Divine Exchanged System/C13 The Divine Beast in the Tower
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Divine Exchanged System/C13 The Divine Beast in the Tower
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C13 The Divine Beast in the Tower

"Goodbye, descendant of the Wang family!"

As the white cat spoke, the shard of the teacup was inching dangerously close to Wang Shan's neck.

Should the shard pierce Wang Shan's neck, his death would be certain.

However, at that moment, the white cat witnessed yet another astonishing feat from Wang Shan.

A white mist emerged around his neck.

Within a mere five seconds, a thick layer of ice had formed, encasing Wang Shan's neck.

The ice was as hard as iron.

Thus, the shard could not inflict even the slightest injury on Wang Shan.

"You're even smarter than your Wang family ancestors," the white cat remarked.

Wang Shan scoffed, "If you don't start paying attention to your surroundings, you'll be the one to die."

That's when the white cat noticed it was completely encircled by a dense array of ice arrows.


At Wang Shan's command, the ice arrows launched towards the white cat as if guided by an unseen force.

Despite the white cat's ability to manipulate space, escape was futile; Wang Shan's ice arrows filled every possible avenue of retreat.

Half a second later, the white cat lay on the ground, riddled with ice arrows, barely clinging to life and stripped of its combat capabilities.

With the space around them now back to normal, Wang Shan grabbed the white cat by the tail and said icily, "So you're the Divine Beast imprisoned in the Nine-level Tower? Your combat strength is underwhelming. You don't even qualify to be my pet."

The white cat responded feebly, "I am no pet. I am the Divine Beast, the guardian of the tower. We're bound by a contract with the Tower Master, and for life, we cannot leave the Nine-level Tower."

So that was the story.

Yet, the Nine-level Tower didn't seem all that formidable.

Wang Shan stood on the ninth floor, finding the ascent to this level far simpler than others had claimed.

"If you value your life, tell me about the Wang family. Why did it fall into decline?" Wang Shan demanded.

The white cat replied, "I only recall that your ancestor once visited this tower. The rest has faded from my memory."

Wang Shan felt a twinge of disappointment; he had hoped to uncover the reasons behind the Wang family's downfall at the tower's summit.

The white cat handed a brand-new identity card to Wang Shan, saying, "This is your identity card. From today on, you're a One-star Cultivator."

Wang Shan examined the card and noticed it was unlike any he'd seen before. Others had white cards, but his shimmered with a golden hue.

The golden light radiating from the card seemed to signify that Wang Shan's status was quite extraordinary.

Noticing Wang Shan's fixated gaze on the Golden Identity Card, the white cat clarified, "The golden card signifies your successful ascent of the Nine-level Tower. It's a symbol of both your esteemed status and your formidable strength!"

Wang Shan accepted the identity card and then turned his attention to the Divine Beast that stood before him, guarding the tower.

"Regrettably, your power doesn't meet the standards for becoming my pet. I cannot take you with me." With those words, Wang Shan turned and descended the tower.

The white cat felt a sense of resignation. Despite being a Divine Beast with five millennia of life, it had been dismissed by Wang Shan.

The Wang family members were as audacious as ever!

As Wang Shan walked away, the white cat sighed in reflection, "Five thousand years ago, your ancestor left the pinnacle of this tower and embarked on a life of splendor. I wonder if you will manage to outshine him."

The white cat held great expectations for Wang Shan, especially since he had nearly vanquished it that day!

Being a Three-star Divine Beast, its strength was on par with a Three-star Cultivator. Yet, the fact that it had nearly perished was an exceedingly rare occurrence!

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