Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C42 You Are a Btch
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C42 You Are a Btch
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C42 You Are a Btch

Lee Moxiang had just finished stewing a pot of chicken soup and, with a spring in her step, made her way back to the hospital's intensive care unit. No sooner had she stepped inside than she noticed Pei Qiuyu on the phone with Pei Jinzheng. The moment the call connected, an irate voice bellowed from the other end, "Pei Qiuyu, have you no shame? You bolted before the handover was complete. Are you planning to weasel out of relinquishing control of Y Corporation?"

Pei Qiuyu attempted to explain, "There was an urgent matter at home, and I had to..."

Pei Jinzheng cut her off mid-sentence, barking, "I don't care about your family's excuses. Even if there's a death in the family, you need to get here now!"

"Make it quick, your grandmother and everyone else are waiting!"

With that, Pei Jinzheng abruptly ended the call.

Fuming with indignation, Pei Qiuyu was incensed by his refusal to let her explain. To demand her presence even in the event of a family tragedy? Could these truly be the words of her own kin?

Lin Xuan, her husband, consoled her, "They've long stopped seeing you as part of the Pei family. Truth is, Y Corporation can't function without you. They'll come begging for your help even if you don't show up."

Pei Qiuyu felt that Lin Xuan was just trying to soothe her worries.

"No, I have to go. It's important to see things through to the end," she insisted, taking a deep breath. "Even if they lack compassion, I refuse to stoop to actions that would bring me disgrace."

Lin Xuan nodded in agreement, "I'll be right there with you, honey."

Concerned, Lee Moxiang decided to accompany them to Y Corporation. Upon entering the company, they were greeted by the expectant faces of Old Lady Pei and the entire Pei Jinzheng clan.

"You foolish girl, you were supposed to hand things over to Jinzheng. Where on earth did you disappear to?" Old Lady Pei chided her sharply the moment she laid eyes on her.

Lee Moxiang tried to explain, "Mom, I ran into some trouble earlier, and then there was the issue with Pei Qiang..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear any of your excuses!" Old Lady Pei interjected, denying her the chance to even speak.

Lee Moxiang's words were stifled, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. She was forced to swallow her grievances. The old matriarch's favoritism was clear; to her, Lee Moxiang's family mattered little.

Pei Qiuyu couldn't fathom why her grandmother favored her uncle's family so much, especially Pei Jinzheng, whom she treated like he could do no wrong.

"Come on! It's inevitable, so stop dragging your feet!" Pei Jinzheng pressed impatiently.

Lee Moxiang was well aware that if Pei Qiuyu lost the company, she would be out of a job and income.

With a heavy heart, she pleaded, "Mom, we're ready to cover the losses for the eldest's family. Just please, don't kick Qiuyu out, okay?"

"No way!" Old Lady Pei declared firmly. "I must have been blind to have raised such an ungrateful lot!"

"Just looking at your family makes me sick! The company has to go to Jinzheng, and that's final!"

Her words hit Pei Qiuyu's family like a bolt from the blue.

Pei Qiuyu had already relinquished her claim to Y Corporation, but she was still gasping for air with indignation. "Grandma, I've always been fully committed to the company and have given my all to the Pei family."

"Yet, look at my uncle's family. They've squandered the Nine-star General's betrothal gifts and even dipped into the company's funds to cover their mess."

"Have you turned a blind eye to all this? And now you accuse us of being ingrates? Your favoritism and injustice are too much!"


Old Lady Pei slammed her hand on the table, seething, "You're in no position to lecture me!"

"If you hadn't turned down the Nine-star General, would I have to be this harsh? Ultimately, it's your family that's let me down. So don't accuse me of playing favorites!"

"Get on with the handover to Jinzheng and cut the chatter!"

Pei Jinzheng couldn't help but revel in his triumph.

What could he do? Grandma simply adored him. He was the firstborn grandson and the one who always knew how to keep her spirits up.

Pei Qiuyu was on the verge of tears, realizing further argument was futile. She resigned herself to proceed with the transition.

Lin Xuan then spoke up, "The Pei family has been thrown into chaos by Pei Jinzheng's doings. Now, they're struggling just to stay afloat."

"Qiuyu is the only one capable of rescuing the Pei family. Yet, instead of recognizing her value, you've joined forces with Pei Jinzheng's family to oppress her. As the head of the Pei family, your incompetence is astounding. Are you only going to be satisfied once the Pei family is ruined and bankrupt?"

Old Lady Pei erupted in fury, barking, "And just who do you think you are! Does this old lady need a lesson from the likes of you?"

"I had intended to keep Pei Qiuyu on, considering she's one of our own, and have her work under Jinzheng. But now, I see no need for that."

"Jinzheng, withhold every penny of Pei Qiuyu's salary, and forget about any bonuses. She doesn't deserve them."

"She should be stripped of everything!"

"Also, take the funds from Y Corporation's account to cover the holes left by the betrothal gifts!"

"Understood, Grandma!"

Pei Jinzheng was ecstatic. This was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Lin Xuan shook his head, his voice icy, "Old Lady Pei, you're truly oblivious to talent."

"Several executives are lining up to collaborate with Qiuyu, and the profits they're set to bring in will surpass anything the Pei family has made in a decade."

"Your treatment of Qiuyu now is a grave mistake, and you'll deeply regret it when you see the consequences."

Lin Xuan's disappointment with the Pei family and Old Lady Pei was palpable.

"People boast all the time, but I've never encountered anyone who boasts quite like you."

Pei Jinzheng sneered, "Don't get ahead of yourself just because the Nine-star General threw you a wedding. You think you're soaring to the heavens?"

"You're delusional. A crow will never become a phoenix. Do you really think Grandma can be deceived by your empty words?"

"The truth is, Pei Qiuyu's rejection of the Nine-star General has put her in hot water. What kind of executive would be foolish enough to partner with her now?"

"Not even a dog would entertain the idea of doing business with her!"

His words had barely left his mouth when a group of sharply dressed men confidently marched into the office.

Pei Jinzheng was momentarily taken aback before stepping forward to inquire, "Gentlemen, are you here to discuss business?"


Before Pei Jinzheng could finish his sentence, a slap struck his face.

The assailant was none other than Qiu Fulin from Yongqiang Trading Company. To Qin Hu, Qiu Fulin might not amount to much.

But to these smaller, less significant companies, he represented a major enterprise with considerable size, capital, and influence.

"Mr. Qiu, why did you hit me?" Pei Jinzheng, clutching his face, was utterly bewildered.

"You still dare to talk back?!"

Qiu Fulin delivered two more resounding slaps to Pei Jinzheng, bringing him to tears.

Old Lady Pei was equally startled and quickly demanded, "Sir, what has my grandson done to offend you? Why resort to violence?"

Qiu Fulin spat out his words with fury, "This little scoundrel! We came to discuss a partnership with Miss Pei, and the moment we walked in, we overheard him saying that not even dogs would work with her."

"I'm showing restraint by not beating some sense into this ungrateful brat!"


The revelation sent a shockwave through the Pei family.

All these executives were here to negotiate with Pei Qiuyu?

Even Pei Qiuyu herself stared at Lin Xuan, incredulous.

How could he have known that these many executives were seeking her out for business?

"Darling, let's go. You have no ties to Y Corporation anymore."

Lin Xuan urged Pei Qiuyu, "We're under no obligation to assist them in their dealings. Otherwise, once the deal is sealed, they'll turn around and call you a traitor, casting you aside from the company."


Pei Qiuyu, seething with anger, declared, "Let's leave; we're not discussing this business."

After saying this, she took Lee Moxiang by the hand and departed with Lin Xuan.

"Go ahead and leave if you must. They came for our Y Corporation, and I will handle the negotiations!"

Old Lady Pei gave a dismissive glance, then with a sly grin, she suggested, "Gentlemen, please, let's take a seat inside. My granddaughter is nothing but an ingrate. I've already dismissed her from Y Corporation. As the legal representative, I will take over the discussions with you."

"Talk to you? Who do you think you are?!"

The executives were having none of it.

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