Note On the Deathbed/C4 Fox-faced old lady
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Note On the Deathbed/C4 Fox-faced old lady
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C4 Fox-faced old lady

The faint red light floated in the sky for about ten seconds before it disappeared. When both of us saw this scene, we thought that one of the houses had set a lamp on fire in midair, but after thinking for a bit, we realized that something was not right. The area with a radius of hundreds of meters was completely empty, not a single family.

I don't know what was floating in the sky just now, but I used the flashlight to scan my surroundings. I really didn't see anyone. Then, what exactly is that thing in the sky?

Although it was a bit strange, he did not take it to heart. As he walked, forty to fifty minutes had already passed. Logically speaking, it should be about time to leave this wasteland and enter the village.

Puzzled, I asked A-Cong, "How long have we been gone?"

Ah Cong replied, "It's been 40 to 50 minutes since we left. Why haven't we arrived yet?"

Could it be that we're walking slower than usual today? That shouldn't be the case. Even if he walked a bit slower, he would have already entered the village. No matter how he looked at it, he was still in the wasteland.

Realizing that the problem was extremely serious, the two of us subconsciously quickened our pace. We no longer had the time to chat as we walked forward with a solemn expression.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and his clothes were drenched, but he still didn't see the road to the village. Although neither A-Cong nor I spoke, our hearts were already starting to get scared.

There were two rows of poplar trees on both sides of the wasteland. The two of us found a tree with lush leaves and walked over to shelter from the rain. We stood under the tree and shook our hair.

"I shouldn't be wrong. There is no turning in one direction on this road. I shouldn't be wrong if I keep my eyes closed." At this moment, he too appeared to be extremely anxious.

So what was going on now? I carefully thought back to what happened just now. Initially, I saw a bunch of unknown flames floating in the sky. I couldn't walk out of this wasteland, as if there was no end to this road. Could it be that there was something wrong with that ball of fire?

I took out my flashlight and looked around. I realized that it wasn't that there was no end to the road, but that our sense of direction was off, because we were in the same place as the strange fire we had seen earlier. That meant that we had never left this area.

Now I had a bold idea. I said to A-Cong, "Listen to me and keep walking. Don't look back. I will stand here and observe."

Despite his fear, A-Cong nodded at the severity of the problem and did as I was told. I stood still under the tree while A-Cong walked forward on his own, and as his figure disappeared into the darkness, I silently remembered the time.

After about ten minutes, I saw A-Cong's figure coming toward me. Sure enough, he was back.

I shouted at him to hurry over, but he was also surprised to see me. Before I could say anything, he asked, "Brother, why are you here?"

I replied, "I still wanted to ask you. Why did you come back?"

A-Cong looked puzzled. "I didn't come back. I was just walking forward when I saw you."

I finally understood. I didn't know if it was the fire that was causing us to walk back every five minutes, but I had no idea.

Now that we know what's going on, it's easier. Every five minutes or so we head back, which leads us to keep going around here.

But how? Cong and I weren't smart. After racking our brains for a while, we still couldn't come up with any ideas. Right at that moment, a white light suddenly flashed in the sky.

At first it just started to rain, and then it started to thunder, and it didn't look like a good sign, because we couldn't hide under the trees anymore.

"Brother, just now when the lightning flashed, I seemed to see a person standing there." A-Cong said, pointing directly in front of us.

I thought it was very strange. Who else could be in this wilderness except the two of us who had come home from the night shift? Could it be that people like us, who work the night shift, are hiding here in the rain? I looked in the direction that A-Cong pointed at and saw nothing in the darkness in front of us. "Are you sure you can see the person over there?"

A Cong nodded and said, "I'm not sure, but he looks like a person."

My heart is pounding. I just happened to encounter so many strange things in such a short period of time. If the figure in front of me isn't a human, how terrifying would it be? It didn't matter much now. He didn't care whether he was a human or not. As the saying goes, a human is afraid of three parts of a ghost, and a ghost is afraid of seven parts of a human.

"Let's go take a look. Stay behind me and don't make a sound." After about a hundred steps, I could vaguely see a figure standing under a tree in the darkness. It was quite short and looked like it was a woman.

Instead of turning on the flashlight, I tucked it under my arm to save electricity and to keep it from getting wet from the rain.

A-Cong and I took a few more steps forward, took out our flashlights, and shone them on the figure in front of us. The light flashed, and in front of us stood a white-haired old woman with her back to us and a cane in her hand.

"Grandma?" It's still raining before dawn. What are you doing here? " I ventured to ask.

The old woman didn't seem to hear me, but her back was to us.

Could it be that getting old and having poor hearing? I raised my voice and said, "Grandma?" Grandma? What are you doing here? "

The old woman still didn't turn around, still had her back to me and A-Cong.

I handed the flashlight to A-Cong so he could keep an eye on the road for me. I wanted to see for myself what the old woman was up to, so I went up behind her and reached out to pat her shoulder. Before I could reach out my hand, the old woman suddenly turned around and bit me with her bloody mouth.

I can see it very clearly. Who is this old woman in front of me? It was clearly a fox face.

The big mouth was already biting towards my neck, so I didn't have enough time to react and could only close my eyes and wait for death. At that instant, I saw a beam of light spin towards me and hit the fox's nose.

"Brother, what are you waiting for?" "Hurry up and run." Behind him, A-Cong shouted.

So it was A-Cong who smashed the flashlight on me, which saved me from the fire. Otherwise, my little life wouldn't have survived today.

The cry of A-Cong roused me from my stupor, and the foxy-faced old woman in front of me glared at me. She let out a howl and opened her mouth wide again, ready to bite me.

How can I allow it to slaughter me after I've learnt my lesson? I got up and kicked her in the abdomen, but who would have thought that the old fox was actually so cunning, he twisted his body and dodged the kick. My kick missed, my body became unstable, and the ground became extremely slippery, causing me to fall onto my back with my legs facing the sky.

It wasn't a joke to be bitten by this old fox. I didn't care about my image anymore and rolled towards A-Cong on the spot.

Ah Cong hurriedly helped me up. At this moment, the old fox had already caught up with me. The two of us scampered off, only to see the old fox standing behind us not continuing to chase us and allowing me to escape.

Ah Cong and I didn't stay idle. After running for two to three minutes, just as I was about to stop and rest, that old fox suddenly appeared in front of me and Ah Cong in the form of an old woman.

Aiya, this is bad, I forgot that the two of us have lost our way due to the ghost flame, and we would unconsciously walk back a few steps. It is most likely because of this old cunning fox that I finally understood why she wasn't in a hurry to chase us, she actually knew that we would definitely run back.

At this moment, Ah Cong and I were so tired that we were panting. Seeing that there was no way to escape, we could only fight it out with it. We are hot-blooded men. How could we be afraid of an old fox like you? Chairman Mao had said it well. If a power came out of a gun, then whether the grandpa was the grandson or not would have to be fought over.

But it's a little hard for me to understand. It must have been at least an hour and a half since the two of us came back from the factory at five o'clock. Why is it still not lit up when it's already past six in the morning?

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