Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C68 The Matter Was Handled Well
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C68 The Matter Was Handled Well
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C68 The Matter Was Handled Well

Lin Xuan was dropped off at the storefront Sun Jianguo had recently leased by Qin Hu's car, carrying a bronze pot with him. Upon seeing Lin Xuan unscathed, Sun Jianguo's face registered utter astonishment. "How did you manage to come back?" he asked anxiously.

"The police showed up shortly after you left, and those guys scattered," Lin Xuan fibbed casually.

Sun Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness I called the cops. They responded pretty fast."

"Mr. Lin, please don't just stand there. Come in and take a seat. You've really been through a lot." Once inside, Sun Jianguo quickly set about making tea for Lin Xuan.

Taking a look around, Lin Xuan noted the freshly finished interior. It was a small space, but it was well-appointed.

Sun Jianguo felt a deep sense of gratitude toward Lin Xuan. Today, Lin Xuan had not only saved him but had also secured a bronze pot for him.

Yet, with Lin Xuan remaining silent on the subject, Sun Jianguo felt too awkward to mention the pot himself, looking on longingly—he had, after all, previously declined it.

Reading Sun Jianguo's mind, Lin Xuan chuckled, "I was only teasing you. You shelled out half a million for a fake. It wouldn't be fair to keep the pot from you—that'd be a huge loss."

"Hehe, I'm too embarrassed to even accept it," Sun Jianguo said, rubbing his hands and nodding earnestly.

"I'll leave the bronze pot here with you. Running a small business isn't easy, and I'll help you find a buyer for the pot later on. You can sell it and invest in a different venture," Lin Xuan offered.

"This line of work is risky, and with your level of expertise, you're bound to take a loss eventually."

Sun Jianguo, moved to the brink of tears, expressed his gratitude, "Mr. Lin, I can't thank you enough. Rest assured, I'll stick to other small ventures with this shop and steer clear of this business."

"I've come to realize it's not my calling," Sun Jianguo admitted.

Lin Xuan stood up, ready to leave. "Well, I've left the item here. I should be going now."

Overflowing with thanks, Sun Jianguo escorted Lin Xuan to the door and even offered 20,000 yuan as a token of his appreciation.

Lin Xuan dismissed the offer with a wave of his hand, "If I were concerned about the 20,000 yuan, wouldn't I just keep the pot for myself? Please, put it away."

Sun Jianguo understood that Lin Xuan wasn't interested in the money; his gesture was simply one of appreciation. Seeing Lin refuse, he didn't press the issue.

Just then, a flamboyantly dressed woman entered.

"Qianqian, meet Mr. Lin Xuan!" Sun Jianguo said, introducing her.

"Mr. Lin, this is my fiancée, Soong Jiaoqian."

Soong Jiaoqian gave Lin Xuan a once-over, her brow furrowing as she inquired, "Which Mr. Lin?"

"The one married to Qiuyu."

"Ahh, him." Soong Jiaoqian responded with a forced smile.

She then turned her attention away from Lin Xuan and pressed Sun Jianguo, "There's still so much to do. You need to get on it."

"Are you even serious about marrying me? Can you come up with a 300,000 yuan dowry? My father made it clear—no dowry, no wedding."

Sun Jianguo's face showed his dilemma. "I've invested everything. Your dad wants me to be successful but also demands a dowry..."

"So, you're saying my father is wrong?" Soong Jiaoqian's voice was icy.

"No, no, of course not. He's absolutely right," Sun Jianguo hastily agreed.

Seeing the situation, Lin Xuan interjected, "You two seem busy; I'll head out."

"Sure," Sun Jianguo replied, regret in his tone. "Mr. Lin, I owe you a proper invitation another time. My apologies."

Lin Xuan offered a smile in acknowledgment and then departed.

No sooner had Lin Xuan left than Soong Jiaoqian began to gripe, "You just bring anyone around. He's nothing but a freeloader. Why are you even dealing with him?"

Sun Jianguo quickly presented the bronze pot, "Did you see this? Mr. Lin helped me acquire this bronze pot—it's worth a fortune!"

"If it weren't for Mr. Lin today..."

"Stop!" Soong Jiaoqian cut him off, her lips curling in disdain. "What is this junk? It irritates me just to look at it. Don't get conned, will you?"


"What do you mean 'no'?" Soong Jiaoqian asserted forcefully. "Let me tell you, if you can't come up with three hundred thousand, our wedding is off."

"Don't give me that. That guy is a complete loser, I saw it right away. Do you really think he's capable? He's just riding on Pei Qiuyu's coattails. You'd better watch out!"

"What don't I know about Pei Qiuyu?"

"Qian Qian, why would you say that?"

"What should I say? Get back to work! I need to step out for a bit. Don't wait up for me at dinner; I've been invited out by a friend."

With that, Soong Jiaoqian grabbed her bag and left.


Lin Xuan had just hopped into a taxi when Qin Hu called him.

On the phone, he spoke with deference, "Mr. Lin, I've taken care of everything. Xiaoniu has been dealt with severely, and the boss of Fuji Pavilion has been fired and beaten half to death. I've also made sure he'll never be hired in this industry again."

"Are you satisfied with how I handled it?"

Lin Xuan responded indifferently, "Alright, let's leave it at that."

"Qin Hu, I hope you'll use your abilities and connections to do more good for society, instead of having your men engage in wrongdoing."

"Understood! Xiao Hu will certainly follow Mr. Lin's orders!"

The other party was thrilled to receive Lin Xuan's guidance.

He was eager to deepen his relationship with Lin Xuan; serving him was just the beginning.

After hanging up, Lin Xuan instructed the driver to take him straight to Pei Qiuyu's company.

At that moment, Pei Qiuyu was immersed in her work.

She valued everything she had and worked tirelessly, handling everything personally, earning the respect of her employees.

Upon entering the office, Lin Xuan saw Pei Qiuyu intently focused on the computer screen, typing away at the keyboard.

He quietly poured a glass of water and set it beside her.

Only then did Pei Qiuyu notice him and greeted him with a smile, "You're back. How did things go?"

Lin Xuan returned the smile, "Of course I took care of my wife's classmate's issue. How else could I let my wife save face?"

Pei Qiuyu chuckled, "Smooth talker, aren't you?"

Lin Xuan added, "But really, Sun Jianguo isn't cut out for this line of work. I've suggested he invest his money in a different venture."

Pei Qiuyu nodded in agreement. "That might be for the best. Sun Jianguo always had a bit of an ego in college, yet he's a decent guy—very sincere and straightforward."

"Exactly, and that's the reason I offered to help him out."

Lin Xuan gave Pei Qiuyu's shoulders a gentle rub and suggested, "Honey, why don't you take a short break?"

Pei Qiuyu replied, "I need to finish this report first. I've got a client meeting this afternoon and no time to spare. You go ahead and relax for a bit."

After saying this, Pei Qiuyu returned her focus to the computer screen with renewed intensity.

Sitting down, Lin Xuan broached a new subject, "Dad's going to be released from the hospital soon. Our house is too old and damp—it's not conducive to his recovery. I'm thinking we should buy a new place."

Pei Qiuyu swiveled to face him. "You read my mind. I've crunched the numbers, and we can manage a down payment."

Lin Xuan beamed, "Now that's what I call being on the same wavelength. Let's go house hunting after you finish work."

After a brief pause, Pei Qiuyu spoke up with a hint of reluctance, "Lin Xuan, there's something else I need to discuss with you. Please, don't get upset."

Lin Xuan offered a reassuring smile. "Darling, whatever it is, just tell me. No need for formalities between us."

In a soft tone, Pei Qiuyu confessed, "I've decided not to sue Pei Jinzheng. I've thought long and hard about it. Grandma's getting on in years, and just today, I noticed her hair has gotten whiter."

Lin Xuan's smile abruptly vanished as he inquired, "That old woman—she's been to see you, hasn't she?"

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