Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C53 Heroes Manor
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C53 Heroes Manor
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C53 Heroes Manor

Heroes Manor was a Chinese restaurant steeped in ancient charm, with a decoration style that was quintessentially traditional and classical. The exterior was adorned with intricate eaves, while the interior boasted carvings of dragons and phoenixes, all aglow with golden splendor. Every piece of decor, along with the tables and chairs, was crafted from solid yellow rosewood, epitomizing the height of luxury.

Lin Xuan surveyed the opulent surroundings with a sense of awe. "Qin Hu has really spared no expense," he mused. "The place is impressive. I'll have to bring my wife and family here to sample the fare."

Xu Wanhua couldn't stop extolling the lavish decor, "This establishment truly exudes elegance. Heroes Manor certainly deserves its stellar reputation."

Hu Jiajun chimed in with a grin, "Miss Wanhua, with your return from abroad today, and my concern for appearances, it's only fitting that we dine at the finest restaurant."

After his remark, Hu Jiajun couldn't help but feel smug. He shot Lin Xuan a superior look and sneered, "Without riding on my coattails, you probably wouldn't have the chance to set foot in such a high-end place in your lifetime, would you?"

Lin Xuan replied, "Actually, I've been invited to a banquet here today. I'm just not sure which private room it's in."

Hu Jiajun burst into laughter, leading the charge, while Shih Manli doubled over in mirth.

Pei Qiusha gave an exasperated eye roll and questioned, "Lin Xuan, do you really think you can just say anything? It's one thing to lack accomplishments, but to claim you've booked a private room just like CEO Hu?"

"Do you think this is some kind of marketplace where you can just make things up? Really, have you no shame?"

Trying to contain his amusement, Hu Jiajun added, "Do you even know who owns this place? Your wild claims would scare you to death if you knew."

"The owner is none other than Master Hu, a renowned figure in A City. If he hears you spouting such nonsense, he won't let you off easily."

Just then, Lin Xuan's phone buzzed with a new message. Qin Hu, not wanting to interrupt with a call, had sent a respectful invitation for Lin Xuan to join him in the exclusive Peony Hall, the most prestigious VIP suite in Heroes Manor.

Lin Xuan held up his phone and read aloud, "There's a Peony Hall here, right? That's where I've been invited to dine."


Hu Jiajun, hearing Lin Xuan, burst into an even more exaggerated laugh. "You've got to be kidding me. You could've claimed any other private room and I might've bought it, but Peony Hall? You've heard the name and concocted this whole story?"

"Do you even realize who frequents Peony Hall? It's a Supreme Star private room. Since Heroes Manor opened, you can count on one hand the number of people who've dined there. And you're talking about Peony Hall? Why don't you take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror? Who do you think you are?"

Pei Qiuyu tried to interject on Lin Xuan's behalf, "Actually, Lin Xuan..."

"Pei Qiuyu, just shut it!"

Pei Qiusha chimed in, "Without Jiajun's influence, he wouldn't even get past the front door, let alone into a private room. He's got some nerve, spouting such nonsense. Is he here to make a fool of you?"

Hu Jiajun joined in the mockery, "Exactly. You're out of your depth here. Watch your mouth, or Master Hu might just knock your teeth out."

Lin Xuan remained unfazed, his expression as still as still water. To him, these people were nothing more than petty, arrogant fools looking down on others. He didn't see the point in engaging with their nonsense.

He regarded Hu Jiajun as if he were observing a simpleton, and a cold laugh escaped him.

"What's so funny? Hit a nerve, did I? You're all show," Hu Jiajun snapped.

Lin Xuan, with a hint of provocation, asked, "Do you know where Qiu Jiaming is right now?"

Hu Jiajun scowled. "Jiaming? I've been calling him, but he's not picking up. His dad won't tell me what's going on either."

"Oh, so you know something?"

Lin Xuan shook his head with a smile, feigning ignorance. "If you're clueless, how would I know anything? I just heard he ran into some trouble, but the details are beyond me."

"If you're so in the dark, then why even speak? Trying to look smart in front of me?"

Just then, a man clad in a crisply tailored Armani suit hurried over.

Lin Xuan recognized him with a hint of familiarity—it was Qin Hu's enforcer, known as Boss Qiang.

Boss Qiang was taken aback upon seeing Lin Xuan. He was about to bow and greet him when Lin Xuan subtly signaled him not to, with a discreet wave of his hand.

Boss Qiang quickly recalled that Mr. Lin preferred to keep a low profile and disliked ostentation. He promptly said, "Esteemed guests, please follow me. Your private room is all set."

Hu Jiajun was momentarily taken aback, recognizing Boss Qiang.

He was even more surprised that Boss Qiang from Heroes Manor was treating him with such courtesy, especially since he had only secured this modest private room through his father's connections.

He instantly felt a surge of pride wash over him.

Shih Manli looked at him with eyes full of admiration. "Jiajun, you've really got some clout! Isn't that Boss Qiang, Master Hu's right-hand man? He's being so polite to you! How come you've never mentioned this before?"

Hu Jiajun was just as bewildered, but he couldn't help wearing a smug smile. "Heh, I keep it low-key. We're all friends here, and I've never been one to brag," he chuckled.

Hu Jiajun stole a glance at Xu Wanhua, noticing the look of admiration in her eyes, which only added to his elation.

Xu Wanhua was indeed taken aback.

She hadn't expected Hu Jiajun to command such respect in A City, far outstripping Pei Qiuyu and Lin Xuan.

It seemed that she would have to forge a closer relationship with him to ensure smoother dealings in A City in the future.

With the utmost respect, Boss Qiang ushered the group into the Peony Hall.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the hall's spaciousness and dazzling decor, which immediately caught their eye.

"This is incredibly impressive!" exclaimed Shih Manli. "Jiajun, this beats any standard VIP room by miles."

Hu Jiajun chuckled in agreement, "Heh, that's right, that's right."

He then turned to Xu Wanhua and graciously invited, "Miss Wanhua, after you."

Lin Xuan strode into the Peony Hall and took his place at the head seat without a second thought.

He had no reason for formalities; after all, Master Hu had opened this hall specifically for him.

"Damn it, get up!"

Hu Jiajun's shout cut through the air as he marched up to Lin Xuan, yanking at his collar with a furious bellow, "Have you no shame? Are you clueless about your own situation? What gives you the right to sit here?!"

Boss Qiang was taken aback by the outburst.

This damn fool, how could he be so brazen with Mr. Lin?

Boss Qiang was ready to intervene, sleeves rolled up, but halted when Lin Xuan gave him a subtle shake of the head.

At Lin's silent command, Boss Qiang knew he could have this loudmouth who dared insult Mr. Lin begging for mercy in no time.

Lin Xuan rose gracefully and remarked, "If I'm not to sit here, then I won't. Anywhere is fine for a meal."

He was there to host a dinner for his wife's best friend and didn't want to escalate the situation, sparing Qiuyu and her friend any embarrassment.

Undeterred, Hu Jiajun pointed to a corner and sniped, "Go find someplace else to be, and stop being an eyesore here."

He then courteously ushered Xu Wanhua to the main seat.

Boss Qiang watched, fists clenched, seething with anger.

This imbecile, had Mr. Lin not generously spared you earlier, I would have sent you packing so fast, you'd be out on your ear by now!

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