Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C94 Enemies Are Always on the Same Side
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C94 Enemies Are Always on the Same Side
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C94 Enemies Are Always on the Same Side

Wai Tine hastily addressed the man with the permed hair, "Big brother, I don't even know this guy. Feel free to take him away; he's got no connection to us whatsoever..."

Zhao Jiaqian mentally berated Lin Xuan a thousand times. How could he dare to show off now? These were Boss Cheng's men—cold-blooded killers! Who seeks death in such a brazen manner?

At that moment, the permed-haired man finally took notice of Lin Xuan. Their eyes met, and the man's legs buckled, sending him crashing to the ground.

With a ghostly pale face, he stammered, "You are... you're that one..."

Lin Xuan's response was icy, "Oh? You recognize me?"

Just then, the man's companion inquired, "Boss Kun, who's this guy?"

Boss Kun shivered, revealing, "Brother Xiong... he was taken down by him..."

As Lin Xuan rose to his feet, Boss Kun involuntarily dropped to his knees, pleading, "Forgive me, Sir... I had no idea you were here. My earlier disrespect was unintentional, Little Kun meant no harm..."

Witnessing this, a bewildered Wai Tine questioned, "Big brother, is he really that frightening? Isn't he just some worthless son-in-law?"

Hearing this, Boss Kun's face drained of color. Remembering Wai Tine's claim of no association with Lin Xuan, he barked at his men, "Beat him! Teach this fool a lesson!"

"Right!" his men acknowledged.

At Boss Kun's command, they swiftly descended upon Wai Tine with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Boss Kun, once under Wai Daxiong's command, had been involved in the hospital brawl.

He had encountered Lin Xuan before and was utterly terrified by him.

Now, kneeling before Lin Xuan was the least of his worries—he wouldn't dare refuse any demand, even if it was to lick Lin Xuan's shoes!

Seeing her close friend Wai Tine getting thrashed, Zhao Jiaqian cried out in panic, "You've got the wrong guy! It was that loser Lin Xuan who was trying to act tough with you..."

"How dare you insult Master Lin? Teach this lowlife a lesson!"

Boss Kun pointed at Zhao Jiaqian and bellowed.

Several thugs rushed forward, seizing Zhao Jiaqian by the hair. They slapped her face relentlessly, as if the blows were free, knocking out several of her teeth and drawing blood that streamed from the corners of her mouth.

Noticing the commotion was disrupting the other diners, Lin Xuan gestured to Boss Kun and said, "That's enough. Get out of here. We still have a meal to finish!"

He couldn't be bothered to deal with a minion like Boss Kun.

Relieved by Lin Xuan's dismissal, Boss Kun quickly responded, "Master Lin, we're on our way out... immediately!"

"Get moving!"

With that, they tumbled out of the private room like whipped curs.

Wai Tine and Zhao Jiaqian were left bruised and swollen, their dignity shattered in front of their friends.

Yet Lin Xuan, whom they had ridiculed and scorned, was revered as Master Lin by Boss Kun, who acted utterly subservient to him. This was utterly inconceivable to them!

Surely, there had to be some mistake. Someone like Boss Kun wouldn't be intimidated by a nobody like Lin Xuan!

He must have mistaken him for someone else! That had to be it!

A character like Boss Kun, with his reputation on the streets, was bound to mix people up occasionally. Lin Xuan had simply lucked out, or so they firmly convinced themselves.

Sun Jianguo looked at the pair and sighed, "You two need to be more careful with your words in the future. Without the right connections or power, steer clear of trouble. Do you even know who the real heavy hitters are?"

"Thank goodness Mr. Lin was here today. Otherwise, you would have faced more than just a beating."

Though Wai Tine and Zhao Jiaqian seethed internally, they were too cowed by the recent thrashing to retort.

Sun Jianguo lifted his glass once more and said, "Mr. Lin, we owe you our thanks for stepping in. Everyone, let's raise a glass to Mr. Lin in gratitude!"

Lin Xuan simply waved his hand dismissively and offered a slight smile, "It was nothing."

Wai Tine and Zhao Jiaqian exchanged a glance, both seething internally. They couldn't help but think that if Lin Xuan hadn't been involved, they wouldn't have ended up getting hit.

Knowing better than to hold a grudge against Boss Kun, they instead directed all their resentment towards Lin Xuan.

The celebratory banquet came to an abrupt end, the mood soured by the unexpected altercation.

The following day, Pei Qiuyu received an electronic interview invitation from Linyang Company.

Upon hearing the news, Lin Xuan discreetly phoned Wang Baifa to inquire about the company.

Wang Baifa answered promptly, "Hall Master, how may I assist you?"

"My wife has an interview with Linyang Company. Can you give me a rundown on them?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Just a moment, please."

Shortly after, Wang Baifa reported back, "Linyang Company? My secretary just reviewed their profile. They've sought partnership with us before, but they're quite small—registered with only thirty million in capital, average qualifications, and modest strength."

"Is your wife considering a position there? That seems beneath her. I could just as easily set up a new company with fifty million in capital and make her the manager, how about that?"

Lin Xuan, aware that Pei Qiuyu wanted to succeed on her own merit, responded calmly, "No need for that. Just ensure she has a smooth interview process."

Wang Baifa responded with deference, "Consider it done. I don't even need to call. My secretary will reach out to their manager, who will be more than eager to offer her any position she desires!"

Lin Xuan chuckled, "Even if they offer her the role of manager, it's not about the title. I just want her to be happy. Make sure she passes the interview—that's all."

"Understood, I'll take care of it immediately!"

After ending the call, Wang Baifa directed his secretary to send a discreet email to Linyang Company.

Wang Baifa could have easily made a call to ensure a grand welcome for Pei Qiuyu at Linyang, but he respected Lin Xuan's wishes for a low-key approach.

By ten o'clock that morning, Pei Qiuyu and Lin Xuan were on their way to Linyang Company for her interview.

The company wasn't large, but that didn't bother Pei Qiuyu. She was confident that with her skills, she could excel anywhere.

Meanwhile, in the manager's office, Hee Weiqiang lounged in the executive chair, legs crossed, busy flirting with several women on WeChat.

Just then, a message popped up in the company chat from HR, announcing the arrival of a candidate for today's interview. Hee Weiqiang glanced at the resume and chuckled, looking up at the man and woman across from him, "Well, speak of the devil."

The woman, clad in a strapless dress, was none other than Zhao Jiaqian from the previous night's banquet. She and Wai Tine had come specifically to woo Hee Weiqiang into a partnership.

"Who's arrived?" Wai Tine inquired.

"The stunning Pei Qiuyu," Hee Weiqiang replied with a grin. "You were just mentioning her."

Zhao Jiaqian scoffed, "She's desperate, thrown out by the Pei family. She's nothing but a stray dog now. Director Hee, what's your move?"

Wai Tine's eyes sparkled, and he spat out, "Talk about perfect timing! Director Hee, you can't let this opportunity slip by! Her husband showed us up yesterday and got us a beating from Boss Kun. You've got to settle the score for us!"

Hee Weiqiang stood, straightening his suit with a smile, "Consider it done. Now that she's come to my company, she's fair game. She's meat on Hee Weiqiang's cutting board! Just watch how I handle this."

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