Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C30 Pretentious Young Man
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C30 Pretentious Young Man
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C30 Pretentious Young Man

Upon spotting him, Lee Moxiang hurried over and clasped Qiu Jiaming's hands. "Young Master Qiu, you're Qiuyu's friend, right? Please, I need your help."

Qiu Jiaming nodded reassuringly. "Auntie, rest easy. As Qiuyu's mother, I'm bound to assist you. How much did this company swindle from you?"

"Eighty thousand yuan!"

"Hehe, is that all? It's a trifling matter." Qiu Jiaming couldn't hide his smugness.

"Young Master Qiu, they took me for two hundred thousand yuan!"

"I've lost even more—three hundred thousand yuan earmarked for my son's wedding!"

One by one, the group of elders turned to Qiu Jiaming with their pleas. "Please, have a heart and help us out!"

Qiu Jiaming gestured for calm. "This issue is minor."

With his father's recent connection to a Nine-star General, he was set to wield considerable influence in A City. A mere biotech firm was nothing to him.

He confidently assured Lee Moxiang, "Auntie, worry not. With just a word from me, they'll have no choice but to cough up your money!"

"Oh, what a relief! Young Master Qiu, having a son-in-law like you would be an incredible blessing!" Lee Moxiang couldn't contain her excitement.

"Mom, please!" Pei Qiuyu interjected, clearly displeased.

Lee Moxiang continued, unabashed. "It's the truth. Young Master Qiu is not only handsome but capable too."

She shot a disdainful look at Lin Xuan. "He's leagues beyond that waste of space you married!"

Basking in the glow of his inflated ego, Qiu Jiaming was eager to further belittle her husband in Pei Qiuyu's eyes.

Smiling, he said to Lee Moxiang, "Auntie, let's not be too harsh. Everyone has their circle of friends and connections, right?"

"As Qiuyu's husband, Mr. Lin deserves a chance to prove himself. I wouldn't want to overshadow him."

Lee Moxiang scoffed. "Prove what exactly? He doesn't have any connections worth mentioning."

"He's only good for moving bricks and chanting slogans. What more can he do? He's utterly useless. Don't bother with him—go help Auntie instead."

Qiu Jiaming smirked with satisfaction and mocked, "Well, since Qiuyu's husband lacks the skills, I guess it's up to me to step in."

Lin Xuan gave him a smile. "Young Master Qiu, you're always impressive."

Qiu Jiaming scoffed, "Impressive? It's simple. What kind of man would I be if I couldn't protect a woman?"

He cast a glance at Pei Qiuyu.

But Pei Qiuyu turned her face away, refusing to look at him.

"Heh," Qiu Jiaming chuckled, thinking he was suave as he smoothed back his hair. "Well then, off I go."

"Yes, go on, Young Master Qiu!"

"We're all counting on you!"

Qiu Jiaming surveyed the elders around him and said with a grin, "Helping Qiuyu's mother is the least I can do."

"But you all..."

"We're all friends of Aunt Lee!"

"Exactly, we're on great terms with Aunt Lee!"

Hearing this, Lee Moxiang placed her hands on her hips and retorted, "Baloney! You all went square dancing last time and didn't even invite me!"

"Aunt Lee, next time we'll call you first thing!"

"Absolutely, we won't start without you, okay?"

Overjoyed, Lee Moxiang nodded enthusiastically. "Now you're talking."

Eager to impress Lee Moxiang, Qiu Jiaming extended an invitation, "Auntie, come with me and see for yourself how I handle things."

"Sure, why not! I might even be the first to get the money back!"

Lee Moxiang was ready to accompany him inside when Lin Xuan quickly interjected, "Mom, it's better if you don't go with him. He might not be able to fix this, and it could get messy."

"Get out of my way!"

Seeing Lin Xuan only irritated Lee Moxiang, who snapped, "You're the one without any talent, and now you're envious of Young Master Qiu?"

"If you're so capable, then go ahead and go in. Stop being so small-minded and envious of others' success!"

Qiu Jiaming wore a look of sheer arrogance as he sneered, "If you want respect, you've got to earn it. Men who lack ability and are jealous of others are the most scorned by women."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but laugh in irritation. "I'm not sure where you're getting your confidence from, but fine, I'll just wait here for the great news from Young Master Qiu."

Lin Xuan couldn't be blamed for not warning her. Lee Moxiang had barged in after him, and it was a lesson she'd have to learn on her own.

With the elders looking on with interest, the two approached the entrance.

Qiu Jiaming called out to the security guards at the door, "Who's responsible here? I want them now! Immediately! Go tell them Qiu Jiaming is waiting right here, and they need to refund all these uncles' and aunties' money."

"Or else, they'll have to deal with the consequences!"

"Right on!" The crowd of elders cheered in support.

Qiu Jiaming strutted proudly, his nostrils flaring with triumph.

"Move it! You pack of bullies!" Lee Moxiang chimed in, hands on her hips. "Young Master Qiu is taking charge for us. If you don't give the money back now, you'll regret it!"

The security guards grew anxious. They were clueless about Young Master Qiu's background, but his brimming confidence left them uneasy.

The security chief tried to defuse the situation, "We're just here to guard the door. Please, no need to get aggressive with us."

Lee Moxiang spat in disgust, "That's not the tune you were singing earlier!"

"What's the matter? Now that Young Master Qiu is here, you realize you've met your match and you're playing dumb?"

"If you're not going to handle this, then get someone who will!"

Qiu Jiaming continued his bluster, dripping with condescension, "Get moving. What's this small-time scam operation trying to pull? Don't try to play games with me!"

Given his family's standing in A City, while not at the very top, his father had a wide network of business partners in many sectors.

He certainly had some clout.

What mattered most to him was his belief that his family had recently ascended to the ranks of the Nine-star General, catapulting their status skyward as if by rocket.

With such a perspective, he hardly regarded any financial company as worthy of his attention.

Upon revealing his own illustrious name, would any small-time boss dare to withhold respect?

The head of security, not wishing to fall short in his duties, promptly phoned the boss upstairs.

At that moment, on the second floor, a middle-aged man in a suit with slicked-back hair lounged in an armchair, thumbing through a stack of bills.

This was Qin Hu, also known as Master Hu.

In A City's underworld, he may not have been omnipotent, but he was a figure of note, commanding respect from both the lawful and the lawless.

Just then, his phone buzzed.

Upon answering, he heard the anxious voice of the security guard: "Master Hu, trouble's brewing! A young master claiming to be Qiu Jiaming insists you refund an elderly couple's money immediately, or else he says you'll have to face the consequences!"

"What the—really?"

Qin Hu turned to a bald, tattooed hulk of a man beside him and inquired, "Ever heard of a Qiu Jiaming?"

After a moment's thought, the man replied, "Ah, now I recall, Master Hu. He's the Young Master of Yongqiang Group."

"Yongqiang? The Qiu family?" pressed Qin Hu.

"The very same. Remember, their head honcho, Qiu Fulin, once extended a dinner invitation to you, Master Hu. But you were too busy to attend."

"Ah, now it's coming back to me. That's the one."

Qin Hu scoffed, "The Qiu family is insignificant to me! Even his father would have to bow and respectfully address me as Master Hu!"

"Has this kid lost his mind? Daring to provoke me?"

"Hei-Zi, go and give that clueless wretch a lesson he won't forget!"

"At once, Master Hu!"

The tattooed man cracked his neck, limbered up, and made his way downstairs.

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