Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C17 Contradictions with Father
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Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C17 Contradictions with Father
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C17 Contradictions with Father

His mind was blank. He was worried about his father's safety while worrying about how to tell his father about this.

It is always dishonorable to drop out of school in the countryside. On the one hand, you have to bear the pressure of your own heart and on the other, you have to bear the talk of outsiders. If the result is poor or can be round past, if the result is not good can drop out of school, this is common in China. My grades weren't very good, and they kept falling after high school. However, they didn't know. From the beginning to the end, they had always felt that it was only natural for them to score as many points as they wanted.

Dad has always been very strict with me. It can be described as harsh. This incident is definitely fatal for me. In front of my family, I have always been an obedient child. I wonder what they will think when they drop out of school for such a rebellious matter.

I don't know what dad will say to me this time, I just hope he won't ask the class teacher to give me a new chance, then that's fine. To actually leave, dignity was always needed, even if it was so depraved that he was abandoned.

This time, it was as if the teacher in charge of the class had a cheap mouth and would not happen at all. He had forced me to drop out of school, and now he was destroying even the peace I had just acquired. It had to be said that this enmity was very deep. One day, I would return covered in blood. When that time came, the one who would be leaving would be him.


After waiting for a long time, under the moonlight, his father's figure had already appeared. He looked at it with a hazy expression, but it was not clear.

I felt uncomfortable all over. What was to come had finally come.


His father answered with an "" OK "" "and then fell silent for a long time. Neither of them could get the first word out.

The moonlight was like water, gently shining on our bodies.

After a long silence, I said, "Let's go to my rented house. It's cold here. "

After leading my father through the streets, we arrived at the door after a long time.

Ye Zichen shook the key out of his pocket and opened the door, only to find that the lights in the house weren't turned off when he left.

My father sat down on a stool and looked around at my messy room and the helmet on the bed. "You're not going to school for this very thing. Will there be a future playing computer? Wasting your time on the game, do you still want to take the college entrance exam? "

I didn't dare to say anything. In fact, I really didn't dare to think about it. What I will do in the future, I don't have a good conclusion.

His father continued, "You tell me what book you're reading. In the middle of the night, your teacher called to say that you didn't study well, fooled around every day, and even talked back to your teacher, looking down on everyone." Did you learn this after reading so many books? "You think too highly of others. What do you think you are capable of? Where are your accomplishments?"

I can't answer at all. All this time, I was just me.

"When I received the phone call today, I was so furious that I wanted to grow wings and fly over here, giving you two slaps. What did you say you did? "

My stomach, since I haven't eaten dinner yet, is very tight right now, so I don't feel like I'm just running around. Now that he was famished, he was so hungry that his entire body felt uncomfortable.

But I don't want to eat yet.

His father's tone softened. "Your mother still doesn't know about this. Tomorrow, you will go with me to find the homeroom teacher and have you return to school."

This time I understood. It meant continuing to study and giving up on the game.

But did I give up? I just started playing this game and haven't experienced a lot of things. The gang, PK, and the national war, I hope to participate in them myself, and it's no longer like how Shen Xiaoqi told me with her big mouth.

Moreover, I want to wear the Clear Wind Ring. In the future, I want to ride my Divine Dragon to the mortal world while covered in divine artifacts and carrying my Divine Pet.

There was also the ancient wood, Night Rain. Her figure appeared in my mind again and again.

"I don't want to."


"I don't want to."

"I think you are in trouble, what's there to be unwilling or not willing about it? You have to go."

"Dad!" My heart is full of feelings, my father and I are just as twisted a person. "It will be very difficult to change what he has decided." You should try to respect my choice. I'm already 18 years old, so I've already made my decision. You should respect my choice. "

His father was obviously stunned for a moment. "Your choice. The evil path of evil is also your choice. Don't tell me our parents will harm you. If I give up on you this time, that will be harming you."

I was speechless, but my tension flared up. "I don't want to go."

There was a sudden silence, and the whole atmosphere became awkward.

Silence breaks out, and we are all suffering in our hearts.

"Bang!" His father suddenly stood up and kicked the chair, causing it to roll around several times.

"Since you've made your decision, you can leave. In the future, you can bear the burden of whether you are good or not!"

Father was so angry that he immediately opened the door and left without even turning around to ask me.

I also panicked. It was already past 3 in the morning and my father had been busy the whole day. He also came to my place in the middle of the night. He was tired, and now he must want to go back.

I hastily pulled out the key and went downstairs. But his father was gone.

My mind instantly collapsed. My entire body collapsed on the street as tears started to flow unrestrainedly from my eyes.

I just sit on the ground and let my tears run.

He didn't know where to go, he just wanted to cry it off.

This time, she cried for a very long time, as if she had never cried for such a long time. The pride that I had built up with all my might collapsed as I cried.

After a long time, the moonlight slowly disappeared and the sky turned gray. The street lights had already dimmed. Some of the people who had woken up early in the morning were already running down the long street in their sports clothes. The old man was sweeping the street with a broom in his hand.

I got up from the ground in a panic due to the heat. Don't let anyone see my sadness.

After returning to my room, I flopped onto the bed.

At night, I was awakened by the sound of rain.

It be raining, and the autumn rain be much colder than the spring rain

Grabbing the phone, I saw that it was already 9 PM. The pressure from my father had already disappeared before I went to sleep. Although the impact was still there.

It had been almost ten hours since he had slept that morning. That was enough. The last time he ate was yesterday afternoon. He hadn't eaten for 30 hours, so he was feeling dizzy.

He got up and went to take a bath first. His entire body was reeking and he needed to take a bath.

Wash and dress.

After boiling the water and steeping the noodles, he finished the noodles at a fast pace.

He turned on his second-hand desktop computer and browsed the official website of Tian Yu.

Flipping through it, he still couldn't find anything of value. The entire article was basically a celebration of the opening of "The Sky". There were also congratulatory letters from large companies and consortia, as well as congratulations from China's BOSS.

He continued to search and found a post.

The title of the post was: Strongly protesting against the lack of monsters' resources in the novice village of "dome".

The content of the post was probably about how to fight with other players over monsters for the entire night.

The number of replies to the post had already exceeded ten thousand. Most of them belonged to the company that was complaining about Tian Yu company. It seems like we, the ten thousand players who entered the game early, have a huge advantage.

1st floor, Losing Love: SF, unable to hurt.

2nd floor, opposite party: Killing 200 chicks in one night and leveling up to level 3, it was simply impossible to survive.

Snowflake, 3rd floor, 2nd floor. I only killed a few dozen passersby in one night.


I couldn't see anything else that interested me, so I logged on.

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