Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C55 No Bragging
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C55 No Bragging
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C55 No Bragging

Everyone witnessing the scene felt a chill creep down their spines.

Xu Wanhua, petrified, took refuge behind Lin Xuan, the sole man in their group, and pleaded in terror, "They're terrifying. Let's beg for mercy, even if it costs us. Please, I need to get out of here fast."

Lin Xuan offered a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry. As long as I'm here, no one will lay a finger on you."

Xu Wanhua glanced at Lin Xuan, touched despite previously seeing him as nothing more than an inconspicuous loser. His words managed to bring a flicker of comfort to her anxious heart.

Boss Qiang gave Hu Jiajun, lying there like a dead dog, a kick, spat out in disgust, and snarled, "Pah, what a coward!"

He then turned to Shih Manli.

"You, come here. Weren't you the one babbling just now? One minute this fool knows me, the next he knows Master Hu?"

"Come on, explain yourself to me, now!"

Shih Manli's legs turned to jelly from fear, unable to take a step.

Stammering, she managed, "Big brother, I didn't, it wasn't me..."

"Damn it! I said come here!"

Boss Qiang's fierce glare nearly sent Shih Manli collapsing to the floor.

"I... I can't, Boss Qiang, I'm too scared..."

Spotting Lin Xuan, Shih Manli desperately sought his aid, "Lin Xuan, help me. Please, beg Boss Qiang to spare me!"

Lin Xuan replied icily, "I'm just a penniless nobody, a loser. Without Jiajun's skills, why would anyone respect me?"

Shih Manli stood there, utterly stunned.

Boss Qiang sneered and barked at his henchmen, "What are you waiting for? Go and shut that blabbermouth up for good!"

"Right away, Boss Qiang!"

His men grinned viciously at the command.

They relished the act of silencing a beauty, particularly one as alluring as Shih Manli.

Terrified, Shih Manli scrambled backwards, but with the wall at her back, there was nowhere left to hide.

"Little lady, there's nowhere left to hide!"

"Come on, little Northern Nose!"


The thugs each wore a sinister, lecherous grin.

"Don't, please don't come any closer... Stop!"

A bald brute seized Shih Manli's hair and yanked off her wig with brute force.

"Damn, she's bald too, ugh!"

The bald man swung his hand, delivering a barrage of slaps to Shih Manli's face.

His cohorts were equally merciless.

In no time, Shih Manli was so battered and bruised she barely looked human. Several teeth were knocked out, her blood mingling with saliva as it streamed down her face.

A face that had undergone a delicate surgery costing over a hundred thousand yuan was now horrifically disfigured!

Pei Qiusha, witnessing the savagery, shook uncontrollably with fear, desperate to take refuge behind Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan's back was already occupied by Pei Qiuyu and Xu Wanhua; there was simply no space for her.

Besides, Lin Xuan had no intention of shielding her.

"I can't protect you," Lin Xuan told her. "I'm only good for carrying suitcases, mooching meals, and lacking insight."

Pei Qiusha's mouth fell open in shock. Those were the very words she had once hurled at Lin Xuan!

Retribution had arrived swiftly.

Sensing Lin Xuan's disdain for the woman, Boss Qiang commanded, "Grab her too! She's been leeching off us. Beat her senseless!"

"No, no, no...!"

Pei Qiusha stammered in terror.

The henchmen were relentless. They grabbed her hair and dragged her over.

What followed was a brutal beating.

"Please, big brother, have mercy! I'll pay, just please let me live..."

"Someone help me... please..."

Pei Qiusha was left with a swollen, bruised face, her hair in tatters, looking utterly wretched.

Pei Qiuyu couldn't bear to watch. She softly implored Lin Xuan, "Honey, if there's any way you can help Qiusha, please do."

"Yes, please save me, brother-in-law, ah!!" Pei Qiusha sobbed uncontrollably.

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed from outside the Peony Hall.

Qin Hu walked in with confident strides.

"Master Hu!" Boss Qiang and his crew called out with deep respect upon Qin Hu's arrival.

Upon entering, Qin Hu immediately noticed the disarray and frowned. However, seeing Lin Xuan and Pei Qiuyu present, his expression softened into a sycophantic smile.

"Mr. Lin, Miss Pei, welcome."

Lin Xuan offered a curt nod in acknowledgment.

Xu Wanhua, standing to the side, was utterly astounded.

The once menacing Boss Qiang and his men were now deferential to Master Hu, a testament to his authority.

Yet, Master Hu's courteous demeanor towards Lin Xuan and Pei Qiuyu was unexpected and left her truly taken aback.

Qin Hu turned sharply and addressed Qiang, "With Mr. Lin here, how could you dare to cause such a commotion?"

"Yes, Master Hu."

"You worthless lot, apologize to Mr. Lin and Miss Pei at once!"

Leading by example, Boss Qiang and his men lined up and bowed deeply to Lin Xuan and Pei Qiuyu. "Mr. Lin, Miss Pei, we are profoundly sorry for interrupting your dining experience. Our actions were unforgivable."

Master Qin himself bowed with remorse. "Mr. Lin, Miss Pei, it was my intention to host a delightful meal for you both in the Peony Hall. This unfortunate incident is a result of my failure to properly supervise my men, and I'm sorry for the disturbance caused to you and your company."

"Here, I, Qin Hu, offer my sincerest apologies and seek your forgiveness."

Lin Xuan responded coolly, "I'm simply here to celebrate my wife's friend's arrival. The others are not my concern."

Xu Wanhua was utterly shocked by this revelation!

Lin Xuan had not been boasting after all; he had indeed been invited to dine at the prestigious Peony Hall by none other than the owner, Master Hu.

Reflecting on how she had snubbed Lin Xuan, following Hu Jiajun and the others' elitist attitudes, and even had him carry her luggage, she felt her cheeks burn with shame.

Meanwhile, Pei Qiusha, her face swollen from the beating, overheard their conversation and was so startled that she trembled all over.

Lin Xuan, that nobody, was a VIP guest of Master Hu?

Shih Manli was equally stunned. Lin Xuan actually knew Master Hu!

But what was most astonishing was the deference Master Hu showed him!

Turning to her boyfriend, Hu Jiajun, she saw he was knocked out cold, his head bloody and bruised.

Master Hu stood erect and addressed Lin Xuan, "Mr. Lin, these ruffians have made a mess of things. I'll have them clear this table and set up a new one for you immediately. Would that be alright?"

Lin Xuan replied, "There's no need. We've finished eating, and with the place in such disarray, it's best you tidy up. We'll be on our way."

Xu Wanhua watched the scene unfold, utterly flabbergasted.

Qin Hu wouldn't dare ignore Lin Xuan's wishes. He bowed respectfully and said, "In that case, I'll see Mr. Lin and Miss Pei out. I hope you'll grace us with your presence again in the future."

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