One Piece: Beating Old Aunts/C17 The Yellow Ape Welcomed the Guests
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One Piece: Beating Old Aunts/C17 The Yellow Ape Welcomed the Guests
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C17 The Yellow Ape Welcomed the Guests

In the cabin, Rolin's ears moved slightly. From the beginning, he had been listening to the conversation between the Flying Hawk and the Warring States Period by relying on his sharp senses.

"System, everyone else knows about my battle record. They must be very shocked. Why don't I have any notifications here!"

'Ding... Notification: Only after the system has verified and verified that it is valid and within a certain range with the host as the center can it be collected! '

Hearing this, Rolin rolled his eyes. He was speechless as he laid on the bed. He looked at the ceiling in a daze and shouted in his heart, "System, you bastard! You didn't say such an important thing earlier! You made me wait for so long for nothing!"

"Ding! Because of the system's reply, the host is shocked. Evaluation: E, Obtained: Green Island Beer!"

Alright, that's enough. Now that even Green Island Beer has appeared, he thought of the various types of food stored in the System Space. For example, grilled sausages, roasted gluten, Even Coca-Cola was piled up in the system warehouse.

If he didn't eat directly, Rolin might as well turn his anger into his appetite.

"The system brought me a few hundred sausages and roasted gluten. By the way, I want to have a good meal with Green Island beer as well!"

As Rolin gave the order, a pile of sausages and fragrant roasted gluten appeared in front of him.

It was exciting to take a bite! It was equivalent to the system giving you free food, letting you taste the real benefits!

Three days passed just like that. After Lieutenant General Momonga and the other lieutenant general of the navy sub-base, they headed towards Marlin van Dor together.

In the blink of an eye, two weeks had passed. The warship finally arrived at Marlin van Dor and docked at the port.

Lieutenant General Momonga did not need to use his sword anymore. He could not help but sigh that in the world of King of the Pirates, no matter who it was, their recovery speed was much faster than on Earth.

"Go and call Rolin out."

"Yes, Lieutenant General."

"No need to call him out. I'm already here."

Rolin carried the Ganwu Scorching on his back. His black hair draped over his shoulders, reflecting the sunlight. His face was as sharp as a knife. There was an indescribable coldness.

As he walked, he sized up the rumored Marlin van Dor.

Currently, Rolin was at the port of Marlin van Dor. The port was divided according to rank. The warships that could be parked in every place were different. The highest grade was the Marshal grade warships that were three times larger than the lieutenant grade warships.

Even if it was an ordinary person, they could see the huge object clearly from afar.

"Yayaya! Is this the legendary Marlin van Dor, the headquarters of the navy? It really looks magnificent!"

"Yes, this is the symbol of justice, the place where all evil is suppressed!"

Flying Hawk Rat raised his chest high, a strong sense of pride burst forth.

Rolin smiled and didn't say anything. After all, it wouldn't be long before he would be no different from a ruin. Since he could see more now, he might as well see more, lest he wouldn't be able to see this kind of scene in the future.

Holding the scene in his arms, Rolin observed his surroundings with great interest.

At this time, at the port, a tall and skinny man with curly black hair, wearing a yellow and white striped suit with a circle of beard and sunglasses was yawning out of boredom.

"I'm so sleepy. The sun is the best time to sleep now. I don't know what the marshal is thinking. He actually sent me here to pick him up. Why didn't he let Kuzan come?"

Borsalino yawned again after he finished speaking. However, no matter how he looked at it, there was no sign of fatigue in his eyes. Instead, there were flashes of light.

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