Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C41 A Selfinflicted Wound
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C41 A Selfinflicted Wound
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C41 A Selfinflicted Wound

Startled by the commotion outside, Lee Moxiang's heart skipped a beat.

"Could it be the person we hit is at our doorstep?"

Zhou Tao and the others furrowed their brows, clueless about the earlier incident.

Then, another shout pierced the air from outside, "They're too scared to come out!"

"Break down the door!"

"Please, don't break it—I'm opening the door..."

Lee Moxiang's voice trembled with fear as she hurriedly responded.

"Open it now!"

The moment Lee Moxiang swung the door open, Yang Xiang was there, pointing and berating her, "How could you, Lee Moxiang! You had the audacity to hit my in-law's car?"

"Do you have any idea what that Land Rover is worth? Selling your whole family wouldn't cover the cost!"

Yang Xiang's uproar drew a crowd of neighbors, exactly what she wanted. The more onlookers, the more triumphant she felt.

In her eyes, with Soong Daguang backing her, Lee Moxiang's family was less than insignificant.

Soong Daguang glared at Lee Moxiang, demanding, "Was it your family who damaged my car?"

"Who was driving? Have them come here, kneel, and apologize to me first. I'll start by giving them a dozen slaps!"

"And you might as well brace yourself for bankruptcy!" Yang Xiang added, "That Land Rover is the latest model, over two million yuan! Now it's a total wreck!"

Lee Moxiang shuddered at the thought. The car was worth over two million yuan?

There was no way she could pay for that.

But the person they were looking for was Lin Xuan, and it was his driving that caused the accident. There was no escaping this.

"Soong Daguang?"

Caught in her dilemma, Lee Moxiang heard the voice of Director Xiao Liu from behind.

"Liu... Director Liu?"

Soong Daguang was taken aback, "What brings you here?"

He had pulled strings to secure a bank position for his son through Director Liu.

But what business did a respected bank director have in this neighborhood?

Soong Daguang quickly beckoned his son, "Xiao Guang, come here, it's time to meet Director Liu!"

"Kid, you're under Director Liu's wing now. Don't dawdle—come and pay your respects!"

His son approached with a meek nod and greeted, "Hello, Chair Liu."

"What? You two know each other?" Lee Moxiang asked, taken aback.

Sensing the tension between Soong Daguang and Lee Moxiang, Chair Liu clarified, "Soong Daguang had someone reach out to me about getting his son a position at our bank."

"However, we haven't completed the vetting process, and I haven't agreed to hire him yet."

What were these bank executives thinking?

Lee Moxiang had just about come around to accepting an apology, and here was Soong Daguang stirring up trouble.

You're out of luck! The whole bank shouldn't suffer because of you.

"But, Chair Liu, you had already given us your word..." Soong Daguang pleaded, his forehead beaded with sweat.

Chair Liu replied sternly, "What exactly did I promise you?"

"Our bank isn't open to just anyone. You have to pass the assessment, got it?"

Soong Daguang swallowed hard, knowing he had to bite his tongue for now. This discussion would have to wait.

If he pushed further, his son's job opportunity might be doomed.

Switching gears, he said, "Director, we didn't come to discuss that. It's about..."

"What is it?!" Chair Liu demanded, his face darkening.

Soong Daguang spoke meekly, "Chair Liu, the thing is, their family damaged my car..."

"How shameless of you! You deliberately parked in the middle of the road, blocking everyone. That's why our car couldn't get through!"

"Exactly! Someone finally gave us some justice by hitting your car! You had no right to block the way like that."

"I was wondering why he was so domineering. Turns out he's got high-level connections!"

"What's he got to be proud of? If it comes to it, we'll just stop depositing money at his bank!"

"Right, there are plenty of other places to bank. We won't contribute to their arrogance!"

The surrounding neighbors were all voicing their outrage.

Soong Daguang had clearly incited the crowd's wrath.

At that moment, Chair Liu looked visibly distressed.

After all, there were higher-ups like the branch and head managers behind him!

And from the sounds of it, the incident had already tarnished the reputation of A City Alliance Bank.

Director Zhou Tao approached with a stern expression and inquired, "Liu, what's the situation here?"

Chair Liu, visibly shaken and breaking into a sweat, responded hastily, "Director, I assure you, I'll handle this."

"Hmm, handle it poorly, and I'll have you removed from your post," Zhou Tao stated gravely.

Chair Liu nodded vigorously, then turned to Lee Moxiang with a bow. "Ms. Lee, my sincerest apologies for the disturbance. Please, leave the resolution of this matter to me."

Soong Daguang and the others were watching every move and hanging on every word.

Soong Daguang's legs turned to jelly from fear. He had pulled strings and spent a significant sum to secure his son a position at the bank. If Chair Liu so much as uttered a word against them, not only would the money be wasted, but his son's hard-earned job would be at risk.

Yang Xiang was equally stunned. What was Lee Moxiang's connection to this high-ranking bank official? How did she have the clout to make a senior director bow to her with such deference?

"I'll pay for your car—how much was it?" Chair Liu declared, brandishing a checkbook and flinging a check at Soong Daguang. It hit his face before fluttering to the ground.

Soong Daguang, terrified, quickly picked up the check and offered it back to Chair Liu with both hands. "Chair Liu, I couldn't possibly accept..."

"What are you afraid of now?" Chair Liu retorted icily. "As of this moment, I declare that Song Xiaoguang does not meet the qualifications to join our institution."

"Our standards at A City Alliance Bank are exceedingly high. We will never employ someone who lacks basic decency."

Soong Daguang was petrified, as if struck by lightning, rooted to the spot, his body rigid.

Song Xiaoguang's face turned ghostly pale as he pleaded, "Director, I've made a mistake! Please, don't dismiss me!"

Chair Liu barked, "Ridiculous! I never employed you in the first place; how could I dismiss you? You're not even qualified to be dismissed by me!"

"Dad, look what you've done! What were you trying to prove? Now look where it's gotten me—I've lost my job!" Song Xiaoguang spun around and unleashed a flurry of punches on Soong Daguang.

He just threw away such a great job!

They're still on the hook for two million in car loans! And they had only driven the new car for one day...

Chair Liu, eager to curry favor with Lee Moxiang, kicked them while they were down, saying, "Given Song Xiaoguang's behavior, not only will our bank refuse to hire him, but all associated organizations will blacklist him as well!"

"Moreover, once I get back, I'll thoroughly investigate who recommended him to us. They'll be fired too!"

Soong Daguang was like a balloon that had lost all its air, deflated in an instant.

Yang Xiang's face turned ashen beside him. She had never anticipated such an outcome.

She had hoped to strut in front of the neighbors and stomp on the Lee Moxiang family, but instead, she became the butt of everyone's jokes.

"Auntie Lee, this is all my fault! Please, show some mercy!"

Yang Xiang, past caring about her dignity, clung to Lee Moxiang's legs. "We've been neighbors for years. Please, have mercy and spare us."

"If Xiao Guang loses his job, our whole family is doomed!"

"It's all my fault. I'll punish myself—just please, spare them, will you?"

Saying this, Yang Xiang seemed to forget the meaning of the word 'shame,' as she began to slap her own face vigorously.

Lee Moxiang regarded her with contempt. Such people, when they rise to the top, are capable of crushing others without a second thought.

She'd never stopped badmouthing our family, playing two-faced games that everyone in the neighborhood knew about.

Claiming Pei Qiang would be paralyzed for life, saying I married into the Pei family for their wealth—when they never had any respect for me.

And the rumors about my daughter being worthless and finding a fool for a son-in-law—did she think I was unaware?

She doesn't deserve a shred of sympathy.

Lee Moxiang exhaled sharply, "You have the audacity to beg for mercy? You brought this on yourselves. No one else is to blame!"

Hearing this, Yang Xiang's hand stopped mid-slap.

She was already beyond embarrassed. Any further antics would only serve to make a fool of herself and deepen her humiliation.

The entire Pei family, dragging Soong Daguang and his son behind them, slunk away in defeat.

Their departure was as disgraceful as their arrival had been brash!

"Mrs. Li, I offer my sincerest apologies once again for the earlier incident," Chair Liu said, his face etched with regret as he bowed deeply.

"It's not your fault. I should be thanking you for your assistance."

"Regarding the money..."

"Please, let's not speak of the money again. We need to maintain some dignity," Chair Liu said with a relieved smile.

With that, Zhou Tao and the others gave Lee Moxiang another respectful bow before departing.

The onlooking neighbors cast envious glances at Lee Moxiang, some tinged with jealousy.

They had never imagined the Lee family held such esteem!

Truly, appearances can be deceiving. They had all underestimated her family. Even the president of the A City Alliance Bank treated her with utmost courtesy and respect.

Feeling somewhat sheepish amidst the attention, Lee Moxiang greeted them and quickly retreated to her house.

The events that had just unfolded were still too much for her to process.

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