Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C14 Boar King
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Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C14 Boar King
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C14 Boar King

The wild boar's defense is actually quite good. It's a pity that I've already activated it. Its attack power has increased by a level, and it even obtained the rather decent single target attack skill, Autumn Wind Slash. It's easy to understand why it would deal so much damage …

The wild boar arched its nose and charged at me.

Would I be afraid of wild boars, of course not.

This kind of speed, tonnage, and mindless cyclotron is my favorite monster.

It's all for me.

With a backhand slash, the sword stabbed into the wild boar, causing a small flower of blood to bloom.


This is just a normal attack and it doesn't have any skills. The skill [Autumn Wind Slash] has a cooldown of 2 seconds or so. Basically, I can only use the skill [Autumn Wind Slash] after every normal attack.

After taking the job, my overall strength had risen to a new level. I didn't dare to imagine how powerful my attack would be before taking the job. This also proved that the newbie could not be hurt.

The wild boar's attack speed isn't fast, so I can completely rely on my movements to dodge the attack. Thus, a funny scene played out. I could easily kill a wild boar with four or five hits, but the wild boar couldn't even attack me.

The experience given by a wild boar was also quite good. If he could get a silver for this quest, it would be equivalent to levelling up. If he were to farm more, he would be able to complete the quest.

As he continued farming, the farmlands were filled with wild boars of different sizes, men and women alike. These lazy creatures had ruined the farmers' grain. It was simply too shameful. As the son of a farmer, I was filled with a sense of justice. I suddenly felt as if I was irreconcilable with these rice bugs.

The Withered Wood Sword in my hand glowed with a red light. This was a sign that my equipment's Durability didn't reach 10 points. I had forgotten to repair it in the main city. I reckon that after completing this mission, my Withered Wood Sword would be on the verge of destruction. When the Durability was reduced to 0, the equip would drop and could no longer be repaired. My other equipment's durability is slightly better than Withered Wood Sword's. After all, when I was levelling, I didn't get hit by many monsters. When I leveled with Ancient Wood Rain, she was the one pulling the monsters.

I will continue charging at the second wild boar. Luckily, I was able to enter a state of dizziness for three seconds. Within three seconds, I must deal the most damage.





It was fortunate that I managed to land a fatal strike, and my Autumn Wind Slash had hit twice as well. This also meant the tragedy of the wild boar. The wild boar hadn't even woken up from the stun effect and was already kneeling on the ground …

Gain a few experience points, 1 gold coin, 10 silver coins. There was also another piece of equipment.

Picking it up to take a look, tsk tsk, it's not bad!

[Wind Chasing Ring]

Agility: + 13

Stamina: + 11

Additional: Increases movement speed by 5%

Required level: 15

A ring that adds agility and acceleration, a very good piece of equipment. Even though it didn't add attack power, agility was indispensable to an expert craftsman. With him, it would be much easier to operate in the future.

After putting on the Wind Chasing Ring, he felt much more energetic.

Class: Warrior (Bronze Swordsman)

Level: 15

HP: 760

Mana: 240

Attack: 280-352

Defense: 230

Magic Defense: 122

Prestige: 0

Luck: 0

The weapon I used was a Swordsmanship, so the title was Bronze Swordsman, if it was an axe. Hm, then he must be a Bronze Warrior.

My current equipment is unable to keep up with my level. Especially the Withered Wood Sword, which is a level 6 Bronze grade weapon. I'm already at the limit of level 15, so I have to change it.

For the past three hours, I have been killing wild boars, a powerful combination of Charge, Autumn Wind Slash and normal attacks, allowing me to deal the maximum amount of damage. Due to the high intensity of the killing, I only consumed a bunch of red medicine. The number of gold coins I had was already 187 gold coins, which was definitely lower than the amount of BYD shares that Buffett bought. It was a lot more than BYD shares.

The equipment didn't drop, the wild boar wasn't a BOSS monster, and the level difference between me and the wild boar wasn't too large. The drop rate for equipment was so low that it was embarrassing. It was already a great fortune to drop a piece of jewellery.

The wild boar's EXP wasn't bad. After killing so many monsters, I had successfully levelled up to LV16 with 78% EXP bar. After transitioning, I would gain 5 attribute points for every increase in level. If I add all of my points to Strength, then high attack is the way to go! As for the rest, they could only rely on their equipment and mechanics to make up for it.

In my hands, the 40 pieces of wild boar meat required for the mission had already been collected long ago. I had 174 pieces of wild boar meat in my bag, which was enough for Spartan to eat for 4 meals. One piece of wild boar meat was more than 2 jin, which was a huge fortune in real life. I wonder why Spartou wants so much wild boar meat? After all, he couldn't really eat it, right? Otherwise, he would really be a foodie from the legends.

After keeping the gold coins, I took out the Return Scroll from my bag and returned to the city to hand in my quest. I am already a rich person, so I can still use the Return Scroll. Moreover, today was already the third day. The game, "The Sky and the Sky", was released at 12 o'clock in the morning. I must do my best to level up, complete my quest and forge equipment during this period of time.

After a moment, I threw the Return Scroll back into my bag.

A huge silver boar stood in the paddy field, its body shining with a silver light. Its two long fangs fell to the sides of the boar's mouth.

The God is too good to me. How many people have not seen a Boss before, but I have already attacked two Bosses. I pushed away the apple that the grandpa handed me. Without even drinking a sip of water, I quietly left. Before I left, I turned around, revealing two dimples, and said, "Please call me Red Scarf."

Without saying anything further, he activated Charge.

With a "shua" sound, he dashed forward.


As expected, being able to stun the Boss was already quite strange.

With a flick of his sword, the autumn wind gusted down.


Tragedy has no more than a hundred damage figures.

The big boar's head swung up and down and the wild boar's two fangs had already fiercely pierced into my body.


When I saw that my HP bar had dropped, I broke out in a cold sweat. What kind of attack is this? Defeating 1/3 of my HP in one hit is more than that.

I used Charge from the opposite direction to put some distance between me and the Boss. With my Stealth skill, I had to get rid of the boss' aggro first, otherwise, it wouldn't be good to die here.

The boss spun around a few times, trying to find a player who dared to make a move on his head. It was a pity that I was invisible and he wouldn't be able to see me.

I was also secretly shocked and almost died here. This BOSS's speed is fast and its attack power is high. With my skill, I really can't defend against an attack from a BOSS.

He looked at the Boss from a distance.

The BOSS's attributes had already appeared.

[Wild Boar King] (Bronze-level Boss)

Level: 23

Attack: 630-676

Defense: 274

Qi and blood: 30,000

Description: The leader of the wild boar horde possesses great power.

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