceiling and whispered, "Darling, can you truly give me a grand wedding?"


But when she turned over once more, Lin Xuan was already deep in slumber.

"Ah, perhaps I'm just getting ahead of myself," Pei Qiuyu mused as she rolled over and closed her eyes.

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