On The Track/C9 Chapter 9
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On The Track/C9 Chapter 9
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C9 Chapter 9

Two nights later, Xiaocan sat in front of his computer and started killing monsters. He worked until midnight and became more and more energetic. Hu Donghai laid on the floor of his room and soon fell asleep.

He suddenly heard a soft sound coming from the yard. He thought it was his nephew who had gone out again. But he suddenly sat up. That sound was not Xiaocan's. And it was not just one person.

Hu Donghai walked to the side of the window and looked outside. His vision was still gray, and he could not see anything clearly. However, he could tell that there were four people in the yard. The person with the heaviest footsteps had arrived at the door of the house. There were two other kinds of footsteps following closely, and one person followed along the outer wall to the window. It should be a gust of wind.

The door of the main house opened, and the one with the heaviest footsteps entered the reception room. Following closely behind was a man who walked very steadily, but a man with light footsteps took the first step and walked to the front.

After passing through the reception room, they arrived at the suite. This was the opposite room, the south room was Hu Donghai's room, and the north room was Xiaocan's room.

It was obvious that this was the first time the intruder had come in, so he did not know where he was, so he stopped in the middle of the corridor.

Who was the enemy's target? Hu Donghai guessed that it was more likely that the intruder had come for him. More than twenty years ago, he had many enemies. Perhaps someone had come to take revenge on him after learning that he had escaped from prison.

Hu Donghai quickly responded. He knocked on his bed and made a noise, attracting the other party to come in. Two people came in response. There was another one in the hallway and another one under the window outside. Hu Donghai had to make sure Xiaocan wasn't hurt, but the current situation was not good for them.

The two men who entered the room walked steadily. The moment they entered the room, they saw a person lying on the ground like a corpse.

As soon as the two men approached, Hu Donghai suddenly attacked. He punched the man on the right's knee. With a "Ka" sound, the man fell to the ground. The man on the left kicked Hu Donghai. Hu Donghai raised his elbow according to the sound and hit the man on the toes of his feet. Then he turned around and punched the man on the stomach.

Hu Donghai did not want to fight. He rushed out of the room and closed the door. He held the door handle with one hand.

He did not notice a steel pipe hitting him in the dark. It hit him on the back of his head. Hu Donghai leaned his body and took a hit on his shoulder. The guy guarding the aisle swung the steel pipe and hit him twice. Hu Donghai held the door handle tightly with one hand and fought with the guy in the room. At the same time, he raised his shoulder and took the second hit of the steel pipe. His arm suddenly became numb. He took a deep breath and waited for the third time the guy lifted the steel pipe. Then, he kicked the guy in the chest.

The fellow's back hit the wall fiercely and the steel pipe flew out of his hand.

At the same time, Hu Donghai let go of the door handle. The two men in the room were trying their best to pull the door open, but the door suddenly opened and flung them back into the room.

Before they could get up, Hu Donghai picked up the steel pipe and rushed in. According to the sound of their breathing, the steel pipe in their left hand hit a guy's neck. In a panic, the guy twisted his body. The steel pipe hit his shoulder and rubbed his ears. With a hum, he lost his hearing.

Hu Donghai's right fist hit the face of the other guy. His fist hit the guy's cheekbones and hit the floor. With a cracking sound, the floor tiles cracked.

The guy jumped up and hit Hu Donghai's temple with his fists.

Hu Donghai lowered his head and dodged. He turned his hand and used his elbow to hit the other guy's stomach. It was the second time that the guy's stomach had been seriously injured.

One of the two guys in the room had a knee injury and was half-deaf. The other man had lost his ability to fight after being hit twice in his stomach.

Hu Donghai, who had turned into a night blind fox, rushed out of the room and found that his nephew's door was wide open.

The guy who had been keeping the wind outside came in to help. Together with the guy in the hallway, he barged into Xiaocan's room. Xiaocan was wearing earphones. He did not know what was happening behind him. He was fighting the monsters when he suddenly felt his neck tighten. He was grabbed by a hand. Then, his earphones were sent flying. He forced himself to return to reality. "Sigh..." Xiaocan was completely confused.

"It's this bastard." The one who spoke in a low voice was the burly man who was pinching Xiaocan's neck. There were many scars on his face, but the most eye-catching one was an old knife scar across his forehead.

"Boss told me to let him enjoy whatever bad things he did." The guy next to him spoke with a squeaking sound, as if a part of his tongue had been bitten off. The guy had a sinister look on his face, but there was also a hint of idiocy on his face.

The knife-scarred man took out a dagger and handed it to the tongue-biting man.

The tongue-biting man reached out his hand. He pinched Xiaocan's stomach. "Where is the liver?" "Above the right abdomen, I don't know the exact location." Scarface said.

Xiaocan looked at the two of them, his face pale.

"Just stab in from here, cut down, and cut off the kidney as well, so as not to stab more." The tongue-biting man pressed Xiaocan's upper abdomen with his finger.

"His kidney is at the back of his waist. You can't cut it in the front, but you can still stab it in the back." Scarface reminded him kindly. "Back?"

"That's why it's called waist. The waist means... Aiya!" Two streams of blood suddenly sprayed out from the scar-faced man's nose.

The back of his neck was hit by an iron fist and hit his neck. At the same time that he spurted out a nosebleed, he fell on his head. His forehead brushed Xiaocan's forehead and he fell to the ground.

The tongue-biting man's dagger had already been stabbed out. He fiercely poked Xiaocan's upper abdomen.

At the same time Hu Donghai hit the scar-faced man, he used his other hand to hit the tongue-biting man's arm. Although the tongue-biting man's body was not as big as the knife-scarred man's, and he was a little silly, his body was far more flexible than ordinary people. After Hu Donghai hit his right arm, his dagger was already in his left hand, and he continued to stab forward.

Hu Donghai pushed Xiaocan, who was completely stunned, into a somersault and hit the computer. The mineral water bottles, instant noodles, and small fans were all in a mess.

The tongue-biting man's dagger missed its target. He immediately stabbed at Hu Donghai with his backhand.

Hu Donghai realized that the tongue-biting man was the most difficult to deal with among the four of them. He was very swift and swift. The dagger flashed with a cold light. The knife was aimed at the vital parts. However, the tongue-biting man ran towards Xiaocan the moment he saw an opportunity. It seemed like he had to poke a hole in Xiaocan's body.

Hu Donghai was angry when he met such a stubborn person. When the tongue-biting man aimed the dagger at him again, he did not retreat. Instead, he moved forward, facing the dagger. The unexpected move stunned the tongue-biting man for a moment. It was in this instant of hesitation that Hu Donghai kicked the tongue-biting man's hand, and the dagger flew away.

Hu Donghai rushed forward and punched the tongue-biting man's chest. "Admit your crimes. Your future is bright!"

Bang! Bang!


The tongue-biting man's body somersaulted in the air and crashed through the window, landing in the courtyard. Hu Donghai dragged Xiaocan out of the room.

Xiaocan asked, "Should we call the police?"

Hu Donghai was a little hesitant. These things happened right after he got out of prison. "Don't bother the government. Let's ask that guy first." Hu Donghai said. But when they went to the yard, the tongue-biting man had already run away.

The two guys who were injured in the south wing also climbed out the window and ran away. Only the scar-faced man in Xiaocan's room was left. When the uncle and nephew went back to take a look, they ran as fast as they could.

They came for no reason and disappeared without a trace.

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