Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C45 The Face of a Big Shot
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C45 The Face of a Big Shot
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C45 The Face of a Big Shot

George straightened up and announced, "I've reviewed the relevant materials and have a treatment plan ready. Is now a good time to proceed with the old gentleman's treatment?"

"Go ahead," Lin Xuan replied without any formality.

Pei Qiuyu and Lee Moxiang were left speechless by the exchange.

Stuttering, Lee Moxiang asked, "Mr. George, are you speaking with him?"

George confirmed, "Yes, I'm here specifically to treat Mr. Lin's father-in-law, the elder Mr. Pei Jiang."

Lee Moxiang was astounded. This renowned doctor had come to treat her husband, Pei Jiang?

What an honor this was!

Before she could fully process her surprise, George turned to the dean and inquired, "Is the operating room all set?"

"Everything's ready! We've been waiting for you, Mr. George," the dean replied with utmost reverence.

The hospital had prepared thoroughly in anticipation of George's arrival, following his explicit instructions.

Quickly, the team donned their white coats, and Pei Jiang was wheeled into the operating room.

Outside, the hospital's security stood vigilantly at the door, ensuring the surgery would proceed without interruption.

Outside, Lee Moxiang was visibly anxious, clenching her fists as she asked, "Lin Xuan, is everything going to be okay?"

Lin Xuan reassured her, "Don't worry. If George can't handle it, then I doubt anyone can."

This comforted Lee Moxiang somewhat.

But her mood shifted quickly, and she queried, "Lin Xuan, why does Dr. George treat you with such respect, even addressing you as Mr. Lin?"

Her question echoed the curiosity of Pei Qiuyu.

Lin Xuan chuckled and explained, "Well, Dr. George was in need of clinical cases. I was searching online for a doctor to treat my father's condition and managed to reach out to him. Since Qiuyu and I were married at the Nine-star General's wedding and received blessings from many influential figures, Dr. George has been quite courteous to me and agreed to come treat my father. I didn't expect him to arrive so soon."

"My goodness!" Lee Moxiang gasped, "Does this mean we'll have a bunch of big shots currying favor with us from now on? Is our family on the brink of skyrocketing to fame?"

At that moment, Pei Qiuyu interjected, "Mom, what are you thinking? Those out of the loop might assume we're closely tied to the Nine-star General, but we're well aware of our actual standing with him, aren't we?"

Upon hearing Lin Xuan's words, Lee Moxiang's smile vanished. "I knew it!" she grumbled. "What skills do you have that could possibly make such an important person treat you with respect?"

"So, you've been riding on Qiuyu's coattails, swindling people left and right? You've really outdone yourself! Haven't you seen what happened to Pei Jinzheng's family with their charade?"

Lin Xuan chuckled. "Mom, we're not like their family."

"I think you're even worse than them!"

Lee Moxiang shot Lin Xuan a glare and turned to Pei Qiuyu. "Qiuyu, you really should divorce him soon. This boy is completely lost. If he crosses paths with a big shot who exposes him, our whole family will suffer because of his mess!"

The more Lee Moxiang thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Lin Xuan tried to reassure her. "Mom, Dr. George was just being a bit courteous to me, and that was only out of respect for the Nine-star General. It's really not a big deal."

"He genuinely needs a clinical patient like Dad at the moment, so there's no need for excessive worry."

Lee Moxiang retorted sharply, "Our Qiuyu is such an exceptional woman. If she were willing to divorce you, I'd be the first to raise both hands in favor. But she's just too headstrong."

"Now go find a job already! You're such an irritation to me!"

Just then, the lights in the operating room switched off, and the door swung open. The director emerged, closely followed by a sweat-drenched George.

"Dr. George, how did it go?"

Lee Moxiang and Pei Qiuyu rushed over, their anxiety palpable.

George, dabbing at his sweat, beamed. "The surgery was a tremendous success. The muscle and nerve responses are very promising. In less than a week, he should recover nicely. With some physical therapy, he'll be completely healed in no more than a month."

George was deliberately understating the situation, considering he was treating the Temple Lord's father-in-law.

Hearing this, Lee Moxiang and Pei Qiuyu were overwhelmed with relief, their tears flowing freely.


The ailment that had long tormented Pei Jiang and their family was finally on the verge of being healed!

"Thank you, Dr. George! Thank you so much!"

Lee Moxiang was on the verge of kneeling before George.

Startled, George quickly steadied her, "Please, there's no need for such formalities with me, I truly can't accept it!"

The thought alone was absurd. The Hall Master's mother-in-law kneeling to him? Was he looking to sign his own death warrant?

"How can I ever repay you?" Lee Moxiang's eyes were red with tears.

"Auntie, there's no need for thanks. I needed to test a new treatment clinically, and your husband provided the perfect opportunity."

"To be honest, I should be thanking you for giving me this chance."

George had carved out time from a global seminar tour to be here, canceling all his other engagements to take a connecting flight.

But he couldn't divulge any of that.

He had to weave a tale; otherwise, he'd never get past Lin Xuan.

In this world, only Lin Xuan commanded such respect!

After speaking, George caught Lin Xuan's eye and, seeing a slight nod, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Auntie, everything will be fine as long as the rehab plan is followed."

With that, George hurried off, not daring to linger.

He feared that one slip of the tongue and the Hall Master might not let him leave at all!

Two nurses assisted Pei Jiang out of the surgery room. His complexion was pale, but his eyes sparkled with an irrepressible vitality.

"Please, let me walk on my own," Pei Jiang requested of the nurses.

Tears welled up in the eyes of Lee Moxiang and Pei Qiuyu as they watched Pei Jiang walk with even more agility than before.

The hospital director didn't dare to see George off himself, knowing a more prominent figure was present.

Approaching Pei Jiang with a sheepish grin, the director said, "Sir, rest assured and focus on your recovery here with us. We'll take excellent care of you."

His words were also meant for Lin Xuan's ears – impressing this VIP could catapult his career to new heights.

"Then, I'm in your hands," Pei Jiang replied graciously.

"You're too kind," the director chuckled. "This was also a special request from Dr. George before he departed."

The dean was quite pleased with his own remarks, fully aware that it was Lin Xuan's influence at play.

Having the chance to do even the smallest favor for someone of high stature was a rare opportunity that many would covet but never attain.

"Lin Xuan, thank you," Pei Jiang expressed with gravity.

Earlier, in the operating room, both the Deputy Dean and the Chief had assisted George hands-on.

These individuals were the pillars of the hospital's leadership!

Yet, they seemed like mere elementary students in George's presence, a testament to his formidable expertise.

Lee Moxiang dabbed at her tears, "Why thank him? I'll fill you in on the specifics later."

Meanwhile, in an antique store named Ju Ya Pavilion.

Qin Xiaojia was admiring a jade piece from the Ming Dynasty.

With a grin plastered on his face, Pei Jinzheng said, "Master Qin, I'll have Qiuyu join us here shortly. We'll play a little trick to make her accidentally damage the fake antiques."

"That way, she'll have no choice but to attend to you diligently, Master Qin, or she won't be leaving this pavilion."

Qin Xiaojia pointed at Pei Jinzheng and remarked, "You're quite the scoundrel, but that's exactly why I like you."

"Just ensure Pei Qiuyu keeps me company for three days, and I'll hand over ten million to clear that debt of yours."

"Fantastic, thank you, Master Qin," Pei Jinzheng was elated.

Qin Xiaojia, gesturing towards the jade in hand, chuckled, "If this piece were to shatter, it would cost thirty million in damages."

Pei Jinzheng licked his lips, "Thirty million! Pei Qiuyu couldn't cover that even if she sold herself and her house, haha!"

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