Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C54 You Don't Know What's Good for You
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C54 You Don't Know What's Good for You
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C54 You Don't Know What's Good for You

Before long, waiters clad in elegant cheongsams served up platters of beautifully arranged dishes.

Each dish featured premium ingredients, with abalones merely serving as appetizers, and the luxurious Buddha Jumps Over the Wall soup reduced to a mere palate cleanser.

The red wine was a renowned 1982 vintage from a Bordeaux estate, and the white was a thirty-year-old Maotai from the cellar, each bottle worth a small fortune.

Qin Hu had really splurged in his efforts to impress Lin Xuan.

Even Xu Wanhua, with her extensive international experience, was taken aback by the opulence of the food and wine.

Shih Manli couldn't contain her excitement. "Jiajun, isn't this a bit too lavish? How much did all this cost?"

Hu Jiajun gestured a three with his fingers, boasting, "Not too much, just three hundred thousand."

Xu Wanhua shook her head. "It's definitely more than three hundred thousand. The wine alone exceeds that. This is clearly way beyond a three hundred thousand standard."

Hu Jiajun sensed something amiss. Could it be that his father's influence was so great that Master Hu had offered him some special favor?

But that didn't make sense. His father was the one trying to win over Master Hu, who often gave them the cold shoulder. Why would Master Hu extend such a courtesy to his father?

He didn't have time to ponder further; at least for now, he had gained some prestige.

In that moment, Xu Wanhua raised her wine glass, "Jiajun, thank you for this generous reception!"

"Ah, hahaha," Hu Jiajun quickly stood, his glass raised high with a beaming smile. "Please, there's no need for thanks. As long as Miss Wanhua is pleased, this is nothing."

With a sip of wine, Hu Jiajun's gaze drifted back to Lin Xuan with a contented air.

Throughout the evening, Lin Xuan had been all but invisible to the others, with only Pei Qiuyu engaging him in conversation and occasionally serving him some dishes.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Hu Jiajun tapped his wine glass rudely, his tone dripping with contempt. "Are you some kind of reincarnated starving ghost, only interested in eating?"

"You didn't even pay for this meal, and you can't be bothered to stand up and offer me a toast? Have you no manners?" Lin Xuan dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, not even glancing in his direction as he retorted, "And why exactly should I toast to you?"

"Come on, drink up!" Hu Jiajun scowled. "You're eating and drinking on my dime, and you've got the nerve to sass me? Do you think you'd be enjoying such fine food if it weren't for me? Without my help, would you ever manage to have a meal with four dishes in your lifetime?"

Lin Xuan let out a cold laugh. These standards were nothing special; as the former Sky Dragon Palace Lord, even the servants who cleaned and scrubbed the floors ate like this on a regular basis.

The opulence of the Sky Dragon Palace was something Hu Jiajun would likely never witness in his entire life.

Lin Xuan nonchalantly picked up another morsel with his chopsticks and popped it into his mouth, uninterested in engaging with Hu Jiajun any further.

"Are you kidding me?!" Hu Jiajun stormed over, fuming. "You think I don't have a temper? Drop those chopsticks now!"

He approached and with a swift slap, sent Lin Xuan's chopsticks flying.

"Do you really think I won't throw you out this very moment? I invite you to eat and you can't even show some gratitude, instead you're here trying to show off? You insolent fool!"

"Hu Jiajun, I demand you treat my husband with respect!" Pei Qiuyu rose to her feet, her voice seething with anger.

Lin Xuan, deciding he'd lost his appetite, gently tugged at Pei Qiuyu's arm, "Honey, don't get upset."

He then fixed his gaze on Hu Jiajun and said coolly, "You still have a chance to apologize to me."

"Otherwise, you'll be leaving here horizontally."

"Oh my god!" Hu Jiajun laughed as if he'd just heard the world's biggest joke.

With a sneer of contempt, he surveyed the room, then turned back to Lin Xuan, taunting, "Look who's feeling brave? Hey, you pathetic loser, still trying to act tough? I'm right here. Go on, make a move. If I don't beat you so bad you..."

He hadn't finished speaking when suddenly, with a loud "bang," the private room door was violently kicked open.

Boss Qiang charged in with his crew, bellowing, "Who's this jackass chirping away in my territory? Got a death wish?"

More than a dozen menacing figures trailed behind Boss Qiang, each gripping a club, as they encircled the room's occupants.

In that instant, everyone froze, gripped by fear, clueless about what was unfolding.

Hu Jiajun faced Boss Qiang and demanded, "What's the meaning of this intrusion? I reserved this room. You must have the wrong guy."

"Fuck you!" Boss Qiang spat before delivering a vicious slap across Hu Jiajun's face, instantly puffing it up.

Clutching his swollen cheek, Hu Jiajun deflated, "What gives you the right to hit someone?"

Boss Qiang jabbed a finger at him and snarled, "I hit you, that's what!"

"Grab him and get him out of here!" Boss Qiang commanded. His henchmen swooped in, hauling Hu Jiajun away like a lifeless dog.

"Ah... Ah! What are you doing? Let go!" Hu Jiajun's screams echoed as he was dragged away.

Meanwhile, Shih Manli and the others were petrified, barely daring to breathe.

"You've got some nerve!" Boss Qiang's men yanked Hu Jiajun's hair as Boss Qiang himself landed a kick on his knee, sending him to the ground in agony.

"Big brother, please, let's talk this out..." Hu Jiajun pleaded, tears streaming down his face.

With another "smack," Boss Qiang's hand struck Hu Jiajun's cheek. "You think you're worth talking to nicely?"

Shih Manli, fearing for Hu Jiajun's well-being, mustered her courage and interjected, "Boss Qiang, please, no more. Aren't you and Jiajun friends?"

Boss Qiang's brow furrowed in irritation. "Who the hell is friends with him?"

His displeasure evident, Boss Qiang slapped Hu Jiajun once more.

Fuming, Hu Jiajun nearly exploded with rage. That damned woman, why did she have to butt in? She's signed my death warrant.

"Big brother, what have I done to offend you?" Hu Jiajun's voice quivered as he asked, cowering.

Boss Qiang berated him fiercely, "Who gave you the audacity to take this room?"

Hu Jiajun, feeling aggrieved, responded, "Big brother, wasn't it you who brought me here..."


His words were met with another slap from Boss Qiang.

"Damn it, I'm the one who brought you here!"

Boss Qiang jabbed a finger at his nose and barked, "You foolhardy mutt, if I told you to eat crap, would you?"

Hu Jiajun gulped nervously and mustered his courage, "Big brother, it's all a big misunderstanding. I really did reserve a room earlier, and I've paid a hundred thousand deposit."

"A hundred thousand? Who the hell told you this suite costs a hundred thousand? Are your eyes just for show?"

"Take a good look, this is the top-tier, exclusive Peony Hall! It's reserved for high-rolling VIPs. What makes you think you're entitled to be here?"

Shih Manli chimed in, "Jiajun, you should call Master Hu quickly. They might not recognize you, but Master Hu definitely does!"

Hu Jiajun was inwardly panicking and quickly retorted, "Be quiet, there's no way someone like me could know Master Hu."

"But you..."

"Enough!" Hu Jiajun's face blanched with fear.

His declaration left everyone in the room speechless.

It became apparent that the Peony Hall was never meant for Hu Jiajun, nor was it a matter of respect for him.

In that moment, it was clear to all that Hu Jiajun had no clout whatsoever.

Boss Qiang's voice turned icy, "You've got some nerve, impersonating Master Hu and deceiving people?"

"If I don't teach you a lesson today, your visit here would be too easy."

Terrified, Hu Jiajun pleaded, "Big brother, I'm sorry! Please, big brother!"

Boss Qiang commanded his men, "Break his arms and legs, and make sure he leaves here lying down!"

Several men grabbed Hu Jiajun and pinned him down.

What followed were his agonized screams, "Ah... it's killing me, my hand! Ah!"

Hu Jiajun wailed miserably, writhing in unbearable pain, drenched in cold sweat. Then, a foul stench wafted as he wet himself and passed out, utterly humiliated.

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