Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C37 No One Can Stop You
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C37 No One Can Stop You
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C37 No One Can Stop You

Upon returning home, Pei Qiuyu tenderly dabbed Lee Moxiang's wound with iodine, tears streaming down her face as she did so.

"Mom, is it very painful?"

"I'm okay, sweetheart."

Lee Moxiang tenderly wiped away the tears from Pei Qiuyu's eyes.

Witnessing the tender moment between mother and daughter, Lin Xuan was deeply touched.

"Lin Xuan, I need to ask you! Why do you have that black gold card?"

Lee Moxiang suddenly turned to Lin Xuan, her voice filled with urgency.

Lin Xuan replied, "I already told you, Director Wang gave it to me."

"Director Wang? Why would he give you such a high-value card? The minimum balance is a billion! How could that be?"

Lee Moxiang pressed for an answer.

Pei Qiuyu looked intently at Lin Xuan, waiting for his response.

Lin Xuan spoke with ease, "Qiuyu is aware of the card as well."

"Director Wang provided it to facilitate transfers into Y Corporation's account."

"Mom, given the Pei family's unpredictability, managing the funds separately helps us avoid unnecessary complications."

Lee Moxiang found herself nodding in agreement.

Lin Xuan added, "Regarding the card, it's actually empty now."

"Someone of Director Wang's stature, with his large enterprises, wouldn't deal with low-limit cards."

"That's the whole story."

Lee Moxiang finally understood; it had all been a misunderstanding.

With this realization, she felt a wave of emotion. If Lin Xuan hadn't shown up when he did, who knows what she might have endured.

Especially his words, "How dare you hit my mother!"

For years, the word "Mom" had been a term of endearment that resonated with her deeply.

"Mom, I'm so sorry you had to go through this," Lin Xuan said once more.

"You're not to blame. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm the one who should be thanking you."

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from the bedroom.

Startled, Lee Moxiang hurried toward the noise.


Pei Qiuyu, sensing trouble, quickly followed her into the bedroom.

As soon as they walked in, they found Pei Qiang paralyzed on the floor, convulsing.


Lee Moxiang cried out, rushing to lift Pei Qiang.

Pei Qiang continued to convulse. He was furious and guilt-ridden, knowing his wife had been mistreated and feeling powerless to protect her. His anger triggered a recurrence of his old ailment.

"Quick, get your dad to the hospital!" Lee Moxiang's eyes brimmed with tears as she urged.

Lin Xuan hurriedly picked up Pei Qiang, while Pei Qiuyu grabbed the car keys, and the family dashed out the door.

Before long, Lee Moxiang was supporting Pei Qiang into the back seat of the car, with Pei Qiuyu in the passenger seat, and Lin Xuan behind the wheel, driving away.

Just then, a Range Rover pulled up at the neighborhood entrance.

A fat man with a chunky gold chain and a puffy face stepped out, clutching a bag.

"Dad, is it alright to park here?" his son asked, getting out of the car.

Soong Daguang glanced at the Range Rover and grinned, "It's perfectly parked."

"I wouldn't bother coming to this rundown place if it weren't for meeting your girlfriend's parents."

"Just look at these clunkers, black cabs, and beaters. Not a single one's worth over two hundred thousand."

"No worries! Let them be envious if they want to, they're stuck with what they have."

With that, he strutted into the building.

Moments after they went in, Lin Xuan's car approached, blocked by the parked vehicle. He honked twice, to no avail.

Lee Moxiang and Pei Qiuyu were frantic.

"Who would park their car like this, blocking the way?"

"How are we supposed to get through?"

Hearing the commotion, a security guard emerged from the duty room.

"Whose car is this? Get them to move it!" Lin Xuan demanded.

The security guard glanced at the license plate and dialed the number.

After a few rings, someone answered.

"Your car is blocking the way. Could you please move it so others can pass?" the guard said politely, aware that the owner of a Land Rover was not someone he could afford to upset.

"Wait a sec, I've still got some business to wrap up here. Once I'm done, I'll be on my way. Tell them to hold on!"

Soong Daguang ended the call with those words.

He couldn't hide his smugness at the thought of showing off in front of his future in-laws.

His Land Rover stretch model, worth a cool 2 million, was a recent purchase on loan. How could he resist flaunting it?

Who would dare lay a finger on it? A single scratch, and they'd be paying through the nose.

[Just you wait!]

The security guard, with a look of resignation, relayed the message: "The other party says you'll need to wait a bit longer. He's tied up at the moment."

Lin Xuan's face fell. 'Wait for your grandfather! Why park in the way if you're busy? This is just asking for trouble!'

'Think you're the big shot just because you drive a beat-up Land Rover?'

"What do we do now? Should we just leave the car and take a cab?" Pei Qiuyu suggested, clearly worried.

What could ordinary folks like them do against such obstinacy?

Lee Moxiang was also reaching for the car door.

"Mom, Qiuyu, nobody move!"

"Exiting here and hailing a cab on the roadside would take forever," Lin Xuan interjected.

"But if we can't get through..."

Lee Moxiang's protest was cut short as Lin Xuan shifted into gear and revved the engine.

"Lin Xuan, what are you planning?" Pei Qiuyu asked, her voice tinged with alarm.

"Boom! Bang!"

Lin Xuan drove straight into the Land Rover's rear bumper, denting it with a single strike.

"Lin Xuan! Have you lost your mind?!"

Pei Qiuyu exclaimed in shock.

Her car was new, and the other vehicle was a high-end model. A collision meant shelling out cash!

With an even tone, Lin Xuan declared, "He asked for it!"

He then reversed and rammed the Land Rover a second time, this time pushing it against a roadside tree, shattering its front end.

Lin Xuan then drove off, leaving the scene behind.

The security guards were dumbfounded. This... this was just too damn wild!

A brand new, unregistered Land Rover Range Rover, and he just smashed it like that?

The rear of the car was completely wrecked, and the ground was littered with fragments.

Residents in the complex had heard the crash from their apartments.

Crowding at their windows, they peered down, dazzled by the spectacle.

Some even snapped photos and shared them on WeChat Moments:

"Never thought I'd see the day! A Mercedes-Benz slamming into a Land Rover, is there anything more outrageous?"

"That's what you get for showing off, parking without any regard at the intersection. The Land Rover owner must be in shock after encountering such audacity!"

"Feeling less cocky now? Thought you were the big shot with your beat-up Land Rover, didn't you? Now you're done for!"

Below the posts, many people hit 'like,' and some even commented with "Hahaha."

The consensus was clear; everyone sided with the bold driver who put the Land Rover owner in their place!

Meanwhile, inside the car, Pei Qiuyu and her family were abuzz with excitement.

Though Pei Qiuyu didn't fully condone Lin Xuan's actions,

she knew he had acted out of concern for his father.

She kept her thoughts to herself, but her heart swelled with emotion.

She didn't want to dwell on the aftermath; getting Pei Qiang to the hospital was the top priority.

Lee Moxiang was visibly worried. "Lin Xuan, do we have insurance for our car?"

"Are we going to be held fully liable for the damage to the other vehicle?"

"Mom, the most important thing is getting Dad to the hospital. Let's not fuss over the car," Lin Xuan replied nonchalantly.

It took another ten minutes or so.

Soong Daguang, his son, his son's girlfriend, and her family finally sauntered out of the apartment complex.

The girlfriend's mother was the same neighbor who had snidely commented to Lee Moxiang before.

Strutting ahead, Soong Daguang boasted with a smug grin, "I've just pulled some strings to get my son a job at the Union Bank Headquarters. He's got a golden ticket now! I paid in full for a brand-new Range Rover, and it'll be their wedding present!"

"That's wonderful, dear in-laws," the neighbor lady chuckled. "My neighbor dropped a fortune on a Mercedes-Benz and couldn't stop flaunting it. Now, I'll have the last laugh!"

"A Mercedes worth over 400,000 yuan? Can that even be driven? I wouldn't even let my dog drive that! It's obvious it's just a poor man's attempt at showing off!"

Soong Daguang sneered, "My Land Rover could leave it in the dust by several blocks! It's a total knockout!"

He had barely walked a few steps when he noticed a crowd gathered at the intersection ahead.

Rushing over to see what happened, they found the Land Rover by the roadside nearly reduced to junk...

"My car!! What the heck happened?!"

"We haven't even finished paying off the loan, and it's already wrecked?" blurted out Soong Daguang's son in his panic.

Mid-sentence, the car's front grille dropped to the ground with a loud crash.

Soong Daguang nearly choked on his own blood, almost passing out right there and then.

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