Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C84 His Family Was Unlucky
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C84 His Family Was Unlucky
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C84 His Family Was Unlucky

Lee Moxiang and Pei Qiang were both utterly shocked!

The speaker was none other than Lin Xuan. They hadn't anticipated his unyielding stance!

Old Lady Pei fixed a furious gaze on Lin Xuan, pounded the table, and bellowed, "You, a mere son-in-law of the Pei family, dare to be so insolent! You show no respect for your elders! You're completely out of line!"

"Exactly! He had the audacity to be disrespectful to you in front of the entire Pei family!"

Pei Jiang chimed in, "If we don't teach him a lesson, he'll start thinking the Pei family is weak!"

"Do you think you have the right to talk like that?" Lin Xuan retorted icily. "I will respect those who deserve it. But why should I respect someone who disrespects their own age, exploits their seniority, and bullies others excessively?"

Lin Xuan had no intention of saving face for the Peis, given their despicable behavior.

Old Lady Pei's heart and eyes were only for her elder brother's family. She treated her father-in-law Pei Qiang's family like servants, never once considering them her own kin.

Pei Jiang's family, despite being Pei Qiang's own brother and Pei Qiuyu's uncle, never truly cared for Pei Qiuyu and her family. They were always ready to claim any good fortune that came to their relatives, a display of sheer ugliness.

Pei Jiang, out of familial love, refrained from severing ties, but Lin Xuan would not stand for their behavior!

Now, they had the audacity to brazenly seize the house he had just purchased!

Lin Xuan was astounded that such shameless people could exist, completely overturning his values!

"Lin Xuan, mind your language!" Pei Jinzheng pointed at Lin Xuan and yelled, "Do you think the Pei family won't band together and throw you out?"

"Do you even deserve to say that?" Lin Xuan scoffed contemptuously. "Pei Jinzheng, you're a remorseless parasite, a blight on the Pei family that will lead to its downfall!"

"Ridiculous!" Old Lady Pei slammed the table, stood up, and roared, "Lin Xuan! Kneel and apologize, and hand over your house to me, and I might forgive your earlier insolence! Otherwise, I'll have you and Qiuyu divorced immediately, kick you out of the Pei family, and make your life a living hell!"

Pei Qiuyu, who had been silently standing behind Lin Xuan, suddenly spoke up: "Why? Grandma, why are you treating our family like this? Don't you see me as your granddaughter anymore? By what right do you control everything about us?"

"I won't obey you this time! I'm telling you now, I will not divorce Lin Xuan. Not now, not ever!"

"Insurrection... This is outright insurrection!" Old Lady Pei, seething with rage, pointed at Pei Qiuyu and berated, "How dare you, a granddaughter, speak to your grandmother with such disrespect!"

She then turned her ire towards Pei Qiang, bellowing, "Look at your fine daughter! She's taking the side of an outsider! Make her kneel before me! Kneel down!"

Pei Qiang slowly lifted his head, his usual meek demeanor replaced by a look of defiance.

Pei Jiang, witnessing this bold confrontation with Old Lady Pei, thought, 'Is this not rebellion?'

He urgently barked, "Pei Qiang! Don't just stand there! Make Qiuyu and your son-in-law kneel and apologize to Mother, now!"

The normally timid Pei Qiang, now with fists clenched, met Pei Jiang's gaze and declared, "We've done nothing wrong. Why should we kneel? Qiuyu and Lin Xuan worked hard to buy us a western-style house. How can you just take it over? Are you even my family anymore?"

"You!" Old Lady Pei, shaking with fury, pointed at Pei Qiang and spat out, "You ingrate!"

She snatched up her cane, charged at Pei Qiang, and began to beat him mercilessly.

Pei Qiang stood his ground, taking the blows from Old Lady Pei's cane on his head and body without flinching.

"Dad!" Pei Qiuyu's cry was heart-wrenching, her eyes brimming with tears.

She could endure being bullied and humiliated herself, but she would not stand for anyone hurting her father.

"Stop it!" Pei Qiuyu rushed forward, seizing the cane that Old Lady Pei was about to bring down again.

"Let go!" Old Lady Pei, eyes blazing, glared at Pei Qiuyu.

"I won't let you hit my dad!"

Tears brimmed in Pei Qiuyu's eyes as she fought back her sorrow and anger. "Have you ever shown even the slightest concern for our family throughout my life?"

"You've driven my father to this state, and still you strike him? I won't let you lay another hand on him!"

"Insolence! Complete insolvency!"

Old Lady Pei's hand shot up, poised to strike Pei Qiuyu's cheek.

"Snap!" Just then, a strong hand firmly clasped her wrist.

"You?!" Old Lady Pei turned to see who it was—Lin Xuan.

With a steely gaze, Lin Xuan warned, "Lay a finger on my wife, and you'll pay with your life!"

He snatched the cane away and flung it to the ground.

"Qiuyu, we're leaving!"

Lin Xuan addressed Pei Qiuyu, then spun on his heel, striding towards the door without a backward glance.

Pei Qiuyu dabbed at her tears, casting one last look of loathing at the assembly before resolutely making her exit.

Old Lady Pei was livid.

She had gone to the trouble of summoning the esteemed elders of the Pei family today to coerce them.

Their aim was clear: to seize the family mansion.

They were resolute; it was to be surrendered willingly or not.

In her mind, Pei Qiang was always meek and compliant, trembling at even a harsh word from her.

And Pei Qiuyu? She was an afterthought, a grandchild who barely registered, with no say whatsoever.

Especially since she had married a nobody—a man with no voice at all.

And Lin Xuan, that nobody? He was even less significant.

A son-in-law in their household was lower than the family dog, with no standing to refuse their demands.

The mansion was to be delivered into their hands, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Yet, the day's events had blindsided her. Pei Qiang, ever the yes-man, had found the nerve to defy Old Lady Pei.

Pei Qiuyu, the unfavored granddaughter, had the audacity to stand up to her.

And Lin Xuan, the so-called good-for-nothing, had the gall to rebuke her to her face. This was a turn of events Old Lady Pei and the Pei clan had never anticipated.

"Insurrection! The lot of you have turned against us!"

Pei Jinzheng spoke through clenched teeth, "Grandmother, we cannot simply let them walk away! With all our relatives and elders gathered here today, if we let them leave just like that, what respect will the Pei family have left? And what about your own authority within the family in the days to come?!"

Old Lady Pei's face contorted with displeasure. She had always wielded control within the Pei family, unchallenged in her authority.

Yet, to her shock, she faced a relentless rebellion and provocation from this family today, which filled her with indignant fury.

She bellowed, "To have such rebellious descendants is a curse upon our house! Rest assured, as long as I draw breath, the Pei family will not be turned upside down by the likes of you!"

"Let none of them leave!"

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