Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C86 Dismissed!
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C86 Dismissed!
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C86 Dismissed!

As Pei Qiuyu drove off, the usually reticent Pei Qiang couldn't contain his anger. "Mom and Big Brother have crossed the line! They preach about family, but look at their actions!"

Gripping the steering wheel, Pei Qiuyu let out a sigh. "At this rate, the Pei family is heading for ruin."

Lee Moxiang couldn't hide her disdain. "After all the help we've given them! Without Qiuyu securing that contract, would Y Corporation be where it is today? They just waltzed in and reaped the benefits! It makes my blood boil!"

Lin Xuan spoke calmly, "Mom, Dad, they're on a path to destruction if they keep this up. Mark my words."

"Besides, leaving the Pei family might be a blessing in disguise."

The Pei family's dealings with Wang Baifa's group were orchestrated by me, yet they're clueless.

Thinking they can profit from Wang Baifa after offending me? Wishful thinking!

One phone call to Wang Baifa, and the Pei family would crumble to dust!

While massaging Pei Qiang's sore muscles, Lee Moxiang grumbled, "It's outrageous. They think we're pushovers. Thank goodness for Lin Xuan today. Now that we've split from the Pei family, we're free from their torment!"

Back home, Lee Moxiang tended to the blood on Pei Qiang's face. He was a mess of bruises and swelling, with a large lump on his head.

Old Lady Pei had lashed out at him earlier, chilling his heart. The emotional pain was proving harder to heal than his physical wounds.

Pei Qiang let out a heavy sigh. "I'm truly heartbroken. My own mother and brother, and yet, all my efforts over the years have earned not an ounce of their affection for our family."

Pei Qiuyu replied, "Dad, there's no use dwelling on it now. Thankfully, Lin Xuan stood up for us."

Then, Lee Moxiang inquired, "Qiuyu, with you ousted from Y Corporation, what's your plan moving forward?"

Pei Qiuyu remarked, "What other choice do we have? Let's start by finding a job. As long as we're willing to put in the effort, we won't go hungry."

Upon witnessing this, Lin Xuan promptly stood up and made his way to the kitchen to give Wang Baifa a call.

The call was quickly answered. "Hall Master, what can I do for you?"

"Do you know the Wang family from A City? They're engaged to Pei Jinzheng, right?" Lin Xuan inquired.

After a brief pause, Wang Baifa replied, "If you're referring to the Wang family of the Golden Cauldron Group, they're a minor family in A City. Among the various Wang families, they're the only ones who are a suitable match for the Pei family."

Lin Xuan nodded, his voice icy, "That's the one. I'm at odds with the Pei family now. They're trying to seize the new house we've just purchased to secure a marriage with the Wang's daughter."

Hearing this, Wang Baifa responded, "Understood, Hall Master. The Wang family may be small, but I'll ensure their Golden Cauldron Pharmaceuticals collapses."

"There's no need for that," Lin Xuan chuckled. "The Wang family might not even be aware of the situation. Still, you can give them a warning. If they go ahead with the marriage to Pei Jinzheng, they'll be crossing me."

"Got it," Wang Baifa said, licking his lips. "Hall Master, I've got a plan."

"Good," Lin Xuan replied coolly. "Proceed with it."

"I'll notify the Wang family immediately!"

So the Pei family wishes to ally with the Wangs? A family with such corrupt morals hoping for descendants? What a fanciful thought!

Lin Xuan's tone turned frosty once more. "Additionally, make a public announcement that all dealings with Y Corporation are to be terminated immediately! And make it known throughout the industry that anyone who associates with the Pei family will do so at their own risk."

"Rest assured, Hall Master," Wang Baifa assured him. "I'll take care of both matters without delay."

With these actions, the Pei family would find themselves utterly alone.

No company would associate with them, leaving them with no options but a dead end!

They thought they could look down on Qiuyu's family? Well, I'm about to leave them utterly astounded!

After ending the call, Lin Xuan returned to the living room. There, he noticed a large, swollen abscess on his father-in-law Pei Qiang's forehead. Pei Qiang's recovery from a cerebral infarction was progressing, but this new complication was bound to impact his healing process. Lin Xuan's resentment toward the Pei family deepened. Despite being Pei Qiang's kin, they had shown no concern for his health. Old Lady Pei's behavior was particularly cruel, resorting to hitting and scolding him—her actions were inhumane.

Surgery was necessary to drain the abscess, and given Pei Qiang's frail condition, he needed substantial nourishment. Lin Xuan messaged Ye Lingtian again, requesting the finest wild ginseng reserved for the military elite to aid in his father-in-law's recovery.

Meanwhile, at the Pei family villa, Old Lady Pei was fuming. "This entire family has turned against me! How did I end up with such ungrateful descendants? They're driving me to my grave!"

Pei Jiang chimed in, "Mother, they're utterly disrespectful. Everyone in our family heeds your word. Yet, they have the audacity to defy you, and that worthless Lin Xuan even laid hands on you! It's unbearable!"

Old Lady Pei let out a contemptuous snort. "They're too bold because they have nothing to lose. What can a powerless nobody like Lin Xuan do against us? Just wait—I'll ensure they all pay dearly and quench the fury in my heart!"

"Exactly, they mustn't get off lightly! They deserve a harsh lesson!" Sun Lanping added vehemently.

Just then, a Pei family member entered and announced, "Old lady, Wang Guifa from the Wang family has arrived!"

At the mention of Wang Guifa's name, Old Lady Pei perked up. "Bring him in at once! He's our future relative, Jinzheng's father-in-law! We mustn't show any disrespect!"

As they spoke, Wang Guifa entered with two young men—his sons. Unbeknownst to the Pei family, they had come to call off the engagement.

Wang Guifa had his reservations about Pei Jinzheng, but considering the Pei family's decent status and the substantial betrothal gifts they offered, which matched his family's standing, he had begrudgingly consented to the union. However, when Wang Baifa personally phoned him, instructing him to sever ties with the Peis, it solidified his resolve to cancel the engagement.

Upon spotting Wang Guifa and his sons' arrival, Pei Jinzheng hurried over, beaming. "Dad, Big Uncle, Second Uncle, you've come!"

"Who's your dad?!" Wang Guifa shot him a stern look.

Without a word, his sons shoved Pei Jinzheng aside.

Old Lady Pei, taken aback by the scene, managed an awkward smile. "My in-laws, why the surprise visit? A heads-up would have allowed us to prepare a proper welcome."

Wang Guifa's response was icy. "No preparations necessary. We've come to call off the marriage."

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