Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C28 You Have Eyes but Fail to See
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C28 You Have Eyes but Fail to See
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C28 You Have Eyes but Fail to See

Pei Qiuyu fled the Pei household, tears streaming down her face as she climbed into her car.

Sobbing uncontrollably, she drove away.

"Why does my own family have to bully me? I've never wished harm on anyone, yet it seems everyone is out to get me!"

"Why is this happening to me?"

Her thoughts fueled her anger, and in her distress, she nearly crashed into the car ahead. Startled, she slammed on the brakes.

"What kind of driving is that?"

A stunning woman in a red bodycon dress emerged from the BMW 7 Series ahead.

Approaching Pei Qiuyu's car, she froze in recognition.

"Ah, Qiuyu, it's you?"


The woman, Shih Manli, was Pei Qiuyu's college friend.

Pei Qiuyu offered an embarrassed smile.

"Well, meeting by chance is as good as making an appointment. Let's find a spot to sit down and catch up."

Shih Manli gave Pei Qiuyu's car a once-over and said, "Leave your basic Mercedes on the curb and hop into my ride."

Inside a private room at a five-star bar.

Shih Manli wrapped an arm around Pei Qiuyu and clucked her tongue. "Qiuyu, it pains me to see you like this."

"Turning down a Nine-star General for Lin Xuan? You've really outdone yourself. Do you realize what you've done? You've traded a priceless watermelon for a pile of rotten dog droppings, do you understand?"

Pei Qiuyu forced a bitter smile. "Manli, please, no more. I'm already overwhelmed."

Shih Manli rolled her eyes. "You brought this on yourself. Now, with the company gone and you ousted from the Pei family, what's your next move?"

Pei Qiuyu shook her head. "What can I do but look for a job at another company?"

"You," Shih Manli said, tapping her on the head, "with your credentials and looks, why on earth would you need to job hunt?"

"I think it's not too late for you to change course. I've got some connections with wealthy heirs. Let me set you up with someone decent."

"Look at me, my boyfriend Jia Jun—his company has gone public, and he even set up a beauty salon for me. Plus, he's the one who bought me my BMW."

"That's what life is all about, that's what true enjoyment is, get it? You've got better prospects than me; you should be living it up even more."

"But look at you now, what's become of you?" Shih Manli said, patting her with a look of earnest concern.

Pei Qiuyu sighed, "I'm just not destined for that kind of life."

Shih Manli's eyes widened as she challenged, "Says who? Honestly, I'm at my wit's end with you. Sticking with that loser Lin Xuan? You're squandering your prime years!"

"Lin Xuan is really good to me."

"Pfft. 'Good' to you? Good is when someone can provide material comforts—that's what counts."

"In this day and age, do you think 'good' is just something you talk about? You're quite the character!" Shih Manli shook her head.

Just then, the door to the private room swung open.

Shih Manli's boyfriend, Hu Jiajun, entered with a group of stylishly dressed young men and women.

"Here they are!" Shih Manli stood up and introduced them to Pei Qiuyu one by one.

"Pleased to meet you!"

One of the men in a suit brightened up, "They say seeing is believing, and it's true. Are you the Pei Qiuyu who turned down the Nine-star General yesterday?"

"Indeed, it's this foolish girl," Shih Manli remarked with a hint of frustration.

The suited young man eagerly extended his hand to shake Pei Qiuyu's, "Miss Pei, you did the right thing rejecting the Nine-star General. Anyone in that position is bound to have a whole slew of wives and concubines."

"Marrying into that, you'd likely end up as just another name on the list, alone and neglected. Better to marry a wealthy heir like me—I'd cherish someone as beautiful as you!"

"Exactly!" Shih Manli chimed in quickly, "Qiuyu, he's a good catch. His dad's the head of a leading enterprise, and they own several major companies."

"If you married him, he could just hand you a company to run. Wouldn't that be a breeze?"

Pei Qiuyu responded firmly, "I'm married."

"And what kind of man is your husband?"

Shih Manli scoffed, "A man without any prospects, who lets you suffer—why stick with him? In my opinion, you should divorce him right now and come with us to Young Master Qiu."

Qiu Jiaming oozed sycophancy as he said, "Hehe, I'd be over the moon, Miss Pei. Once we're married, I guarantee I'll treat you even better than my own mother."

Just then, an ill-timed voice cut through the air.

"The affairs of my wife and me are none of your business."

With that, the door swung open and Lin Xuan strode in.

"Wife, we're leaving. This place isn't fit for you."

He reached for Pei Qiuyu's hand as he spoke.

"Let go!"

Pei Qiuyu slapped his hand away. "I've severed ties with the Pei family because of you. Can't you just leave me be for a while and stop bothering me?"

Lin Xuan's gaze softened as he said, "I'm aware of everything. The Pei family may have turned you away, but I'll make them come crawling back to beg for your forgiveness."

"Still full of hot air, I see?" Pei Qiuyu's eyes were rimmed with red.

"Out! This isn't a place for someone like you!"

Shih Manli looked at him with contempt. "You lack the means to give Qiuyu the happiness she deserves. You buzz around her all day like an annoying fly, a complete loser. Isn't that tiresome?"

The room erupted into raucous laughter.

Pointing at Lin Xuan, Qiu Jiaming mocked, "Look at those clothes—straight from a street stall. How do you figure you're our equal? Our tab here could probably give you a heart attack, get it?"

Lin Xuan smirked. These people had no business comparing themselves to the Lord of the Sky Dragon Palace. They were utterly unworthy.

"Did you catch that?" Shih Manli sneered at Lin Xuan. "You've been married to Qiuyu for three years. See any fine jewelry on her? Not a chance."

"It's pathetic for a man to end up like you—a failure among failures."

"Your relationship with Qiuyu is over, you get that?"

Lin Xuan retorted irritably, "You're in no position to judge me."

"Oh, listen to him now! He's got a sense of self-worth?" Qiu Jiaming said, slinging an arm around Lin Xuan, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Here's the thing: without money, you poor folks have no dignity."

"You'll spend your lives under our heels, the wealthy. Can't swallow that fact? It's the truth, got it?"

"Here's your chance. Pour me a drink. I've got a tip for you that could last you half a year."

Qiu Jiaming flaunted a wad of hundred-yuan bills with an air of arrogance.

"See this?"

He tossed the bills onto the table. "Pour me a drink, toast to me, and all this cash is yours."

With a smirk, Shih Manli taunted, "Don't be foolish, okay? Young Master Qiu is offering you an opportunity. Better grab it."

"Yeah, make the toast!"

"Come on, do it!"

The others egged on, chiming in with their jeers.

Lin Xuan's fists tightened. This guy had some nerve, expecting the Sky Dragon Palace Lord to serve him? He must be sick of living!

Pei Qiuyu, noticing Lin Xuan's growing anger, hurried over and urged him, "Lin Xuan, step outside! Don't make a scene here, just go!"

"But wife, they..."

"Get out, did you hear me?!" Pei Qiuyu was clearly frustrated and didn't want to argue.

Reluctantly, Lin Xuan cautioned, "Then, wife, don't drink too much."

"I've got it, now go wait for me outside!"

Pei Qiuyu ushered Lin Xuan out of the private room.

As Lin Xuan turned and had only taken a few steps down the hallway, a figure rushed up to him, bowing deeply at a ninety-degree angle, and spoke with the utmost respect, "Hall Master, what brings you here?"

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