Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C63 Taking Advantage of Me!
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C63 Taking Advantage of Me!
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C63 Taking Advantage of Me!

After clinking glasses and downing his drink in one go, Sun Jianguo said, "Here's the thing—I've saved up some money from working over the years, and I've recently taken an interest in antiques. I've watched numerous historical videos and pored over ancient texts because I've got my eye on a blue and white porcelain vase. I'm considering purchasing it, but I'm not entirely confident in my judgment."

"So, I was wondering, could Mr. Lin possibly lend a hand?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Xuan chuckled. "Antiques aren't really my forte. You should probably consult Mr. Matsumoto."

With a wry smile, Sun Jianguo replied, "I'm not exactly on speaking terms with him. But Mr. Lin, you seem to have a good eye for quality, and you've just befriended Mr. Matsumoto. Surely you're well-versed in this field."

"I'd rather not get swindled, so could you please come with me to have a look and offer your expertise, Mr. Lin?"

Sun Jianguo wasn't particularly skilled at making money. After a few years of work and some savings, he hoped to find a bargain and strike it rich in the antique world. Yet, he feared the complexities of the trade and the risk of being duped, which is why he sought Lin Xuan's assistance.

Seeing that Sun Jianguo was a classmate of Pei Qiuyu's and that he approached him with such respect and trust, Lin Xuan readily agreed.

Sun Jianguo was overjoyed, repeatedly toasting Lin Xuan and serving him dishes.

Throughout the meal, Lin Xuan was the center of attention, with Pei Qiuyu and the other classmates nearly feeding him by hand.

Once they had their fill, the classmates felt a pang of guilt. Despite Guo Zipeng getting his just deserts, they collected some money for him out of old school ties.

Guo Zipeng was overwhelmed with gratitude, almost to the point of prostrating himself in thanks to his fellow classmates.

After leaving, Lin Xuan and Pei Qiuyu first dropped Li Wanhua off at her villa before driving home.

"Do you even know about antiques, Lin Xuan? Why did you agree to help?" Pei Qiuyu inquired as she drove.

Lin Xuan responded with a smile, "Have you forgotten how I came to your rescue last time at the pavilion?"

Pei Qiuyu suddenly recalled how Lin Xuan had come to the rescue last time, preventing him from being duped by the wealthy young master, Qin Xiaojia.

With that in mind, Pei Qiuyu cautioned, "That said, don't overdo it. Sun Jianguo isn't from a well-off family, and he's counting on this to make some money. If we misjudge and suffer a loss, we won't be able to justify it to anyone."

Lin Xuan replied with a smile, "Got it, honey. You can relax."


The local government of A City had developed a renowned antique street, celebrated throughout the province, as part of their initiative to promote the historic city and attract tourism.

Numerous antique dealers had already set up shop here, making the streets vibrant with blooming flowers and bustling activity.

Sun Jianguo took Lin Xuan to an antique store known as the "Fortune Gathering Pavilion."

Upon arrival, Sun Jianguo informed the receptionist of their appointment, and they were promptly invited to the treasure pavilion at the back to view the merchandise.

Shortly thereafter, the owner presented a blue and white porcelain vase, setting it on the table with a cheerful, "Please have a look."

With his hands clasped behind his back, Sun Jianguo nodded and turned to Lin Xuan, inquiring, "Mr. Lin, what's your take on this vase?"

Lin Xuan examined the vase carefully. The blue and white patterns were crisp, the porcelain's body finely crafted, and the white glaze was exceptionally translucent. He ran his fingers around the rim and gave the body a gentle tap, eliciting a clear "ding."

The owner eagerly asked, "What do you think, sir? Does this vase meet your satisfaction?"

Without responding to the owner, Lin Xuan lifted the vase to inspect its base, where the seal script appeared somewhat faded.

Sun Jianguo, licking his lips nervously, whispered, "Mr. Lin, what's your verdict?"

Lin Xuan looked up at the owner and asked, "Boss, how much are you looking to sell this vase to my friend for?"

To Lin Xuan, the blue and white porcelain vase was unremarkable, a mass-produced item with a signature likely imitated by someone later. While it could be considered a craft, it certainly wasn't a true antique, worth no more than three to five thousand yuan at best.

The boss flashed a grin, extending five fingers. "Five hundred thousand yuan. Not too much to ask, right?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but shake his head; the boss sure had the nerve to name such a price.

That half a million was the result of several years of Sun Jianguo's savings, combined with his family's entire nest egg. Had Lin Xuan not accompanied him today, Sun Jianguo would've been swindled for sure.

With a smile, Lin Xuan replied, "Well, five hundred thousand isn't unreasonable."

"Really?!" Sun Jianguo's eyes sparkled with hope upon hearing this.

The boss let out a hearty laugh. "Hahaha, my friend, you have an eye for quality! This is genuine blue and white porcelain from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty!"

Lin Xuan nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's quite nice."

"Is it really that nice?" Sun Jianguo asked, barely containing his excitement.

"Five hundred thousand, it's a fair deal," Lin Xuan affirmed.

Sun Jianguo felt a wave of relief wash over him with Lin Xuan's endorsement.

Meanwhile, the shop assistants were snickering to themselves, thinking, What a sucker, feigning expertise. If we don't fleece him, who will we fleece?

Lin Xuan then turned back to the boss and said, "I mentioned the price is fair, but it's still on the steep side."

"It's not steep at all, my friend. Take a closer look. This is from the official kiln of the Qianlong era! It was part of a set. Had it not been for the fact that only one remains, and this gentleman here took a fancy to it a few days ago, I wouldn't let it go for five hundred thousand!"

The boss was quite the actor; anyone less savvy might have been completely taken in by his pitch.

Lin Xuan gestured toward a shelf cluttered with odds and ends. "Throw in a few small extras, and we'll call it even."

The boss glanced where Lin Xuan pointed and burst into laughter. "My friend, you're not asking for much. Anything you fancy from that pile, take it! Whether it's one item or two, it makes no difference to me!"

The boss was well aware that the pile was just a collection of items they'd recently gathered from local farmers—worthless trinkets and flawed pieces that his apprentice had already sorted through. Nothing there was valued over a thousand yuan; they were simply picked up for a song. Giving them away to Lin Xuan and his party wouldn't cause the boss the slightest bit of regret.

"I'm not interested in anything else, I'll just take this," Lin Xuan said with a smile as he rummaged through a pile and unearthed a copper pot tinged with green.

Sun Jianguo caught a glimpse of Lin Xuan's selection and immediately felt it was beneath him to associate with such a choice. "Mr. Lin, for all we know, that could be some old farmer's discarded chamber pot. Why bother with such a trifle?" Sun Jianguo commented, shaking his head in disapproval.

The shopkeeper chuckled, "If the gentleman likes it, by all means, take it. The value isn't in the price, but in the appreciation, haha."

The copper pot had been acquired by the shopkeeper's apprentice for 100 yuan, a purchase the shopkeeper had criticized as overpriced, deeming it not even worth 50 yuan. Now, Lin Xuan was taking it off their hands, much to the shopkeeper's relief.

Lin Xuan examined the copper pot closely and gave a nod of approval. "This is the one."

"Great, we have an agreement then. The blue and white porcelain vase plus this copper pot, the deal is set at 500,000 yuan, with no backsies!" the shopkeeper declared eagerly. With the witnesses around, once Lin Xuan agreed, there would be no turning back.

The shopkeeper was about to make a profit of just over 490,000 yuan in an instant!

"Agreed, no second thoughts," Lin Xuan affirmed with a grin.

Sun Jianguo grimaced with distaste, "Mr. Lin, please keep that copper pot away from me. I can't stand its musty stench. It's not even worth fifty yuan. Why stoop for such petty savings?"

Many of those present sneered at Lin Xuan's behavior. The crowd was comprised of individuals who prided themselves on their status, and for someone like Lin Xuan to haggle over small gains was seen as unbecoming of their refined circle.

They believed that merely standing too close to Lin Xuan would be a stain on their own reputation.

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