One Piece: Beating Old Aunts/C1 A Big Tea Party Horrible!
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One Piece: Beating Old Aunts/C1 A Big Tea Party Horrible!
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C1 A Big Tea Party Horrible!

There's been a little too much going on in the new world.

The most important thing was the tea party organized by BIG-MOM, who had just become the Four Kings, in Cake Island. They had invited a group of famous people to participate. Among them, there was no lack of powerful Great Pirates, the top people in every industry.

The eyes on the sea were attracted by the place where BIG-Mom's tea party was held, "Cake Island." Therefore, BIG-Mom transferred all of his children back to ensure that the first tea party would be carried out smoothly.

In the Cake island, Rolin looked at everything in front of him with a blank face. He felt that his eyes were playing tricks on him. What the hell were the teacups and chopsticks in front of him? They were even singing weird music. It sounded pretty good.

No, that's not right. Where am I now?

'Ding... Congratulations to host for coming to the world of King of the Pirates. I am the system of shock explosion. I will score based on what host has done to shock the eyes of others. Random rewards will be given according to the grade. '

The world of King of the Pirates!

He had come to the world of King of the Pirates!

Rolin widened his eyes, his heart stirring up great waves.

As a medicinal Pirate fanatic, If he remembered correctly, the scene in front of him had only been seen by the aunty. In other words, he had transmigrated to the aunty's territory.

"Prometheus, what's wrong? Why do I feel that you are weird?"

The voice came from not far away from Rolin. It was a gray cloud flying towards him leisurely.

Seeing the expression on the cloud's face as if it had been squeezed dry, Rolin instantly thought of his name. "Thundercloud Zeus!"

Wait, he called me Prometheus just now.

Could it be that he had transmigrated to Prometheus's body?

After Rolin realized what was going on, he quickly felt his body. He could feel a huge amount of power surging in his body. He subconsciously activated his own power. Rolin, who was about the same size as Lei Yun and Zeus, suddenly expanded. Scorching power began to erupt, burning the earth. The air was heated, and the ground cracked due to the high temperature.

"Ding! Thundercloud Zeus is shocked by the host's actions. Rating: B, Reward: Soul and Prometheus have completely merged, leaving Charlotte. Ling Ling."

"Ding! Newspaper tycoon Morgan is shocked by the host's actions. Rating: B, Reward: Fire Style - Gougakyu Technique!"

"Ding! Queen Stuassi of Happy Street is shocked by the host's actions. Evaluation: B, Reward: Materialization skill, Max!"

As the electronic voice rang out, a large amount of memories flooded into Rolin's mind. These were all skills that used skills.

Before Rolin could study what these things were, Katakuli and the other experts flocked over.

"Prometheus, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to betray your mother?"

Katakuli didn't attack first. He glared at Prometheus.

Rolin, who had gradually calmed down, heard Katakuli's words and shouted in anger, "I am not Prometheus, I am Rolin! Remember my name!"

Perhaps because he had devoured Prometheus's original soul, Rolin's temper became very irritable. "Fire Style - Gougakyu skill!"

Rolin opened his mouth wide. Scorching flames gathered in one place. He spat out a mouthful of flames, which was extremely powerful.

Katakuli narrowed his eyes when he saw Prometheus's sudden attack. "Send someone to protect the guest. Don't let the guest get hurt at all. Mother values the tea party very much!"

After saying that, Katakuli threw a punch. The domineering aura of his weapon was attached to his arm. It hit the big fireball that Rolin spat out. In an instant, the fireball splashed in all directions and fell to the ground, causing a huge fire.

The fire was so huge that it seemed like it could swallow the sky!

"Ding! Katakuli was shocked by the power of the host. Evaluation: A. Obtained: Primary Color of the weapon, Elementary Color of the Witness, and Primary Color of the Overlord!"

The electronic voice sounded in Rolin's mind again. The content made Rolin happy.

In the world of King of the Piratess, the Tricolor Domineering was the ticket to enter the realm of the strong, but now it was easily obtained by Rolin.

Looks like as long as he continuously did things that were different from normal behavior, he could quickly increase his strength!

"Prometheus! "I will never forgive you. How dare you destroy my mother's tea party! Go to hell!"

Katakuli hardened his arm into the shape of a machine gun. "Unparalleled Annual Bullets." With Katakuli's whisper, a large number of glutinous bullets combined with the domineering aura of the gun whizzed towards Rolin.

The friction with the air produced a "whoosh whoosh" sound.

A large number of bullets poured out, making Rolin's scalp numb, but it was only his scalp numb.

"As a subordinate of the aunty and the leader of the three generals, don't you know that the domineering aura of an armed man can't catch my body at all?"

Rolin allowed Katakuli's attack to land on his body. His eyes were filled with confidence.

"Ding! Katakuli was once again shocked by the host's words, and his heart slightly collapsed. Evaluation: S, Obtained: Heavenly Flame - Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame Lv.1!"

Rolin's eyes lit up when he heard the system's electronic voice.

As a transmigrator, Rolin knew how terrifying Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame was, even if it was only Lv.1.

As the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame merged with his own flame, Rolin felt an endless amount of energy in his body.

"Katakuli, let's have a big battle!" Rolin roared. The burning flame on his body suddenly rose. The scarlet flame gradually turned golden. It was as if the heat that could burn the space surprised the people around him.

They escaped from the battlefield at their fastest speed.

"Ding. Charlotte Bray was shocked by the host's actions. Evaluation: A. Obtained: Great Fast Blade Twelve Techniques - Ganwu Scorching."

"Ding! Ganwu Scorching" is stored in the System Storage. "

Lei YunZeus also recovered from his daze. "This is not the Prometheus I know. This is simply too scary!"

After saying this, Thundercloud Zeus hurriedly separated from the sky.

Rolin did not take Lei Yun Zeus seriously at all.

His mind was now completely focused on Katakuli. Without a doubt, Katakuli was a powerful warrior. Although he couldn't be compared to the future and didn't have the domineering feeling of knowing the future, his strength was enough to make people call him a monster.

Rolin controlled the golden flame to condense in his mouth, and the brilliant golden flame became even more dazzling.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Katakuli first used the glutinous fruit's ability to turn his hand into strips of rice cake. Then, he used the domineering color of his weapon to quickly attack Rolin.



The Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame heavily smashed into Katakuli's fist. The temperature was dozens of times higher than before, burning Katakuli's arm. Blood dripped down from his arm, but it was vaporized by the high temperature of the ground in the blink of an eye.

Katakuli's arm was wrapped in the color of armor. Otherwise, his arm would have been burnt to ashes by the high temperature of the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame.

On the other hand, Rolin's body was completely fine. He was still emitting an astonishing heat in the air, burning the air. There was no moisture in the air. He could even burn his throat with a single breath.

It was so terrifying!

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