On The Track/C10 10th Chapter
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On The Track/C10 10th Chapter
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C10 10th Chapter

At three o'clock in the morning, the dogs outside were asleep. The uncle and nephew sat in the house in the dark and chatted. Hu Donghai asked, "What did you do outside?"

"Why don't you believe me?" Xiaocan asked, feeling wronged.

"Those guys are obviously after you. Did you steal something?"

"Don't insult me, okay?" Xiaocan was very angry. "I studied locks to deal with thieves. You have been slandered as a thief since you were young. How do you feel?"

Hu Donghai was speechless. It seemed like his brother had told Xiaocan a lot of embarrassing things. It was precisely because of this that Xiaocan was not afraid of his uncle, the murderer.

"There must be a reason for this today." Hu Donghai said calmly, "Think about it." "It must have happened two nights ago." Xiaocan said.

Two nights ago, Hu Xiaocann received a call and unlocked the door. He rode his bicycle and finished his work quickly. He came back to take a shortcut. He went around the city wall and walked down a quiet street.

On the way, he was suddenly in a hurry. He parked his bicycle on the sidewalk and ran to the back of a locust tree to pee. The surroundings were quiet. Occasionally, a car would pass by. Xiaocan had just peed halfway when a car suddenly appeared at the intersection. It was very fast. It seemed like it was in a hurry and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye. For some unknown reason, the car's tires might have been pushed by the stones on the road. Its speed was too fast and it could not be stopped. It jumped onto the pavement and crashed into the bicycle.

Hu Xiaocann was so scared that his bladder tightened. He retracted the remaining half of his pee.

After the bicycle was hit, the car's inertia did not slow down. It rolled over the bicycle and the body of the car tilted. The right side of the car hit the garbage can in front of it. With two forces, the car flipped over. With a loud bang, the inverted body of the car slid along the road. With a sharp sound of friction, there was a spark on the ground. Then, with a bang, the car hit the street light and stopped.

Everything happened too fast. Hu Xiaocann stared in the direction of the car with his mouth wide open. Suddenly, he felt a cold feeling in his lower body. The pants were still open. He hurriedly pulled them up.

Just now, the car was sliding violently. A box was thrown out. It rolled on the ground and hit the ground a few times. It was spread out in the middle of the road.

Xiaocan came back to his senses and staggered over. He wanted to pick up the box first and not let others lose their belongings. When he came closer and saw it, he was shocked. The lid of the box had the word "medical." There were two pieces of meat in the box.

"Actually, it's not ordinary meat. It's the liver. It seems to weigh more than two pounds." Xiaocan said.

"What liver?" Hu Donghai asked.

"Human liver." Xiaocan took a deep breath and said, "When I helped Sister Tan unlock the door, I saw a lot of colorful pictures of her internal organs. I knew those things."

"Liver and waist..." Hu Donghai recalled the conversation between Scarface and the tongue-biting man.

"Yes, the medical incubator was modified. It was lengthened, but it was broken. The liver and kidney were left hanging there."

"And then?"

"I wanted to help put the two organs in place. As soon as I stretched out my hand, two people came out of the car. One of them was very strong, and his face was covered in blood, as if he wanted to bite me. " I thought I met a zombie, so I fell to the ground in fright. " Xiaocan wiped the sweat off his forehead.

The two of them rushed over, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. It seemed they hated Hu Xiaocann to the core.

Hu Xiaocann got up from the ground and ran. When he crawled, he kicked the incubator a few meters away. The man with the blood all over his face stepped on his liver and leaned back. He fell on his butt with a thud. The man with the dark face tripped over his kidney and fell to the ground with a thud. The man who tripped over his kidney bit off the tip of his tongue.

"I didn't dare to look back. I ran back in one breath. The next morning, I found that my phone was missing." Xiaocan said. Hu Donghai nodded. "You ruined my things. I'm here to take revenge."

"Not bad. The bicycle is parked on the sidewalk. I'm afraid of getting hit." Xiaocan said, "The driver was crazy. But they are in a hurry. I heard that organ preservation has a time limit. The liver can withstand cold and deficient blood for 12 hours. The upper limit of the kidney is 24 hours."

"They think you are the bad guy. The world is dangerous."

"Then what should we do?" Xiaocan looked at his uncle uneasily. "They must have found our home address through my phone."

"Don't be afraid, a bunch of little bastards." Hu Donghai sneered. "From what you said, they are more afraid of the light." "Yeah, I was wondering. Transportation organs should be an ambulance. They walked the streets in secret. It is shameful."

"The person who escorted the car can't pay the boss, so he splashed dirty water on you. I've already taught them that it's not good for anyone to make a big deal out of it. " Hu Donghai said, "Anyway, don't go out at night during this period of time."

"Yes, it's safe at home." Xiaocan nodded.

"If you want to go out, don't be alone. Don't go to a deserted place alone." "There are cameras everywhere on the road. No matter how brave they are, they won't dare to do anything."

"You don't have any deep hatred with them. That night was purely an accident. They just wanted to take revenge on you." Hu Donghai stood up from the table. "Go back to your room and sleep."

Xiaocan walked to his room. He turned his head and said," Uncle, thank you for saving me. " "What are you saying?" Hu Donghai frowned. "We are a family."

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