Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C66 He Chose
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C66 He Chose
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C66 He Chose

The bald man was utterly stunned by Lin Xuan's commanding presence.

It was his first encounter with someone who had the audacity to tell him to call for backup.

This was a first—a humiliating defeat right on his own turf!

Seething with a mix of sorrow and rage, the bald man whipped out his phone and, through gritted teeth, barked, "You're gonna regret this, kid!"

To the bald man, this kid was nothing more than a good fighter.

But out here, it's all about who you know and the power you wield!

What good is fighting by itself? The kid was nothing but a fool!

To actually suggest such a thing, he must have been kicked in the head by a mule!

So what if you can fight? Ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred? Pure fantasy!

Choking back tears, the bald man called his backup, "Boss Niu, I got roughed up on Xinye Road. Come quick with a few more vanloads of guys!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but chuckle at his plea. "Having trouble talking straight? Need a few vanloads of guys? Should I spread some jam on them for you?"

Before long, the sound of several vehicles thundering down the road could be heard.

Lin Xuan saw at least seven or eight vans approaching.

Li You glanced at the bald man and smirked, "So these are your 'vanloads of guys'?"

The bald man watched the vans approach, his eyes brimming with tears of desperation.

The vans screeched to a halt, and with a swift motion, the doors flew open, unleashing sixty or seventy hatchet-wielding thugs.

Each one exuded an aura of menace, their tattooed arms and piercing glares revealing their propensity for violence.

They marched forward, the backs of their machetes clanging against the metal railings, delivering a visceral assault on both the eyes and ears.

They were the epitome of professional brutality.

Seeing his reinforcements, the bald man's confidence surged. He jabbed a finger at Lin Xuan and yelled, "You're done for! Soon, we'll chop you into mincemeat!"

"Brothers, charge!"

In a flash, a crowd of sixty to seventy people charged at Lin Xuan.


Without uttering a word, Lin Xuan launched the pesky bald man a good four or five meters with a swift kick.

Like a kite caught in a gust, the bald man flew backward, toppling over a dozen others before tumbling into the roadside sewer.

The gang of brutes paused, taken aback, then with a collective roar, they brandished their blades and lunged at Lin Xuan.

Unseen by all, the "Xuan" character on Lin Xuan's chest shimmered with a crystalline glow.



A colossal force hammered at Lin Xuan's heart from within his chest.

His breathing was measured and deliberate, the hallmark of his unique "Mystic Gate" breathing technique.

In a moment, a relentless surge of inner strength flowed from within Lin Xuan, inexhaustible and unending.

Then, Lin Xuan turned the tables and counterattacked.

The few at the vanguard, their machetes not yet swung, found themselves airborne, quickly followed by a wave of excruciating pain.


One by one, they crashed to the ground, bones shattered and sinews snapped.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xuan was in close quarters with the assailants.

The air was filled with the sounds of rushing wind and cranes' cries as he weaved through them like a dragon, swift as lightning.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Several more thugs clutched their chests in agony, screaming as they collapsed.

Blood spurted from mouths and noses as they fell unconscious on the spot.

Lin Xuan, relentless, continued his dance of destruction among them, following up with a spinning kick that swept across seven or eight men.

The power behind it was formidable!


A chorus of screams erupted from those around him.

Seven or eight men, their machetes clattering to the ground, lay writhing in pain, their cries of anguish filling the air.

In just a moment, Lin Xuan had swiftly taken down twenty to thirty people, leaving them sprawled on the ground, unable to move. At the back of the crowd stood a burly man with a scar etched across his face, who involuntarily gasped in shock. This was none other than Big Screen Boss Niu, the one the bald man had mentioned.

Boss Niu hadn't even caught a glimpse of how Lin Xuan made his move before a swath of his men were already down. And astonishingly, the assailant hadn't sustained a single scratch. Could someone truly take on ten, a hundred adversaries single-handedly?

In a fury, Boss Niu bellowed, "Attack! Get him! Cut him down!" No sooner had the words left his mouth than dozens swarmed Lin Xuan, encircling him.

"Kill him!" The crowd was seething, having never experienced such humiliation.

But in the very next moment...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" To the crowd's amazement, Lin Xuan unleashed a back kick, sending several men soaring through the air like ragdolls. He then seized a steel pipe and plunged into the fray, swinging wildly.

The onlookers could barely track the movements of the steel pipe, only catching glimpses of white flashes darting around Lin Xuan, reminiscent of a dragon writhing in a dance of silver scales.

The air was filled with continuous wails and groans. The once formidable enforcers were now the epitome of disarray. None had anticipated that their group of sixty to seventy strong couldn't overpower a single man.

Wave after wave of attackers surged forward, only to be repeatedly felled by Lin Xuan. Broken arms, broken legs, bloodied heads – the scene was gruesomely unbearable.

When Lin Xuan finally stood still, a semi-circle of bodies lay around him. Shock was the only word that could capture the scene.

Lin Xuan turned his cold gaze to those remaining, his sneer cutting through the air, "Come on, all of you, together." His icy words stabbed at Boss Niu's heart, sending shivers of shock and dread through everyone present, from head to toe.

For the first time in his long career, Boss Niu had been beaten so badly that it was nearly a total annihilation. The thought of such humiliation becoming public was unbearable.

What would the underworld say about him? Could Boss Niu ever hold his head high among them again?

With a violent twitch in the corner of his eye and teeth clenched, Boss Niu barked, "Attack!"

Dozens of his men charged at Lin Xuan with a roar, like a tidal wave crashing forward.

Lin Xuan met them head-on, and the area was soon filled with the agonized screams of the assailants.

In a mere moment, Lin Xuan had broken through the ranks and stood before Boss Niu, leaving a trail of fallen bodies behind him, piled atop one another in a cacophony of groans.

Facing Boss Niu, Lin Xuan's cold smile sent a clear message: "Guess you're next, huh?"

Boss Niu's face froze, his spirit shattering within.

The man before him was beyond terrifying, beyond the scope of mere words.

As Lin Xuan advanced, Boss Niu retreated, his cleaver now nothing more than a useless prop.

"Don't... Don't come any closer!" Boss Niu stammered, his body quaking as he attempted to ward off Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's voice was icy as he presented the ultimatum, "You have two options: keep calling for backup, or cripple your own limbs. Choose."

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