Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C65 I will Stop You Halfway
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C65 I will Stop You Halfway
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C65 I will Stop You Halfway

Upon hearing this, Sun Jianguo's eyes widened in disbelief, and he quickly responded, "Mr. Lin, I didn't refuse, I just didn't realize!"

"With the Qing Dynasty blue and white porcelain I bought, plus this Han Dynasty bronze pot, I'm about to strike it rich!"

Lin Xuan replied coolly, "Rich? That blue and white porcelain of yours is nothing but a replica, merely a ceramic craft at best."

No sooner had he spoken than Sun Jianguo slammed on the brakes, causing a screeching halt that sent Lin Xuan lurching forward.

The porcelain box in the backseat tumbled to the floor.

"That scared the life out of me! A car just darted out in front!" exclaimed Sun Jianguo, still rattled from stopping the car.

Lin Xuan glanced at the large jeep blocking their way and instructed, "Back up!"

Sun Jianguo snapped to his senses, shifted into reverse, but just then, a small pickup truck appeared from behind, cutting off their escape.

"What's happening? What do they want?" Sun Jianguo asked, his voice tinged with panic.

In the next moment, over ten men descended from the vehicles ahead and behind, each armed with pickaxes, steel pipes, and machetes.

The bald ringleader among them took a swing at Sun Jianguo's hood with his pickaxe and bellowed, "Get out of the car!"

Sun Jianguo's complexion paled at the sight; he had never encountered such a scene before, and his legs turned to jelly.

"Stay calm," Lin Xuan said with composure. "It seems they're after the bronze pot."

"What? The bronze pot? No way, that's mine!" Sun Jianguo clutched the pot desperately, as if he'd rather part with his life than his treasure.

Lin Xuan chuckled at his reaction and said, "I think you'd better hand over the pot to them. Otherwise, our chances don't look too good."

Completely overwhelmed, Sun Jianguo heeded Lin Xuan's advice and reluctantly passed the bronze pot to him.


Just then, the car's front end took another brutal hit from a pickaxe.

"Stop dawdling! Get out of the car, and make it quick!"

Meanwhile, someone had already begun tugging at the car door. Sun Jianguo, terrified, quickly engaged the car locks. Outside, a chorus of fists pounded on the glass as voices bellowed, "Open up or I'm smashing the window!"

Sun Jianguo's face drained of color as he stammered, "Please, no smashing!"

In stark contrast, Lin Xuan opened the car door with a composed air and said, "Move aside. How can I get out if you don't make way?"

The crowd parted, allowing Lin Xuan to step out, bronze pot in hand. "You're here for this bronze pot, aren't you?" he asked with a slight smile, giving the pot a little shake.

The bald man, recognizing the item mentioned by his boss, snarled and demanded, "Hand it over now that you know! Or I'll leave you both crippled right here!"

Feigning attachment, Lin Xuan clutched the pot and countered, "That won't do. This pot's worth a pretty penny. You've got to pay up, right?"

The bald man sneered, "Are you out of your mind? Asking me for money? The last guy who talked to me like that is pushing up daisies!"

His threat was hyperbolic, but this seasoned thug had a notorious reputation locally, having inflicted serious injuries and served time behind bars.

From inside the car, a petrified Sun Jianguo pleaded, "Mr. Lin, just give him the pot. I have a family at home—I can't afford to die."

After a brief pause, Lin Xuan proposed, "Let him leave first. The pot stays with me, and I'm not going anywhere. Does that work for you?"

The bald man nonchalantly cleaned his ear and gestured to his crew, "Clear the way, let the fool scram!"

He warned, "But make no mistake—if he tries anything funny, I've got his plate number. I'll come for both your lives!"

With that, someone hopped into the pickup and moved it aside, opening up the road.

"Mr. Lin, should I head out now?" Sun Jianguo asked with a hint of embarrassment as he got into his car.

Lin Xuan waved dismissively and replied, "Go ahead. Don't worry, I'll head back soon."

He finished with a grin, flashing a sincere smile at Sun Jianguo.

"Stay safe!" Sun Jianguo clenched his jaw, made up his mind, and drove off.

As the car pulled away, the bald man toyed with the handle of his pickaxe and sneered, "You let him go, now hand it over."

His words were a signal, and the gang closed in, eager to wrestle the bronze pot from his grasp.

Lin Xuan's lips curled into an amused smile. He swung the bronze pot, striking the nearest thug on the head.

With a resounding "clang," the man collapsed to the ground.

In a flash, Lin Xuan seized another assailant's wrist and twisted sharply. A sickening snap echoed as the man's arm broke instantly.


The scream was chilling.

"You dare fight back!" The bald man raged, pointing at Lin Xuan and bellowing to his henchmen, "Get him! Beat him to death! Do it! Finish him off!"

But before his command was fully out, Lin Xuan had already sent another thug flying with a kick. The man hit the concrete hard, five meters away, and rolled helplessly down the slope.

Lin Xuan watched the man tumble, then offered a sheepish smile. "Oops, my bad. I didn't hold back enough."

Indeed, Lin Xuan had been restraining himself. Had he not, the man would likely have been dead before even hitting the ground.

The bald man screamed himself hoarse, "Kill him! Kill him!"

His crew, momentarily stunned by Lin Xuan's prowess, snapped to attention at the command. They charged, brandishing their weapons at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan had no time for games. With swift punches and kicks, he dispatched the remaining goons in mere seconds, leaving them sprawled on the ground, unable to rise.

The bald man was left agape, his years on the streets never having prepared him for someone with such formidable fighting skills. Even Bruce Lee himself would have been laid out flat in this situation!

"Who the hell are you?!" the bald man asked, terror-stricken.

"There's no need for you to know who I am. Just remember, I'm someone you absolutely don't want to mess with," Lin Xuan declared, advancing toward the bald man with an imposing and authoritative demeanor.

The bald man instinctively tried to back away, only to realize that his legs wouldn't obey him.

"Don't... don't come any closer!"

With a swift motion, Lin Xuan lunged forward and delivered a slap that sent the bald man spinning in place.

In a flash, the bald man's face ballooned, his two front teeth gone, and blood streamed from the corner of his mouth.

Sweating profusely and speaking through the pain, he managed to say, "I'm with Big Boss Niu. You've hurt me, and my brother too. My boss is definitely not going to let this slide..."

Clutching his face, the bald man forced out a warning through his agony.

"Do you have any idea how much clout Boss Niu has on Great Screen? None of our brothers will let you off the hook!"

This Boss Niu he mentioned was indeed a heavyweight in the local underworld, a name that could intimidate many.

But no sooner had the bald man finished his sentence than Lin Xuan's hand cracked across his face once more.


The bald man's head snapped to the side, his face now grotesquely swollen, achieving a sort of symmetry.

With his head ringing, the bald man listened as Lin Xuan's icy voice cut through the air.

"Enough with the bluster. Call your people now. Summon as many as you can, and bring the toughest one you've got!"

"I'm eager to see how this 'tough guy' you're bragging about is going to deal with me."

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