Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C99 Youre Going to be Bankrupt!
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Rising Dragon: The Reawakening/C99 Youre Going to be Bankrupt!
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C99 Youre Going to be Bankrupt!

Wang Baifa quickly responded, "Hall Master, the companies currently in partnership with H Corporation are mostly small businesses with a registered capital of less than fifty million."

"They've just managed to snag a few minor construction projects under one of my subsidiaries."

"Is that it?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but chuckle. With such meager capabilities, they couldn't even qualify as fools—nothing more than beggars! Who gave Zhang Guang the audacity to see himself as a player?

Lin Xuan then instructed Wang Baifa, "Idiots are a dime a dozen, but today seems to have an unusual surplus. It's time H Corporation learned a lesson."

Licking his lips, Wang Baifa inquired, "Hall Master, what's your plan for H Corporation?"

Lin Xuan replied coolly, "Their boss, that fool Zhang Guang, has gotten under my skin. Reclaim every single project H Corporation has landed."

"Has Zhang Guang crossed you? Just give the order, and I can make him vanish."

Lin Xuan chuckled, "In business, we make bold moves, but let's keep this discreet. Besides, I want to toy with him. If you off him, where's the fun in that? A gentle touch of retribution will suffice. Just... drive him to ruin."

"Understood, Hall Master. I'm on it," Wang Baifa affirmed, hanging up the phone to set the wheels in motion.

To Wang Baifa, snuffing out a nonentity like Zhang Guang seemed easier than crushing an ant.

After Lin Xuan ended the call, he glanced into the coffee shop where Pei Qiuyu was still profusely apologizing to Zhang Guang.

Zhang Guang was visibly seething, muttering what were likely curses, probably aimed at Lin Xuan himself.

Unruffled, Lin Xuan strolled back to the bubble tea shop, ordered a drink, and sat back, content to wait for Pei Qiuyu's exit.

Sitting there, Lin Xuan could have been any random person on the street.

Yet, unbeknownst to onlookers, this seemingly average Lin Xuan wielded the power to turn the tide with a mere phone call, capable of stripping a renowned business magnate in A City of everything in the blink of an eye.

Before long, Pei Qiuyu and Zhang Guang emerged from the coffee shop, with Zhang Guang sporting a fresh, red burn mark on his face.

Lin Xuan set the money for his milk tea on the counter and stepped out of the shop, only to run smack into the pair of them.

Zhang Guang shot Lin Xuan a venomous glare before turning to Pei Qiuyu. "Qiuyu, the only reason your husband isn't a cripple right now is because of you. But remember, you've promised to meet me tonight. Don't you dare stand me up!"

Pei Qiuyu had indeed agreed to dine with Zhang Guang that evening in a desperate bid for his forgiveness.

Zhang Guang's rage had cooled somewhat with her promise. Had it not been for Pei Qiuyu's intervention, he would have taken Lin Xuan down on the spot.

But this was merely a stalling tactic for Zhang Guang. He had no intention of letting Lin Xuan off the hook. His plan was to woo Pei Qiuyu first and, once he'd had his fill, deal with Lin Xuan once and for all. In his mind, his strategy was flawless.

Lin Xuan approached Pei Qiuyu confidently. "Wife, let's get out of here. There's no point wasting words on a guy who's about to lose everything."

Zhang Guang's expression turned thunderous. "You're nothing but trash! If Qiuyu hadn't begged for mercy on your behalf, you'd be broken and useless by now! And you dare to say I'm going bankrupt? Just one phone call from me could leave you maimed in moments. Understand?"

Without a word, Lin Xuan stepped forward and slapped Zhang Guang across the face. The smack echoed sharply through the air.

Zhang Guang stood there, dumbfounded.

This nobody had the audacity to hit him?!

"F*cking dead man!" Zhang Guang yelled, clutching his face.

Lin Xuan just gave a cold smile. "Consider it an honor to be struck by me."

Before the words fully left his mouth, he delivered another stinging slap to Zhang Guang's cheek.

"Not everyone is fortunate enough to receive such personal attention from me."

Now livid, Zhang Guang, his face swelling, bellowed, "You f*cking nobody, how dare you talk to me like that? Today, I'll make you regret ever crossing me. You'll learn what it means to provoke someone you can't afford to mess with!"

Seeing Zhang Guang's growing impatience, Pei Qiuyu urgently addressed Lin Xuan, "Lin Xuan, I told you to get out of here! Do you realize the magnitude of the trouble you've stirred up?"

She was genuinely concerned that Zhang Guang might actually summon assistance. After all, he was a prominent boss in A City, and having been publicly slapped by Lin Xuan, it was unlikely he'd let the matter slide.

In the heat of his fury, Zhang Guang blurted out, "One call from me, and I'll have your arms and legs broken! And then, right before your eyes, I'll have your wife wait on me hand and foot!"

Pei Qiuyu's face flushed with anger upon hearing his words, and she retorted furiously, "You... You have no shame!"

"Me, shameless?" Zhang Guang pointed to his nose, laughing uproariously. "You and your husband are nothing but meat on my cutting board. I'll do with you as I please. Got a problem with that?"

"Don't kid yourself. Even if you were still the Pei family's darling daughter, a single word from me and who would dare object?"

"My advice? Hit the adult store, pick up some sexy lingerie, and make my night. Do that, and maybe I'll consider sparing you and your husband. Otherwise, you're well aware of the consequences."

Confronted with Zhang Guang's brazenness, Pei Qiuyu shook with rage, exclaiming, "You... You're beyond shameless!"

Zhang Guang, head swaying, hands outstretched, chuckled, "Hehe, shameless I am. And what exactly can you do about it?"

"I have the wealth and the power. If I say kneel, you kneel! If I say lie down, you lie down! What can you possibly do against me?"

Lin Xuan regarded Zhang Guang coolly and remarked, "I'm not sure where this misplaced confidence of yours comes from. A bankrupt fool like you still has the audacity to spout such nonsense?"

"F*ck, what the hell did you just say..."

Zhang Guang's rant was cut short by the ring of his phone.

Pointing at Lin Xuan, he declared, "You just wait, it won't be long now! My people must be here!"

With that, he grabbed his phone and demanded, "Hello, what's the issue?"

A frantic voice crackled through the phone: "It's bad, Director Zhang! The company we've been partnering with just terminated all our contracts!"

"What happened?"

Zhang Guang's face drained of color. "How can they just cancel our contract? I've invested everything I have in this!"

The voice on the phone pressed on: "And there's more... C Group, our recent signee, has unilaterally pulled out of the deal. Per the contract terms, we're on the hook for a hefty breach-of-contract fee..."

Zhang Guang's complexion turned ashen, his hand clutching the phone shook uncontrollably.

"The inspection department also called. They flagged our project for violations. We've got to halt construction immediately for rectifications, plus there's a massive fine to pay."

"Moreover, several of A City's major banks have been calling non-stop. They're demanding repayment of our loans. If we don't settle by the end of today, they'll auction off our construction sites..."

Struck as if by a thunderbolt, Zhang Guang felt the world darken around him, his shirt sticking to his skin with cold sweat.

Why does it feel like the whole world is conspiring against me?!

As if by some cruel agreement, they're hell-bent on plunging H Corporation into an abyss!

Zhang Guang's head spun, his legs buckled, and he nearly collapsed.

Pei Qiuyu, oblivious to the crisis, watched as Zhang Guang's demeanor shifted dramatically post-call. He clutched his chest as if on the verge of a heart attack.

"Does he have some illness?" Pei Qiuyu whispered.

Lin Xuan's cold laugh cut through the tension. "Yes, a severe mental illness."

"Best keep your distance from such people. You wouldn't want to be collateral damage when lightning strikes him."

By now, Zhang Guang had slumped to the ground, his mind in disarray. His secretary's sobs continued from the phone, but they sounded distant and muffled.

The taunt from Lin Xuan reverberated in his mind: "A bankrupt piece of trash..."

"You're a bankrupt piece of trash!"

Sweat chilled Zhang Guang's skin as he looked up at Lin Xuan in utter despair.

Lin Xuan spoke with icy detachment, "This man is beyond saving. Come on, honey, let's leave."

Pei Qiuyu gave a nod, ready to depart alongside Lin Xuan.

Zhang Guang's eyes blazed with a bloodshot fury, fixed intently on Lin Xuan.

A sudden realization hit him, and he lunged at Lin Xuan in a frantic crawl, his voice thundering, "How did you find out? You're behind this, aren't you? Aren't you?!"

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