Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C35 Shameful Mother
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C35 Shameful Mother
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C35 Shameful Mother

The manager was confident in his assessment. How could an ordinary woman who shops for groceries possibly possess an elite custom black gold card?

Furthermore, the fact that she was queuing with such a card in hand made it clear it wasn't hers. She must have found it or worse, stolen it!

At that moment, Lee Moxiang was waiting at the service window, while those lined up behind her were growing restless.

"What's the hold-up? If you're not here for business, step aside and don't delay us!"

"Exactly. We've been waiting forever for our turn, and now we're stuck here because of you. What's the deal?"

The murmurs of discontent rose from the crowd.

Lee Moxiang was becoming anxious when she noticed a teller and a sharply dressed man approaching briskly.

"That's her!"

The teller pointed at Lee Moxiang, her voice stripped of any earlier courtesy.

The manager cast a glance at Lee Moxiang and his face turned stern. "Ma'am, please come with us."

"What's this about?" Lee Moxiang was clearly bewildered.

"Just come along, don't make us wait!" someone from the line called out impatiently.

The teller then explained, "Your card is actually a VIP card. We'll handle your transaction inside."

"A VIP card?" Lee Moxiang was taken aback.

The teller and manager exchanged a smug look. Her ignorance about the card's purpose only confirmed their suspicions that it wasn't hers.

As Lee Moxiang rose to her feet, two security guards promptly followed her.

"What's going on?" she asked the guards, startled.

"It's for your protection," the manager said with a sneer.

No sooner had she entered the manager's office than she was forcibly seated by the security guards.

"What's the meaning of this?" Lee Moxiang exclaimed, taken aback by their rough handling.

"Stay calm!" barked the security guard.

The manager's sneer deepened. "You've got quite the nerve, ma'am!"

Confused, Lee Moxiang inquired, "What have I done wrong?"

"Cut the act!"

The teller's face twisted into a sneer as she appraised Lee Moxiang with a scornful gaze.

Dressed head to toe in bargain market finds, her entire outfit not even totaling two hundred yuan, how could she brazenly use a black gold card to set herself up for a fall?

"Spill it, where did you pick up this card, or did you steal it?"


Lee Moxiang was startled. The idea of being associated with theft had never crossed her mind.

Her family was struggling, but she was raised to know that no matter how tough times got, stealing was never an option.

"Girl, what are you babbling about?"

Lee Moxiang tried to reason with the teller.

"You're still trying to argue your case?"

The teller's demeanor shifted instantly. "At your age, engaging in such acts, aren't you ashamed of disgracing your family?"

His words struck a nerve in Lee Moxiang.

"This card is mine. Stop falsely accusing me!" Lee Moxiang's face turned red as she protested.

The manager gestured dismissively at the teller, "There's a proper way to handle people like her."

He then looked at Lee Moxiang with a knowing gaze and said, "Ma'am, you might have been exploited by criminals. Just tell us the truth, and we'll consider the circumstances in how we handle this."

"Otherwise, we'll have no choice but to turn you over to the authorities."

Lee Moxiang replied anxiously, "Me? I haven't done anything wrong! You can't wrongfully accuse an innocent person!"

"I want to go home. I'm not depositing anymore. Just let me leave!"

As Lee Moxiang attempted to rise, two security guards forcefully kept her seated, warning, "You'd better stay put, or you're going to regret it!"

"Release me, let me go..."

In the midst of her struggle, a security guard stepped up and delivered a slap.

"Stop your damn squirming!"

Instantly, Lee Moxiang's face bore five crimson marks from the slap.

She was in shock.

Never in her life had she been subjected to such humiliation.

The slap was an assault not just on her cheek, but a deep wound to her dignity.

With tears brimming in her eyes, Lee Moxiang shouted indignantly, "You dare to hit me! I won't let this go! Ah!"

Her eyes blazing, Lee Moxiang continued to struggle and scream.

"Pin her down on the ground!"

The manager directed the security guard with a sense of urgency, "We need to teach this lunatic a lesson!"

"Get over there, now!"

Gritting their teeth, the two security guards pinned Lee Moxiang face down to the floor with force.

In the process, one of Lee Moxiang's teeth was knocked out, and blood began to pour from the corner of her mouth.


"Why are you doing this to me?"

Tears of humiliation streaked down Lee Moxiang's cheeks.

"On what grounds?"

The teller scoffed, "Age doesn't command respect when you're involved in shady dealings. You know exactly how you got this card, don't you?"

"Do we really need to spell it out for you?"

"This kind of black gold card requires a minimum deposit of one billion! You think you can just waltz in here with it and fool us? Do you take us for fools?"

What, one billion?!!

Lee Moxiang shuddered. Could there really be one billion yuan on this card?

Noticing Lee Moxiang's shocked expression, the manager smirked, "Caught off guard, aren't you?"

"Thankfully, we caught on in time to prevent any loss."

The manager was inwardly triumphant. Assisting the police in cracking such a major case was a feather in his cap.

The bank was set to reward him with a promotion and a raise, and if he could connect with the esteemed owner of the card, his career prospects could soar to new heights.

"Spill it, who's pulling your strings? How many more are in your group? Talk!"

While speaking, the manager yanked Lee Moxiang's hair, pulling her head up, his face twisted with revulsion.

"I need to call my daughter, wuu..." Lee Moxiang's voice quivered, tears flowing uncontrollably.

"Ah, so your daughter is in on this too!"

The manager nodded smugly. "Good, make the call. I'm going to round up all you criminals at once!"


Pei Qiuyu was busy with her transition at Y Corporation.

Her colleagues, sad to see her leave, were engaged in warm farewells.

Then her phone rang.

"Mom, have you finished making the deposit?"

Before she could finish, a plaintive sob came through the phone, and Pei Qiuyu's face fell. "What's wrong, Mom? What happened?"

"What? You were attacked at the bank? I've got it, Mom—please don't cry."

Lin Xuan, overhearing the conversation, immediately furrowed his brow in concern.

"I'm on my way. Hang in there, Mom!"

Pei Qiuyu hung up the phone and turned to Lin Xuan, "My mom, she..."

"I understand. We need to hurry!"

Lin Xuan snatched the car keys from the table, and they both dashed out of the office.

Their Mercedes-Benz roared to life, speeding toward the bank with urgency.

Tears streamed down Pei Qiuyu's face as they drove. "My mom's always been so resilient. I've never seen her suffer such indignity..."

"They're accusing her of stealing a card without any proof. She must be feeling so helpless right now."

Lin Xuan's foot pressed the gas pedal to the floor, the car's speedometer hitting 120 miles per hour.

Inside the bank manager's office.

Lee Moxiang was disheveled, her face smeared with streaks of blood, sobbing uncontrollably on the floor.

The manager eyed her with disdain, "Once your daughter arrives, we'll take both of you to the precinct."

"Xiao Li, you've outdone yourself this time. Expect a bonus on your paycheck this month."

"Thank you, manager!" The teller's face lit up with glee.

She then turned to Lee Moxiang with scorn, "You old fool, why stoop to such disgraceful acts?"

"And your daughter is no better..."


Her words were cut short as the office door was violently kicked open.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The security guard started to rise, reaching for his baton.



Lin Xuan landed a kick on each of them, sending them sprawling.

"Help! Somebody help!"

The manager and the teller, terrified, turned white as they screamed for assistance.

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