Note On the Deathbed/C12 Too simple a statement
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Note On the Deathbed/C12 Too simple a statement
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C12 Too simple a statement

The paper charm on the woman's forehead caught fire and was immediately burnt to ashes. The two of them were dumbfounded. They had no choice but to throw more firewood on the woman's body, hoping to burn it before she could recover.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger. The female corpse on the ground didn't seem to have any signs of slowing down. The two of them thought that it was probably due to the fire, so they relaxed and continued to add firewood to the fire.

The flame engulfed the female corpse, the firewood made a crackling sound, and a burnt smell assaulted his nostrils, causing him to feel a bit disgusted. Seeing the corpse burnt black, Mr. Li was finally relieved; the troublesome matter had been dealt with, but his face did not show any sign of happiness.

However, at this moment, a frightening scene occurred. The charred corpse suddenly sat up and stretched out his charred hand towards Mister Li's stomach.

The sudden turn of events happened in an instant. Mr. Li did not have the time to dodge as a bloody hole was gouged out in his abdomen by the female corpse. Fresh blood and intestines flowed out from it.

"Ah!" Fortunately, he was experienced and experienced enough to be able to deal with a sudden situation better than an average person. He quickly grabbed the intestines that was about to burst out of his body and stuffed it back into his stomach. Then he rolled on the ground, creating some distance between him and the female corpse.

He didn't expect the female corpse to recover at this moment, but her two legs had already turned to ash, leaving only her upper body unable to move. For the time being, she couldn't create any more danger.

Seeing this, my grandfather hurriedly picked up a thick wooden stick and used it to smash at the female corpse's arm. With a "dong" sound, his charred arm was broken into two pieces.

After a while, the torchlight and the pack of dogs lying beside it burned up, and my grandfather stood there, his heart in turmoil.

Mr. Li grimaced in pain. His head was covered in sweat. Although he had already taken care of the female corpse, his body was not in a good condition. A large hole in his stomach was not a joke.

My grandfather helped Mr. Li down the hill. The woman's body was burned away, and the strange things in the village were solved.

From then on, in the next month, my grandfather had to follow Mr. Li for a month. He didn't know what he was going to do in this month, but he had already promised that he would fulfill his promise.

Since it was still midnight, my grandfather wanted to knock on the door of the Tulong family to treat Mr. Li's illness, but he was stopped.

"No need to find a husband, just send me home." Mr. Li said weakly.

According to his instructions, my grandfather had to take Mr. Li home first, and by the time he reached his house, it was already dawn. When my grandfather entered the house, he found out why Mr. Li had stopped him from going to Tulong Kung. It turned out that Mr. Li was not only Mr. Feng Shui, but also a physician who was well versed in medicine.

There were quite a number of books on medicine in his room. Not only were there books on medicine, there were also all kinds of medical instruments and herbal formulas. It was likely that he was proficient in both traditional and western medicine.

The wound on Mr. Li's stomach was still bleeding. If he didn't sew it up soon, his life would be in danger. However, the only ones present were Mr. Li and my grandfather. My grandfather didn't know anything about medicine, not to mention sewing wounds.

At this moment, Mr. Li forced a smile on his face and said to my grandfather, "Can you sew clothes?"

Hearing this, my grandfather also guessed what Mr. Li meant and gave an embarrassed smile. "I know how to sew clothes, but they aren't very nice to look at."

In order to prevent the atmosphere from getting too tense, the two of them smiled awkwardly. There was no anesthetic, so my grandfather used the needle to stab them time and time again. Mr. Li was in so much pain that he squinted his eyes, but he didn't even scream out in pain.

My grandfather was so nervous that it took him an hour and a half to completely stitch the wound together, but that was not the end. The most important thing was to remove the gas.

Mr. Li told my grandfather to go to the kitchen and bring a handful of glutinous rice to soak in the wine for ten minutes before he pressed the glutinous rice to the wound. The moment the glutinous rice came into contact with the wound, there was a "sizzling" sound similar to a red-hot iron pincer soaking in water.

My grandfather also took a handful of glutinous rice and placed it on his shoulder. But before this, a lot of the corpse poison had already flowed out of his blood.

As for the matter of this month, when Mr. Li saw that my grandfather already had a wife and children, he wanted him to follow him to his home to learn some basic feng shui knowledge, so that in the future, he could settle some random matters like getting married or choosing a cemetery in his village. If he were to go to another village every time he met with a problem, it would delay the matter, and it would be really troublesome for him.

However, Mr. Li never thought that dealing with the female corpse would be so troublesome, much less that he would suffer such heavy injuries. Thus, during this month, my grandfather was at home taking care of Mr. Li and didn't have the time to study feng shui.

At this point in the story, it was basically over. My grandfather narrated the story vividly, as if he had organized the language beforehand. When he finished, his expression darkened, then disappeared.

A-Cong and I listened with rapt attention, and when my grandfather had finished, I could not help but think that there was something he was hiding from us, because it was so much like something he had already communicated with Mr. Li. And if that month was just to take care of Mr. Li, why did I ask him before? But he seemed to be afraid of something, so he didn't want to tell me.

After staying in my hometown for a while longer, my grandfather said that a few days ago, I was pestered by dirty stuff and my body was very weak. After hearing the news of conscription, he asked me to join the army for two years.

He wanted to join A-Cong as a soldier, but because he wasn't old enough to find another job, he followed a relative to a distant farm in the countryside to help.

After being a soldier for two years, he had unknowingly turned 21 years old. He had learned a lot in the army and had also trained his body to be quite strong. If I wasn't bragging, then those small thugs on the street wouldn't even be able to get close to me.

The army taught me to serve the people and contribute my part to the construction of the Party and socialism. Of course, I have suffered a lot. The daily training isn't something an ordinary person can bear. I finally understand the saying "a good man wants to join the army".

After two years, I was demobilized and returned to my hometown. I told my family about my experiences in the army and how prosperous my hometown was.

I was left alone in the village when I got back, and I was already in high spirits. I really missed working with A-Cong, so I decided to go to the distant relative's ranch and find him to work with.

I went back to my room to pack up my things. I picked up what I needed to throw away, and just as I was about to leave, I noticed the drawer in front of my bed.

I went up to it and opened it. I saw the strange egg lying there, and it reminded me of two years ago. I didn't know what it was, but I decided to take it with me as a souvenir and throw it in the box.

Before I left, I once again came to the place where I found this strange egg, that tall, leafless poplar tree. However, I was surprised to find that after not seeing it for two years, this previously leafless and withered tree was now standing before me with its branches and luxuriant leaves.

After bidding farewell to my relatives and neighbors, I got on the train by myself. It was a long journey, and I bought a hard sleeper ticket on the top floor.

The train gradually began to move, the scenery outside the window changed as the train moved forward. At first, I thought it was very interesting, but after a while, I got tired of it and went back to the top bed to play on my cell phone.

Anyone who has been hard sleeper on the train knows that there is a sleeping bed on one side and a hallway on the other, which is narrow enough for only two people to pass sideways, and that most people sleep with their heads turned inward and their feet facing the aisle, whereas I am different, I like to face the aisle and my feet facing inward.

Since my head was facing the aisle, I could clearly see what was going on in the corridor.

After a while the train stopped at the first station, and people began to move about in the aisles. At that moment, I saw the most discordant scene in the corridors.

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