Divine Exchanged System/C9 The Tower
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Divine Exchanged System/C9 The Tower
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C9 The Tower

"This is some excellent wine!"

After finishing his drink, Wang Shan could distinctly feel the changes in his body. His Qi and strength had increased tenfold. Moreover, having consumed the tonic wine, his Two-star cultivation base had reached the threshold of Three-star. He was now on par with a Three-star Cultivator.

"I was so close to breaking through," Wang Shan lamented.

The tipsy elder jolted awake, having sensed an incredibly powerful presence. It was as though a Three-star expert had arrived! Alas, the presence vanished as quickly as it had appeared. The elder, unable to recognize that the aura had emanated from Wang Shan, assumed his senses were dulled by alcohol.

An hour later, the next generation of ten cultivators had all gathered. To Wang Shan's surprise, Zhang Bao, whom he had previously defeated, had arrived despite his injuries.

It was then that the doors to the Nine-level Tower swung open. The elder explained, "Today, you need only reach the first level of the Nine-level Tower and select a One-star Cultivator's technique. Once you've obtained your ID card, you may exit the tower. Remember, do not venture to the second level. If you do, you're on your own."

The elder promptly began admitting individuals into the tower. The cultivators complied, heading to the first level to retrieve their ID cards before descending.

However, some cultivators, believing in their exceptional talent, dared to ascend to the second level in pursuit of superior techniques. One such cultivator, upon setting foot on the second level's staircase, vomited a mist of blood, overwhelmed by the intense pressure. Had the elder not acted swiftly, the cultivator would have perished.

Now, only Wang Shan and Zhang Bao remained outside the tower.

"Zhang Bao," the elder called out, issuing another warning, "Do not attempt the second floor. Should you encounter trouble, I will not come to your rescue."

Zhang Bao ignored the advice. He had swallowed his pride and the pain of his injuries to climb the mountain today, not for some mediocre technique. He had taken his family's secret pill with one goal in mind: to ascend the Nine-level Tower and acquire the most powerful cultivation method at the summit.

"Legends say that an Earth Rank Cultivation Method lies at the pinnacle of the tower, a prize untouched for centuries. Today, I am determined to claim it."

Zhang Bao was consumed with such thoughts, driven not only by the desire to acquire the ultimate cultivation technique but also by the burning need to exact revenge on Wang Shan in the future.

Hence, today, Zhang Bao was resolute in his quest to ascend to the ninth level.

He had been inside the tower for thirty minutes.

Onlookers could see the first and second levels of the Nine-level Tower aglow with light.

The sight left everyone in awe.

It was unthinkable that Zhang Bao, who had been defeated by Wang Shan, could reach the second level despite his grave injuries.

The elder guarding the tower refrained from intervening, as he could sense the situation within.

Indeed, any Two-star cultivator could perceive the conditions inside the Nine-level Tower.

Wang Shan was no exception. He sensed Zhang Bao's progression towards the third floor.

Yet, the third floor posed a tremendous challenge for Zhang Bao.

Bleeding profusely, he staggered forward, his frail body nearly giving way. He had reached his breaking point.

Summoning his last ounce of will, Zhang Bao seized the third level's cultivation technique and identity card before descending.

Upon exiting the tower, he collapsed instantly. His numerous wounds burst open, staining his once white garments with blood.

The onlookers expressed their dismay. Even someone with Zhang Bao's exceptional talent could only make it to the third level. It appeared that the tower's summit was beyond anyone's reach.

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