Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C67 Boss Is Here!
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C67 Boss Is Here!
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C67 Boss Is Here!


Boss Niu forcefully swallowed his saliva. "I'm calling for backup, I'm calling for backup..."

Lin Xuan extended his finger, waggling it in front of him. "Bring on your toughest guy. Don't waste my time with nobodies—I want a real challenge!"

Boss Niu's complexion turned a sickly shade of green, but through clenched teeth, he dialed another number.

Shortly thereafter, a convoy of over a dozen vans arrived, spilling out a crowd of over a hundred.

Lin Xuan, undeterred, swiftly laid them all out flat.

Flicking Boss Niu's cheek, Lin Xuan expressed his displeasure, "Didn't I tell you? No nobodies. Can't you understand plain English?"

With shaking hands, Boss Niu made yet another call, summoning an even larger group. But just like before, Lin Xuan dispatched them all without exception.

Boss Niu was shell-shocked, his body quivering as he stammered, "Impossible! This can't be happening..."

Lin Xuan shook his head in disbelief and with a swift kick, sent Boss Niu tumbling. "Keep calling, keep dancing!"

Struggling to his feet, Boss Niu's legs gave out, and he fell to his knees before Lin Xuan. "Big Brother, there's no one left... Wuu... Wuu..." Tears streamed down his face.

He was just a thug leader from Great Screen, accustomed to pushing around the common folk. But this confrontation was beyond anything he'd ever imagined.

He had called every last one of his underlings. Who else was there to call?

"Big Brother, I was wrong. Please, have mercy on me..."

Boss Niu clung to Lin Xuan's legs, weeping bitterly.

"I realize now how formidable you are. I'll never cross you again, Big Brother, wuu..."

"I'll compensate you, alright? One million, no, two million—just name your price, please?"

Boss Niu's eyes were filled with desperate hope as he looked up at Lin Xuan, waiting for a sentence to be passed.

Lin Xuan's gaze was icy as he replied with a frosty tone, "All this commotion over a bronze pot—it's all on you. You've brought this upon yourself."

Boss Niu nodded frantically, "Yes, it's all my fault. I swear, I'll never make that mistake again..."

Lin Xuan's expression turned stern. "Go tell your boss that if he dares target my friend again, his end will be far worse than what you experienced today."

"I get it... I'll make sure that punk knows he's signed my death warrant. Big brother, you don't have to say a word, I'd take him down myself..."

"Got it, Big Brother." With that, Boss Niu made to leave.

"Come back here!"

Lin Xuan's shout sent a shiver down Boss Niu's spine.

He turned, his voice quivering, "What is it, Big Brother?"

Lin Xuan cracked a smile. "We're not done playing our little game yet."

"What game?" Boss Niu's face drained of color.

Lin Xuan's tone turned icy. "I laid out your options earlier. Either keep calling for backup or disable your own limbs. It's your choice."

"But... Big Brother, there's no one left..." Desperation crept into Boss Niu's voice, the urge to weep clear in his eyes.

"Then it's simple," Lin Xuan said with a smile. "Cripple yourself."

Boss Niu had already summoned all his men, and any additional help would be just as ineffective. They were no match for Lin Xuan.

Who else could he turn to?

His own boss?

If his boss learned of his disastrous defeat, that he and his hundreds of men were easily scattered by one man, he'd likely be the first to pay with his life.

But with no other options, Boss Niu reluctantly grabbed his phone.

"I'll call my boss, Master Hu."

"Qin Hu?" Lin Xuan inquired.

"...Yes," Boss Niu replied, his face a mask of confusion.

Lin Xuan shook his head. "Don't bother, I'll call him myself."

He dialed a number and spoke with authority, "Qin Hu, I'm on Xinye Road right now. Get over here, immediately!"

After the call, Lin Xuan's gaze on Boss Niu was icy.

Boss Niu's face went ashen. His own boss was being summoned like a lackey by the man before him. Who on earth was he?

In a feeble voice, Boss Niu ventured, "Big brother, who are you, really?"

"What, you're thinking of getting back at me?" Lin Xuan inquired.

"No way, Big Brother, I wouldn't dare..."

Lin Xuan responded coolly, "I'm not someone you want to cross."

Boss Niu was utterly flabbergasted.

Shortly thereafter, several black Land Rovers swiftly arrived and halted before them.

Qin Hu scrambled out of the car, taken aback by the sight of hundreds of people sprawled on the ground.

But he had no time to dwell on his shock. He rushed to Lin Xuan, bowed deeply, and asked, "Mr. Lin, did you need me for something?"

Boss Niu watched, completely astounded.

Lin Xuan stated indifferently, "Your men came after me, and I dealt with them. I've called you here to collect them."

"Absolutely, yes," Qin Hu agreed, nodding vigorously.

He then whirled on Boss Niu, his anger erupting, "You idiot! Do you have a death wish? You dare mess with Mr. Lin, and I swear I'll mince you up and feed you to the fishes in the river!"

Boss Niu shuddered as if struck by lightning.

"Are you blind? Apologize to Mr. Lin, now! You've gone and stirred up trouble, and I'll make sure you regret it!"

Qin Hu berated him while unleashing a barrage of kicks upon Boss Niu.

Cowering, Boss Niu covered his head, silent and submissive as a dog before its owner.

The other men on the ground were equally petrified. This young man was Mr. Lin? They had foolishly confronted him, clearly courting death.

Qin Hu barked at his men, "Stop lying there like you're dead! Get up and crawl over to Mr. Lin, kneel, and apologize!"

Grimacing with pain, the men got to their feet. Suddenly, hundreds were prostrate around Lin Xuan, fervently bowing and begging for forgiveness.

"Mr. Lin, I was blind to your stature and have offended you! Please, I beg you to spare my unworthy life."

Boss Niu, too, knelt on the ground, frantically slapping his own face as he pleaded, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. It was all my fault. I implore you to forgive me just this once."

Master Qin gave himself a slap and said with palpable tension, "Mr. Lin, I apologize. It's my fault for not keeping a tight leash on my men, allowing these curs to disrespect you. Please, show mercy and forgive us."

Lin Xuan spared him only a brief glance, his tone cool and detached, "My word is law. The rules I set are to be followed without question."

Qin Hu, momentarily taken aback, quickly affirmed, "Absolutely, your rules are the only rules. If there's anything else you need, just command Little Tiger."

"Is the Fuji Pavilion yours as well?" Lin Xuan inquired.

"Yes, it is..." Qin Hu mopped his brow, hanging on Lin Xuan's every word with rapt attention, not daring to slacken.

"For the specifics, you can consult your men."

Lin Xuan gave a light pat of his hands, remarking, "It's been a while since I've had a good workout. A little scuffle and I'm feeling the aches and pains."

"I'm going to head back and rest. Let me know once you've sorted everything out."

Qin Hu, dabbing at the sweat on his forehead, assured him, "Rest easy, Mr. Lin. Little Tiger will leave no stone unturned in getting to the bottom of this! If any of my guys fail to recognize you in the future, you have my permission to break Little Tiger's legs!"

With a nod, Lin Xuan picked up the copper pot and said, "I'll be on my way. This place is a mess; you handle it."

Without delay, Qin Hu offered, "Please, Mr. Lin, allow me to arrange a ride for you."

Lin Xuan accepted without hesitation, stepping into Qin Hu's Land Rover.

No sooner had he settled into the vehicle than the agonized wails of Boss Niu reached his ears from outside.

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