Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C39 The Outcome of a Slut
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C39 The Outcome of a Slut
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C39 The Outcome of a Slut

"Don't you dare leave!"

Lin Xuan glared at Wu Jiahui, his voice sharp with authority. "I'm going to have a word with the person in charge here. What kind of hiring practices do you have that someone like you is allowed to work here?"

"Oh, you dare insult me? You must have a death wish!" Wu Jiahui bristled with fury, yelling, "Security! Where is security?!"

The sound of hurried footsteps filled the air as several security guards scrambled toward the commotion.

They all knew better than to cross Wu Jiahui. Her affair with a hospital executive was the worst kept secret around, and how she climbed to the role of deputy director was no mystery to anyone.

With a commanding tone, Wu Jiahui barked, "This man is causing a disturbance. Throw him out at once!"

The security guards moved to act, but a sudden shout stopped them in their tracks. "Stop! Nobody move!"

A middle-aged man in a crisply tailored suit with a receding hairline rushed toward the scene in a fluster. It was Chen Ping, the hospital director.

The staff had never seen their usually composed director so rattled. But Chen Ping was indeed in a state of panic. Moments earlier, he had received a call from his superior, the head of the Ministry of Health, informing him that a VIP named Lin Xuan was bringing his father-in-law, who had suffered a stroke, to be admitted to the ICU. He was instructed to personally attend to them and warned that any slip-up would cost him his job.

What kind of VIP was Lin Xuan to warrant such urgency?

Chen Ping had dropped everything to rush over, knowing that failing to handle this situation could mean the end of his career.

Wu Jiahui's shock was evident as she turned to see Director Chen approaching in such a state of disarray. What could possibly make the head of the hospital this frantic?

"Excuse me, which one of you is Mr. Lin, Lin Xuan?" Chen Ping asked, his voice quivering with anxiety.

Everyone, from Wu Jiahui to the doctor and the security guards, was left speechless. The director, who usually commanded the hospital with unwavering certainty, was visibly shaken, his voice betraying his panic.

Lin Xuan spoke in a subdued tone, "That would be me."

Chen Ping hastened to Lin Xuan's side, bowing deeply with the utmost respect. "Mr. Lin, my apologies for the delay. I hope you can forgive my tardiness."

A wave of astonishment swept through the onlookers once more.

Pei Qiuyu and Lee Moxiang were visibly taken aback.

Wu Jiahui stood there, dumbfounded!

She was incredulous that the esteemed hospital director was bowing so deferentially to someone she deemed worthless.

Yet, the scene was unfolding right before her eyes, sending a jolt of surprise through her.

In swift response, Chen Ping secured the finest ICU room for Pei Qiang, sparing no expense on the best imported medications and assigning the hospital's top attending physician to oversee his treatment.

As Pei Qiang's condition began to stabilize, Pei Qiuyu and her family finally breathed easier.

Wu Jiahui had witnessed it all, her mind racing. "What kind of clout does Lin Xuan have to command such respect from Director Chen? To mobilize the hospital's premier resources and personnel for Pei Qiuyu's father's care?"

"Surely, they won't hold a grudge for my earlier mockery and indifference to their plight?"

Realizing the gravity of her previous behavior, Wu Jiahui quickly donned a sycophantic smile, addressing Pei Qiuyu with feigned concern, "Qiuyu, it's such a relief to hear your father's condition is improving!"

"As old classmates, I share in the joy of his recovery!"

Could she truly believe that Pei Qiuyu would be saintly enough to overlook her earlier transgressions based on a few placating words?

Upon hearing her, Chen Ping inquired with a hint of excitement, "Xiao Wu, you're classmates with Mrs. Lin?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Wu Jiahui affirmed eagerly. "Qiuyu and I were very close in college; we even shared a dorm room!"

"How wonderful, and yet you've never mentioned this before?" Director Chen remarked with a chuckle.

Wu Jiahui, slightly embarrassed but undeterred, replied, "I prefer to keep a low profile."

"Ah, commendable indeed. Shortly, submit an application, and I'll promote you to head of the department, with a three-level bump in rank!"

Upon hearing the news, Wu Jiahui nearly passed out with delight.

Her current role as the assistant director of logistics was nothing more than a placeholder position. Being promoted to head of the department not only meant wielding actual authority, but her salary and benefits had multiplied several times over!

"Thank you, Director..."

She was cut off as Lin Xuan's expression turned stern, and he asked icily, "Director Chen, are you aware of Wu Jiahui's relationship with us?"

Chen Ping, mistaking Lin Xuan's displeasure for dissatisfaction with his decision, replied anxiously, "Mr. Lin, if you're not pleased, then how about we promote Wu to vice director?"

"The process might be a bit complex, but I assure you, it's manageable. I'll handle it!"

Wu Jiahui was so overwhelmed with emotion that she nearly burst into tears.

From a minor assistant director, she was about to become the deputy director in a heartbeat!

She was on the verge of joining the hospital's elite leadership circle.

Aside from the chief physician and the secretary, she would be the top-ranking official!

It was like ascending to the heavens in one leap!

However, Lin Xuan's face clouded over as he said, "What kind of dean are you?"

Chen Ping was filled with dread at his tone. "What... You're still not satisfied?"

Lin Xuan explained, "We were in dire need of a ward, so my wife, Pei Qiuyu, reached out to Wu Jiahui for assistance."

"But this woman scorned and shamed me and my family, disregarding my father-in-law's wellbeing and even had the audacity to have security remove us."

"And you're considering promoting her to vice director? Are you deliberately opposing me?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Ping's heart skipped a beat.

Had he misjudged the situation and actually made things worse?

Wu Jiahui, of all people to cross, had to provoke a major player.

He then turned to Wu Jiahui, his anger palpable.

Wu Jiahui shivered in fear.

With a sharp "Slap!" he struck Wu Jiahui across the face, berating her, "You ingrate, how dare you cross Mr. Lin? Are you trying to ruin me?"

Trembling uncontrollably, Wu Jiahui wept, "Director, I had no idea. I'm so sorry."

Chen Ping was well aware that Wu Jiahui lacked the credentials to be a doctor; her rise was solely due to nepotism and sleeping her way to the top. Yet, she had the nerve to cause him such a headache!

Enraged, Chen Ping delivered another slap that sent her sprawling. He bellowed, "You blind fool! Get on your knees and beg Mr. and Mrs. Lin for forgiveness!"

Terrified, Wu Jiahui dropped to her knees before Lin Xuan and Pei Qiuyu, pleading, "Qiuyu, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. You can hit me if you want."

Qiuyu inhaled sharply, "Hitting you would only sully my hands. To think, you've gone this far against a fellow classmate. I can't even bear to deal with you!"

Desperate, Wu Jiahui clung to Lin Xuan's legs, sobbing, "Mr. Lin, I've made terrible mistakes. I'm begging you, please intercede with the dean on my behalf. I realize my wrongs, wuu..."

Lin Xuan scoffed, "You brought this upon yourself. People like you, escaping punishment? The very thought is an affront to justice."

Hearing this, Wu Jiahui was struck with fear and wept bitterly, "I truly understand my errors. Please, have mercy on me..."

"Mr. Lin is fed up with you, and you're still here wasting our time!" Chen Ping shouted. "You've soiled Mr. Lin's pants, you wretch! Security, get her out of here!"

"I'm putting you on the industry-wide blacklist immediately. Let's see which hospital dares to employ you now—they'll be crossing me, Chen Ping!"

With that, several security guards entered and dragged her away. Wu Jiahui tried to resist, prompting Chen Ping to snap, "What's wrong with you all? Can't handle one woman?"

"If she won't leave willingly, force her out!"

The security guards, now frantic, exclaimed, "Damn it, don't drag us down with you!"

"Come on, guys, let's move!"

Wu Jiahui was accustomed to throwing her weight around, bossing the security guards as she pleased. But with the dean's directive in hand, they were not about to let her off easy. The guards pinned Wu Jiahui down and unleashed a barrage of kicks.

Amidst the chaos, Wu Jiahui's howls of agony echoed through the air.

"Serves you right!" Lee Moxiang spat at her disdainfully.

Lin Xuan felt no sympathy for her whatsoever, and Pei Qiuyu coldly turned a blind eye.

Chen Ping addressed Lin Xuan with deference, "Mr. Lin, are you content with how the situation has been handled?"

Lin Xuan nodded, "It's acceptable. I expect the hospital to take great care of my father-in-law."


Chen Ping stood at attention and assured him, "Please be completely at ease, we will spare no effort in ensuring Old Master's recovery."

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