Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C95 Interview
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C95 Interview
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C95 Interview

As Hee Weiqiang stepped out of the manager's office, Wai Tine and Zhao Jiaqian couldn't hide their schadenfreude. "Now you're in Director Hee's clutches, Pei Qiuyu. Looks like it's your turn for some bad luck!"

"Lin Xuan, you may have inadvertently shown off yesterday, but how will you help your wife today?"

Upon entering the interview hall, Hee Weiqiang found the HR manager and interviewers in the midst of questioning Pei Qiuyu.

"Director Hee!"

The HR manager and his team quickly rose to their feet, greeting him with deference.

Hee Weiqiang gave a slight nod, then glanced over at Pei Qiuyu as if by chance before exclaiming, "Qiuyu? What a surprise to see you here!"

Pei Qiuyu responded with a warm smile, "Hee Weiqiang, it's quite the coincidence to run into you."

With a smile, Hee Weiqiang gestured dismissively to the HR manager and his team, "You can all leave; I'll take it from here."

"But Director Hee, we're in the middle of an interview..." the HR manager protested.

Hee Weiqiang's expression hardened. "Is there a problem with me conducting the interview personally?"

"No, of course not! It's certainly best if you do it yourself," they quickly agreed, and promptly exited the hall.

Pei Qiuyu felt a twinge of embarrassment. Was Hee Weiqiang planning to give her special treatment because of their past acquaintance?

Hee Weiqiang then turned to her with a smile, "Qiuyu, you're here for the job? Why didn't you give me a heads-up?"

As he spoke, he appraised Pei Qiuyu from head to toe, admiringly thinking to himself, "She's stunning, with curves in all the right places and an air of innocence. She's a natural beauty, far surpassing any of my acquaintances."

He inwardly raged at the thought of such a remarkable woman ending up with a loser. "What a waste of beauty!"

Unaware of Hee Weiqiang's inner thoughts, Pei Qiuyu replied with a smile, "Hee Weiqiang, there's no need for formalities with me. Just treat me like any other interviewee."

Pei Qiuyu hadn't anticipated Hee Weiqiang's reaction when he picked up her resume and casually thumbed through it. His brow furrowed as he remarked, "Qiuyu, your background, skills, and work history simply don't meet the standards we have at Lin Yang. The gap is just too wide."

Stunned by his words, Pei Qiuyu quickly responded, "That can't be right. Please, look again. I was a manager responsible for business and management at Y Corporation. My professional abilities shouldn't be in question."

Dismissing her plea, Hee Weiqiang tossed the resume aside and shook his head. "Qiuyu, I hate to say it, but you didn't make it through my interview. And your position at Y Corporation? It hardly counts. Everyone knows it's owned by the Pei family, and being a Pei yourself, being a manager there isn't exactly an accomplishment."

"Besides, now that you've been ousted from the Pei family, it only highlights the issues with your capabilities even more! My advice? Try your luck with another company."

Pei Qiuyu bit her lip and managed a terse, "I understand."

Holding back her frustration and indignation, Pei Qiuyu left with an icy demeanor. Hee Weiqiang watched her depart in anger and scoffed, "Did you really think just anyone could waltz into my Lin Yang Company? Wishful thinking!"

Outside in the lobby, Lin Xuan was waiting and noticed Pei Qiuyu approaching, her face etched with distress.

He hurried over and asked, "Honey, what happened? Was there a problem with the job interview?"

With tears welling in her eyes, Pei Qiuyu recounted the ordeal. Lin Xuan listened, seething with anger.

That fool, Hee Weiqiang, who did he think he was? It was bad enough not to hire her, but to demean his wife to the point of worthlessness?

Fuming, he shot off a text to Wang Baifa: "Hee Weiqiang of Lin Yang has gotten too big for his boots. Not hiring is one thing, but to bully my wife? I'm counting on you to handle this."

Wang Baifa was taken aback by the turn of events. The sudden message left him completely dumbfounded.

Hee Weiqiang, this fool, had the audacity to disrespect me? And to top it off, he bullied the Palace Lord's wife? He's really signed his own death warrant!

If I don't teach Hee Weiqiang a lesson he'll never forget, what's the point of him being the president of the A City Chamber of Commerce?

Furious, Wang Baifa barked at his assistant, "Drag that Hee Weiqiang from Lin Yang over here!"

In A City's business circles, Wang Baifa was a titan. When he roared, the entire business community quaked in fear, and that's saying nothing of a minor player like Lin Yang Company!

Meanwhile, Hee Weiqiang was blissfully unaware of the storm he had stirred up.

After driving Pei Qiuyu away with his harsh words, he swaggered back to his office, smug as could be.

Wai Tine and Zhao Jiaqian were thrilled to hear about Pei Qiuyu's humiliation. One lit a cigarette for Hee Weiqiang, the other poured him tea, and they both sang his praises, "Director Hee, you were brilliant. You really put Pei Qiuyu in her place!"

"Yeah, let's see if that couple dares to strut around now!"

Hee Weiqiang gave Zhao Jiaqian's cheek a squeeze and leered, "I did it all for you, you know."

Wai Tine turned to Zhao Jiaqian with a grin, "Jiaqian, Director Hee has just snubbed a real beauty for you. How will you make it up to him?"

With a knowing smile, Zhao Jiaqian replied, "Tonight, I'll join Director Hee for a few drinks. I'll make sure he's well taken care of and completely at ease."

"Excellent! Hahaha..."

Hee Weiqiang laughed heartily.

Both Wai Tine and Zhao Jiaqian had their own schemes. Getting in Hee Weiqiang's good graces could mean smooth sailing in business from here on out.

Just a little help from Hee Weiqiang could set them up for a year.

Proudly, Hee Weiqiang boasted, "You should have seen Pei Qiuyu's face—it was priceless! Does she really think she can just waltz into Lin Yang whenever she pleases?"

Zhao Jiaqian chuckled, "Had I known, I would've gone with you to see for myself. I'm dying to see her looking her worst!"

Hee Weiqiang roared with laughter, "Hahaha, I've got surveillance in the interview hall. I'll pull up the footage for you later—it's hysterically funny, I swear!"

Wai Tine chimed in, "Did that loser Lin Xuan show up too?"

"Pfft," Hee Weiqiang scoffed, spitting disdainfully, "If he had the guts to show his face, I'd beat him to a pulp."

Wai Tine gave a thumbs-up, praising, "Director Hee, you're unbeatable! Just be careful not to soil your hands dealing with that trash."

Hee Weiqiang beamed with pride and said, "No hurry. When Pei Qiuyu hits rock bottom, I'll toss her a lifeline. She'll have no choice but to follow my every command."

"Then, I'll capture our moments in bed on video and show that good-for-nothing. I'll flaunt my virility, make him green with envy, and force him to respect my prowess," he boasted, followed by a chorus of laughter from the others.

Wai Tine, eager to continue, asked, "Director Hee, is it true you're joining the A City Chamber of Commerce and partnering with Wang Baifa's C Group?"

Hee Weiqiang smiled nonchalantly, "Keep it under wraps. It's in the works, but there's no issue. My reputation precedes me—Director Wang even personally invited me to a banquet!"

"Wow, that's incredible!" Wai Tine exclaimed, quickly buttering him up, "Remember to look out for me when you're riding high!"

"Count on it," Hee Weiqiang replied, eyeing Zhao Jiaqian with a sleazy gaze, "Stick with me, and you'll both live the high life."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a loud banging at the door.

"Who's making all that racket..."

Hee Weiqiang's sentence was cut short as the door flew open, and a group of men in suits strode in decisively.

The man at the forefront, clad in a suit, inquired with a somber expression, "Who is Hee Weiqiang?"

Hee Weiqiang was taken aback, his eyes fixed intently on the newcomer as he gulped nervously.

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