On The Track/C5 5th Chapter
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On The Track/C5 5th Chapter
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C5 5th Chapter

Hu Xiaocann went to the public bathroom nearby. He picked two cupboards in the changing room and began to take off his clothes. He suddenly stopped and stared at his uncle's back. Hu Donghai's broad back was full of scars. When he was young, he fought with others and was hit by an iron sand spear. There was even iron sand embedded in his flesh. The muscles on both sides of his spine protruded, full of the spirit of a wild beast.

His nephew seemed to have been touched.

The two of them were soaking in the pool. Hu Donghai rested his head on his towel. He felt so comfortable that his armpits were covered in hair.

Xiaocan suddenly said, "That house is yours. My father said before he passed away that according to Grandma's will, it was also for you. I just wanted to borrow it for a while."

Hu Donghai did not know what to say. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Can you do the Lockpicking business?" Xiaocan did not respond. Clearly, he was talking nonsense.

"You shook your phone at the bicycle and unlocked it. You are indeed capable." Hu Donghai said sincerely. Xiaocan was speechless. He closed his eyes and pretended to be in a vegetative state in the water.

"Why don't you put on a front?" Hu Donghai asked again.

Xiaocan said impatiently, "I used to have a front. Business was too busy. I'm so annoyed."

After taking a bath, Hu Donghai changed into the red pants and t-shirt that his nephew brought from the changing room. However, the new clothes were very uncomfortable. The underwear was nothing. He also wore his own clothes in prison, but he was not used to the casual clothes. Because the prison uniform was rather spacious, he had worn it for twenty-five years. Now, he suddenly changed into a pair of tight, molded clothes. It was awkward, and his pants were tight. He kept moving his butt, wanting to make his lower body feel more comfortable.

Xiaocan watched his uncle walk back to the courtyard like he was cramping.

He was ready to enter the main house. Xiaocan let Hu Donghai walk past a brazier. At this point, the twenty-odd years of prison life were completely left behind.

The outer room of the main house was the kitchen and reception room. There was an old refrigerator in the corner. The suite was two opposite rooms. The south room was near the door. It was originally Hu Donghai's room. He had a bed and a new mattress. The north room was Xiaocan's father's room. Xiaocan was currently living in it.

Xiaocan took out a small bag from his room and said indifferently, "The things my father left for you."

Xiaocan opened the bag. There was a picture inside. It was a picture of Hu Donghai and his brother when they were young. The two brothers stood side by side in front of the Wild Goose Tower. In the slanting sun, Hu Donghai had a heroic appearance. His brother also revealed a rare smile.

Hu Donghai took the picture. His nose felt sore. He turned his face and saw the spearhead of the red embellished spear. This was the only toy Hu Donghai had when he was young. His brother had actually kept it.

Hu Donghai originally thought that he would not cry, but he could not control it at all. Tears streamed down his face.

Xiaocan was even more interested in the envelope in the relic. He pinched it with his hand and frowned, showing some hesitation. He handed the envelope to Hu Donghai. "Open it and take a look."

Hu Donghai wiped the tears off his face and took out a few notes from the envelope. He was stunned. "This is..." "My dad left it for you." Xiaocan's tone was obviously unhappy.

With that, he turned around and rushed into his room. He closed the door and picked up his phone from the bedside table. "Mom, what's with five hundred yuan?" Xiaocan asked.

"What's wrong? Do you want to interrogate me?" His mother's voice came through the phone.

"Before my father passed away, he said he would leave five thousand dollars for uncle..."

"What right does that murderer have to spend our money? Five dollars is a lot!"

"Whether he has the right or not is another matter. If my dad asks you to..."

Your dad is sick and confused. I am not stupid! " His mother said angrily, "What else do you want to do? Take care of that murderer for the rest of your life?"

Xiaocan was also angry. He blushed and said, "I don't want to care about this uncle of mine, but my father was special before he passed away."

"Then let him go to your father!" His mother said sharply, "Your dad was a coward for his whole life. He was bullied until he died. He didn't even raise his head!"

"I don't want to argue anymore." Xiaocan tried to calm himself down.

"Our family was harmed by that lost star." His mother cried hoarsely, "Your father is the murderer's brother, and his hand is broken..."

"Alright, alright, he broke my father's hand again..."

The sound of quarreling passed through the door and Hu Donghai heard it. He sat at the table in a daze.

After a long time, the door rang and Xiaocan came out.

"Can'er, don't argue with your mother. It's not good." Hu Donghai said in a low voice. "I'm used to it. I grew up." Hu Xiaocann said indifferently.

Hu Donghai heard his brother say that his sister beat his nephew when he was visiting the prison. His sister-in-law beat his nephew because she hated him. Some relatives and friends got promoted, went abroad, and bought houses, but his brother suffered all kinds of humiliation.

Hu Donghai asked softly, "How did your father's hand break?"

"It was broken by a lathe. I heard from my mother that when you got the number, my father was stunned at work. If he was not careful..."

"But every time he visited me, he didn't say anything." Hu Donghai felt suffocated in his chest.

His brother always covered up his broken arm. From childhood to youth, his brother was often beaten up by his father because he tried to protect Hu Donghai. This caused him to become even more silent.

In the night, Hu Donghai lay on the bed and looked out the window. The window was like a well. He was looking at the exit of his fate at the bottom of the abyss. In his imagination, he saw all the stars, but it was still pitch black.

What should he do in the future?

His mother and brother's last words were to stay in this house and spend the rest of their lives peacefully and alone. It was Hu Donghai's last wish. He decided to renovate the yard.

In the middle of the night, Hu Donghai tossed and turned on the bed. He was not used to the soft mattress. The thing did not fit his back. He got off the bed and laid on the floor. He found a familiar feeling and could not help but sigh.

He heard the buzzing of mosquitoes. When he was in prison at night, he would count the mosquitoes and the bags on his body. In summer, the cell was surrounded by mosquitoes. Every day, he would bite out more than a hundred big bags on his body. Comparatively, the mosquitoes here were very different from the mosquitoes in prison. The mosquitoes in the prison had a murderous aura. When they flew over from afar, they suddenly accelerated their attacks. As for the mosquitoes in the house, they landed on the skin with a buzzing sound, quietly making it difficult for people to detect them.

Hu Donghai slowly fell asleep.

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