Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C73 The Couple
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C73 The Couple
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C73 The Couple

The individuals who had ridiculed Lin Xuan were swiftly escorted off the premises by security and tossed into the lake.

In the bustling sales lobby, Qin Hu proclaimed loudly, "When I handle matters, I always do so with reason and evidence!"

"I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by those nuisances and for dampening the spirits of those looking to purchase homes," Qin Hu expressed with regret.

"As a result, I've decided to offer an additional one percent discount to anyone who commits to buying a property here today, no exceptions!" he announced.

Turning to CEO Wu, Qin Hu inquired, "CEO Wu, do you concur with this?"

With little choice, CEO Wu nodded in agreement, adding, "Certainly, and we'll throw in a month of property management fees on the house!"

Upon hearing this, the crowd realized that even the smallest high-rise purchase, coupled with a month's worth of property fees, would save them a substantial amount—tens of thousands!

Consequently, a flurry of eager buyers secured their homes.

Some attendees directly expressed their gratitude to Qin Hu, feeling fortunate they hadn't stooped to the level of those who ended up in the lake, and were now reaping the benefits of such generous discounts.

The prospect of saving tens of thousands with just a few words brought smiles to many faces.

Qin Hu chuckled, "If you're going to thank anyone, thank Mr. Lin, not me. Without him, you wouldn't be enjoying these discounts today!"

Suddenly, a wave of gratitude washed over the crowd towards Lin Xuan. As they looked at him anew, he seemed nothing short of impressive—no hint of an underdog in sight.

Pei Qiuyu, insisting on paying her own way, finally accepted the deal after Qin Hu offered a substantial ten percent discount on the villa. Satisfied, she proceeded to make the down payment.

After completing the transaction, Qiuyu extended her thanks to both Qin Hu and CEO Wu.

Qin Hu responded with a smile, "Truthfully, I should be thanking Mr. and Mrs. Lin. Thanks to you, we've sold out several buildings in no time. Without your presence, these sales wouldn't have happened so swiftly."

Feeling somewhat sheepish, Qiuyu remarked, "But didn't that mean you had to offer an extra discount to everyone?"

Qin Hu explained, "My actions served as a way to seal the deal and keep them quiet. This way, they won't tarnish the reputation of our development. Besides, throwing people into a lake makes for quite the news story, haha."

CEO Wu chuckled and remarked, "Actually, offering a one-point discount is well within our grasp. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thrown in the property fee on top of that."

Pei Qiuyu finally caught on and nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Subsequently, Qin Hu ushered Lin Xuan into the VIP room to sit down, while Pei Qiuyu was escorted by the saleswoman to tour the model homes.

Upon entering the VIP room, Qin Hu eagerly clasped Lin Xuan's hand, pleading, "Big Brother, you've got to help Little Tiger out."

Lin Xuan settled into the sofa and inquired, "What's the matter? Didn't I advise you to stay calm?"

Qin Hu replied, "Big Brother, I've been following your orders. I just came here to withdraw some funds to contribute to charitable causes."

"But I'm aware that the White-headed Old Man won't leave me be."

"Who's the White-headed Old Man?" Lin Xuan sipped his tea and questioned.

"He's the top dog in North City. Several of the big shots in our area seem to be under his thumb. If they gang up on me, I'm done for."

"If you run into trouble, dial this number. He'll be able to sort things out for you."

Lin Xuan said as he handed over a business card with an added number.

Qin Hu accepted the card with both hands and, looking at the number, asked, "Will this really work, Big Brother?"

"Just give it a try and you'll see if it does," Lin Xuan replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, with your assurance, Big Brother, I feel at ease!" Qin Hu carefully stowed the business card.

Lin Xuan added, "If you straighten up and fly right from now on, you're bound to have a bright future. You have my word."

Qin Hu nodded vigorously, saying, "Absolutely, Big Brother. Little Hu will always remember your advice!"


After Lin Xuan and Pei Qiuyu left the sales center, Pei Qiuyu's excitement lingered for quite some time.

"Honey, did you see how gorgeous our new home is?"

"Once we move in, I want to fill the yard with all my favorite flowers and plants. Will you help me plant them?"

Seeing Pei Qiuyu's dreamy look, Lin Xuan responded with a smile, "Of course, my love. Whatever you want to do, I'm there with you—as long as it makes you happy."

Pei Qiuyu looked at Lin Xuan with a serious expression. "Honey, from now on, I don't want you getting too close to Master Hu. He's always been involved with the wrong crowd. Let's just stick to a normal life, okay?"

Lin Xuan chuckled. "People can change, you know. Qin Hu is slowly becoming a better person."

Pei Qiuyu nodded in agreement. "True, Master Hu doesn't seem all that bad anymore, though he's still pretty intimidating. He even tossed Shasha into the lake."

"That was her own fault," Lin Xuan replied. "Hopefully, she'll learn to keep her mouth shut after this."

"I hope so too," Pei Qiuyu murmured.

As Pei Qiuyu headed to the parking lot to fetch the car, Lin Xuan overheard a voice that sounded familiar. "Sweetheart, all my girlfriends rave about the houses here, and the area's lovely too. Could you buy one for me as well?"

Turning toward the voice, Lin Xuan saw that it was Sun Jianguo's fiancée, Soong Jiaoqian, who was speaking. She was cozied up to an unfamiliar man, her head on his shoulder, in a pose that was more than a little cozy.

They walked past, too engrossed in their conversation to notice Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's brow furrowed. Soong Jiaoqian was calling this man 'darling' and acting so affectionately with him. Wasn't she supposed to be Sun Jianguo's fiancée? Was she cheating on him?

He felt a wave of revulsion—nothing disgusted him more than women who lacked a moral compass and flitted from one man to another.

Sun Jianguo was working tirelessly to save money for their marriage, and here she was, betraying him. The thought of such a woman made him sick to his stomach.

Then, the man asked cheerfully, "After I buy you this house, how will you explain it to your Jianguo?"

"Sun Jianguo?" Soong Jiaoqian replied with a sneer. "Please, let's not talk about that loser. He thinks he can marry me without a penny to his name, and he's got no skills except for dabbling in antiques. If it weren't for the fact that he's somewhat hardworking and can make a little money, I wouldn't spend a single day with him."

The man let out a chuckle, gently squeezing Soong Jiaoqian's cheek, and teased, "Now that you're with me, why bother going back to your mom? Once a woman has been with Qi Jiaguo, no other man is allowed to touch her!"

Soong Jiaoqian hastened to clarify, "Guo, I never let him lay a finger on me. The most I did was hold hands with him, and even that felt dirty! My body is yours and yours alone, Guo. No other man is worthy of touching me!"

"He's got a store now, right? Once he puts my name on the business license, I'll find an excuse to dump him. Sounds good, doesn't it?"

Qi Jiaguo roared with laughter. "A woman's heart can be so venomous. Makes me wonder, if I ever go broke, will you kick me to the curb too?"

"Oh, Guo, don't say such things. Both my body and my heart belong to you, and no one could ever take your place." Soong Jiaoqian nestled her head into Qi Jiaguo's chest as she spoke.

Qi Jiaguo beamed with joy, giving her bottom a playful pinch. "You're such a little temptress!"

Eager to please, Soong Jiaoqian snuggled up to Qi Jiaguo, rubbing against him as she cooed, "Guo, won't you buy me a house here?"

With a smile, Qi Jiaguo replied, "Let's check out the houses first. You just point out the one you like. After we head back, if you take good care of me and then dump that fool, I'll come right back and buy it for you!"

"Really? Guo, you'd really buy me a house here? You're the best, Guo!" Soong Jiaoqian exclaimed, planting an excited kiss on his face.

Qi Jiaguo swelled with pride. "But only if you pamper me until I'm completely satisfied!"

"Don't worry, Guo. Once we're back, I'll make sure to take very good care of you. I promise you'll feel like you're on cloud nine!"

They both laughed heartily as they made their way into the sales center, wrapped up in each other's affection.

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