Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C33 Blinding Your Eyes
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C33 Blinding Your Eyes
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C33 Blinding Your Eyes

Wang Baifa alone was enough to bring Master Hu to his knees, and his own boss was a figure so revered that Master Hu could only admire from afar, unreachable. And now, he had the audacity to anger this very boss?

Master Hu was shaking in his boots just thinking about it. In a state of fear and trepidation, he couldn't even bring himself to meet Lin Xuan's gaze. With a "plop," he fell to his knees and pleaded, "Mr. Lin, I was wrong! I'm terribly sorry. It was my foolishness that provoked you, and I'm here to offer my sincerest apologies. Please, I beg for your forgiveness!"

Everyone present was stunned.

The notorious Master Hu, groveling at the feet of Lin Xuan, a man they considered a nobody, begging for mercy? And he even referred to himself as Little Tiger!

Even Young Master Qiu, who typically dominated in Master Hu's presence, was nothing compared to this 'nobody' who could bring Master Hu to his knees. Who on earth was Lin Xuan to wield such power?!

Master Hu's own men were equally astonished. They had always looked up to him, proud to be associated with the underground kingpin of A City, Master Hu. Yet here he was, kneeling before this young man, an act that left them utterly speechless.

Lin Xuan wasn't interested in pushing Master Hu to the brink. After all, watching Qiu Jiaming get his comeuppance and his mother-in-law get a well-deserved lesson had been quite satisfying.

"Considering your apology, I'll let you off the hook today," Lin Xuan said to Master Hu.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, thank you..." Master Hu, feeling like he'd just been pardoned, quickly bowed his head in gratitude.

"However," Lin Xuan continued, "the money you swindled from my mother-in-law must be returned in full, with interest."

"Absolutely, Mr. Ye, without question," Master Hu replied hastily. "I'll take care of it at once, right away!" With that, he turned to his henchmen and barked, "Did you hear that? Get moving and fetch the money. If you're slow, I'll break your legs!"

Lee Moxiang was dumbstruck. How many in A City could intimidate a big shot like Master Hu to this degree?

Was this really the same man she had dismissed as her worthless son-in-law?

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's stature in Lee Moxiang's eyes grew immensely, shrouded in an aura of mystery and grandeur.

Even Qiu Jiaming, sporting a face that looked like it had gone a few rounds with a meat tenderizer, was utterly bewildered.

Was this the same Lin Xuan he had written off as a nobody? The very Lin Xuan before whom the notorious Master Hu was now kneeling? Just who was this guy?

Before long, one of Master Hu's underlings emerged, clutching a silver briefcase with a combination lock. Approaching Lee Moxiang with shaky hands, he stammered, "Ma'am, here's your initial investment of eighty thousand, plus the promised dividends, totaling one hundred and fifty thousand."


Master Hu barked sharply, "You think you can waste Ma'am's valuable time without compensation? With interest, you owe three hundred thousand. Consider it a token of my respect."

He then turned to Lin Xuan, seeking approval with a sycophantic smile, "Mr. Lin, does this solution meet with your approval?"

Lin Xuan responded coolly, "It's acceptable."

Lee Moxiang was stunned.

When had her good-for-nothing son-in-law become so influential?

Not only had he secured the original sum and dividends, but Master Hu had thrown in an extra one hundred and fifty thousand out of fear of displeasing him?

Lee Moxiang was beside herself with excitement, hardly able to trust her own ears.

Suddenly, the sting from her earlier altercation seemed to vanish.

As Lee Moxiang pocketed a cool three hundred thousand yuan—two hundred and twenty thousand more than her original investment—the other seniors in the room struggled to contain their excitement.

Even a few extra thousand would have been welcome, but now they were looking at a full refund of their principal plus interest!

They eagerly inquired, "Master Hu, you'll be refunding our money too, right?"

Master Hu was reluctant to part with the cash that had barely warmed his pocket, but with the formidable Lin Xuan in the mix, he wasn't about to choose money over his life.

"Refund! Full refunds for everyone!"

With a grimace, Master Hu declared, "Out of respect for Mr. Lin today, I'll return every penny of your principal and interest!"

"That's fantastic!"

"What a relief!"

The elderly crowd was so elated they were nearly ready to break into a spontaneous dance right there in the square.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan interjected, "Who said anything about giving them a refund?"

"Out of consideration for me? I only mentioned refunding my mother-in-law. These people are none of my concern. On what grounds do you invoke my name?"

Master Hu's frame shook as he quickly inquired, "Mr. Lin, I'm a bit lost here... Could you clarify, please?"

Lin Xuan responded coolly, "Do I really need to spell it out? You're being foolish! These people are not my responsibility. Refund them if you wish, or don't—it's your call."

These seniors had been taunting me and enjoying the spectacle. Not making them kneel and apologize was already a generous gesture on my part. Why should I bother helping them reclaim their debts?

I'm certainly no saint, not so virtuous as to repay spite with kindness!

Master Hu caught on at once; refunding the money to these elders would only serve to displease the influential Mr. Lin.

So, the money absolutely could not be returned to them!

"Got it, Mr. Lin, I'm clear now!"

He joyfully instructed his men, "Refund the money only to Mr. Lin's mother-in-law. No one else gets a dime!"

"Why not?" The previously jubilant elders were now utterly bewildered.

"If you refuse, we're going to the police!"

"That's right, to the police!"

Two individuals boldly stepped forward to declare.

One of Master Hu's men retorted icily, "Call the police? The Chief of Patrol is on first-name terms with Master Hu."

Master Hu commanded with a frosty tone, "Who was talking just now? Bring them in for some 'hospitality.'"

"Understood, Master Hu!"

With that, several enforcers grabbed the two outspoken old ladies by their hair and dragged them into the building.

The rest were struck dumb, some collapsing to the ground in tears.

Those two old ladies had been the most vocal in ridiculing Lin Xuan, their words cheap and plentiful.

They pleaded loudly for Lin Xuan's help, but he ignored their cries.

How quickly these garrulous elders had changed their tune from insults to pleas for mercy. To hell with that!

Witnessing Lin Xuan's formidable presence, Boss Qiang and those previously on the receiving end of Lin Xuan's wrath crawled over, kneeling to offer their apologies.

"Mr. Lin, we failed to see the greatness before us. Please, have mercy and forgive our ignorance," they pleaded.

Lin Xuan regarded them coolly. "Earlier, you were disrespectful. What did I tell you then?"

"We get it, we truly do!"

The men turned and scurried over to kneel before Pei Qiuyu, begging, "We spoke out of turn and offended you, Miss. We're deeply sorry; we deserve the worst..."

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Leading by example, Boss Qiang began to slap his own face, and the thugs followed suit, each striking their own cheeks.

Pei Qiuyu watched, dumbfounded, and turned to Lin Xuan, unsure of how to react.

Lin Xuan offered a slight smile and said, "Wife, it's your call. When you say stop, they'll stop."

"Oh..." Pei Qiuyu nodded, still in a daze.

The air was thick with cries and sobs, grating on Master Hu's nerves. He bellowed, "Shut your traps! Any more noise, any more irritation for Mr. Lin, and I'll toss the lot of you into the river!"

The elders fell silent in terror, not even daring to breathe too loudly.

Noticing Qiu Jiaming's bewildered look, Master Hu inquired of Lin Xuan, "Mr. Lin, is this Young Master Qiu a friend of yours?"

Snapping to reality, Qiu Jiaming pleaded desperately, "Lin Xuan, I realize my mistake. Please, intercede with Master Hu on my behalf!"

Without sparing him a glance, Lin Xuan coolly told Master Hu, "I don't know this man. Do as you wish with him; don't worry about my feelings."

Master Hu caught on quickly and commanded his men, "To hell with it, why waste an hour on self-slapping? Just get on with it and beat him until it's enough!"

Terrified, Qiu Jiaming implored, "Mr. Lin, I was blind and foolish. Please, I'm begging you to save me..."

Lin Xuan's voice was icy as he retorted, "I never sought you out, never provoked you. And because you saw me as worthless, you thought you could target my wife? Your epiphany comes too late."

Crushed, Qiu Jiaming's world seemed to crumble as he wept, "I truly realize my mistake. Please, have Master Hu spare me..."

Master Hu barked sharply, "Enough of your endless babbling! You've annoyed Mr. Lin, you clueless fool!"

Turning to his henchmen, he snapped, "What are you waiting for? Silence him!"

The enforcers, in a flurry, rushed forward and seized Qiu Jiaming by the hair, unleashing a barrage of slaps across his face.

In an instant, the sound of slaps echoed sharply and crisply through the air.

Master Hu, still ingratiating himself, inquired of Lin Xuan with a nod and a bow, "Mr. Lin, are you pleased with how Little Tiger handled this?"

"It'll do," Lin Xuan responded with a nod. "Let's leave it at that."

Not missing a beat, Master Hu presented his business card to Lin Xuan with both hands, eager to make the most of the moment. "Here's my number. Should you require anything down the line, just say the word, and Little Tiger will be at your service in a heartbeat!"


Lin Xuan casually pocketed the business card.

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