Divine Exchanged System/C17 His Opponent Was too Weak
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Divine Exchanged System/C17 His Opponent Was too Weak
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C17 His Opponent Was too Weak

Wang Shan had conducted some experiments. The items he received through the System Exchange were for his use alone; he couldn't share them with anyone else.

This was precisely why Wang Shan had agreed to participate in the upcoming small town competition. He aimed to secure advantageous resources for Wang Tianxia, assisting him in overcoming his current limitations.

With the competition just two days away, Wang Shan was the picture of calm.

He was currently enjoying a hot spring on Cloud City Mountain, accompanied by five girls. They prepared various fruits and lovingly fed them to him.

They inquired with genuine concern, "Young Master, is it sweet?"

With his eyes closed, Wang Shan nodded in contentment. He relished the fruits while basking in the hot spring, living a life of utter luxury.

Anyone happening upon this scene would likely chastise him for his indulgence.

The hot springs at Cloud City Mountain were notoriously pricey, rumored to cost ten thousand yuan for a mere soak.

Cloud City was renowned for its hot springs, celebrated for their life-extending and healing properties. Yet, the cost was prohibitive for most; few ordinary folks would splurge ten thousand yuan on a hot spring bath.

Only someone of Wang Shan's affluent stature could afford such pleasures.

Stretching leisurely, Wang Shan reflected on his recent venture into the Nine-level Tower, where he had impressively lit up nine lamps in a single attempt. Despite this feat, his father insisted he visit Cloud City Mountain's hot springs for the sake of his well-being.

Money was of no concern, his father had assured him. The Wang family might be in decline, but they could still manage such expenses.

His father simply didn't want Wang Shan to suffer any health setbacks. Even without any ailments, a dip in the hot springs would do him good.

"Dad, do you really worry about me that much? Are you actually afraid that the Nine-level Tower could have harmed me? With the Eternal Flood Dragon Bloodline, I am destined to cultivate a dragon's body. What harm could the Nine-level Tower possibly do to me?" Wang Shan mused internally.

Then, Jiaxia spoke up, "Young Master, your rival in the small town competition in two days is also considered a prodigy."

A prodigy?

Wang Shan barely gave it a second thought; he wasn't concerned in the slightest.

In this world, martial prowess reigned supreme, and talent was of utmost importance.

Individuals like Wang Shan, who had awakened the Eternal Flood Dragon Bloodline, were considered to possess god-like talent.

In the presence of the Eternal Flood Dragon Bloodline, all other talents paled in comparison. That's why Wang Shan remained so composed.

"Tell me about the strength of this so-called prodigy," Wang Shan said, savoring the ice grapes that Wanxia had fed him. It was truly a delightful experience.

Jiaxia nodded. She had collected information on the prodigy the night before.

"Young Master, the prodigy's name is Lei Bao. He's fifteen years old and the grandson of the mayor of Xiaoyao Town. Recently, he demonstrated the white eagle talent, marking him as a one-in-a-hundred-miles kind of genius. He even managed to reach the fifth level of the Nine-level Tower in one attempt, earning the title of One-star Cultivator. Yet, he's still leagues behind you."

Jiaxia's assessment was fair and balanced.

However, to Wang Shan, Lei Bao didn't even qualify as a genius.

By comparison, with the white eagle talent, the Zhang family's ancestor reached the seventh level of the Nine-level Tower thousands of years ago.

Lei Bao, on the other hand, only made it to the fifth level. This showed that his talent was quite average, and it was unlikely he would achieve significant success in the future.

Wang Shan wouldn't bother participating in such competitions if not for the need to help Wang Tianxia collect resources.

He let out a sigh.

"Why the sigh, Young Master? Are you unsure about the competition tomorrow?" Jiaxia inquired.

Wang Shan replied with a nonchalant tone, "The opponent is too weak. I fear that I might accidentally kill him with too forceful a blow."

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