Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C8 Meet
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Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C8 Meet
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C8 Meet

Looking at the time, it was already 3 in the afternoon.

I'm already level 6 now, so it's obviously not suitable for me to farm another level 3 rabbits. It's time to change locations and quickly level to level 15. I can now go to the secondary city.

After everything here was over, I didn't have a better place to go, so I decided to take a look around the valley. Maybe I would accidentally bump into some hermit expert NPC.

The mountains on both sides were very high, shading the interior very dark and damp.

Tiger boots stepped on the ground with a 'rustle' sound. As expected of boots made of tiger skin. On the wetland, one could not see any dirt at all. No wonder people said that every cent was worth nothing. Now that even the pig was a treasure, the tiger must be even more expensive.

The sound of running snakes and bugs could be heard. It was very strange, but the sounds that could not be heard in reality could clearly be heard here. Perhaps the busy life of the city people forgot to experience this pure life.

These things do not change people's lives. Life is too stressful.

After ten minutes, I crossed the sewer-like path and became very careful. Towards the unknown, I always have to be careful. Life is very fragile in this world.


As soon as he appeared, he was attacked. My vital energy and blood have been drained to a large extent. To be able to beat up a monster that has so much blood on me, I must be dead.

I turned my head and was immediately startled. I saw a 20 metre long python lying in the middle of the road. Half of the python's body was twisted while the other half of its body was intertwined together like a knot. The long poisonous teeth in the mouth of the giant python were exposed to the outside world and saliva was flowing out of its mouth.

Golden Rock Python

Level 18

Description: Powerful creatures that grow in the depths of the forest possess terrifying destructive power.

If the monster was 5 levels higher than the player, their stats would be completely suppressed. As for the Golden-Rocks Python, it was 12 levels higher than me. It would be hard to say if I could break through its defense, but its level is too high. A level 18 monster isn't much weaker than a level 10 Boss. Its stats aren't too far off.

The snake's body was as thick as a bucket, and it could easily pull out eggs. Moreover, there was saliva hanging from its mouth, and it was more than a meter long, so the snake must be hungry by now, if he treated me like a mouse. "If he bites me until my leg grows back, biting something else that shouldn't be bit, that would be a tragedy.

There was no other way. They could only kill him. Of course, if they could lure him away, they could do so.

With a backhand slash, the Deadwood Sword cut into the Cliff Python's stomach like a whirlwind. The snake head was too high, and it was completely unreachable. Otherwise, the legendary seven inch sword would have been its weakness.


With a twist of the Withered Wood Sword, a fatal blow was delivered. His luck was too good.


Looking at the Cliff Python's HP, it was about 1/8th missing. The Golden Rock Python had an initial estimate of around 500 blood, and its blood was overpowering, making it a little difficult to kill.

The Golden Cliff Python felt pain, but it's a pity that my size doesn't resemble anything in front of it. In the eyes of the Cliff Python, not a single trace of me could be seen. They could only rely on their feelings to use their white stomachs to press down on their bodies.


I turned my body and dodged at an extremely tricky angle. Finally, I dodged. The dust from the Golden Rock Python fell all over me. I didn't have time to be embarrassed, the Golden Rock Python's second attack has already arrived. Surprisingly, the snake's head came sweeping over, bringing with it a "hu hu" sound.

This time, it was difficult to dodge. With the snake as the center, the head of the snake was like a circle drawn. It was the target of a region, not a landslide. It was only within a single target.

The snake remained motionless on the ground.

Looking at the gigantic snake's head, cold sweat sweats profusely from my entire body. If I were to be swept by it, I would probably return to the Beginner Village. It wasn't easy to get here, it would be a pity if I were to die.

Various thoughts kept appearing in his mind before he rejected them one by one. This is definitely the biggest problem I've faced so far. The Golden Rock Python's body is too big, so all of its tricks won't be easy to execute.

Suddenly, I saw a way to dodge the attack. There was a difference in height between the Golden Rock Python and the ground. A plump man and woman definitely wouldn't be able to dodge it, but to me, this height was sufficient for me to lie flat on the ground. Besides, I could turn over in the middle of it.

This is mainly because the Golden Cliff Python is a snake. It is impossible for it to rub itself against the ground, as this will harm its skin. This distance is my lifeline.

I got up from the ground in a sorry state, and while the head of the snake wasn't too far away from me, I fiercely stabbed the sword in my hand into the seven inches of the Cliff Python's body.


A snake's seven inches was an absolute attack on one's weakness. It was more powerful than a fatal blow.

If he could continuously estimate the strength of the Golden Rock Python's seven inches, it would probably only require eight attacks. However, the problem was that such a chance was rare. The Cliff Python isn't dead. I'll let you use your sword to stab it.

The Golden Rock Python was probably so angry that it vomited blood after missing two hits. Its eyes, which were the size of two lightbulbs, were bloodshot and its eyes were wide open. The wing of his nose snorted and a poisonous mist sprayed out from the tip of his nose.

System Notification: The Golden Rock Python has spat out poison. You have been poisoned. You have lost 10% of your current vital energy and blood per second. Duration of 8 seconds.

Fire adds frost to it, losing 10% of one's blood and Qi per second. Luckily, it was currently not losing 10% per second. Why don't I just put the sword in my bag and wait for death? However, this isn't an easy task either. When my blood and vitality reach a certain level, I won't be able to continue being attacked. After all, I didn't have any red potions in my bag.

I rushed forward. I had to finish off the Golden Rock Python as soon as possible, otherwise the one who was lying here would be me.

One stab, one chop …



He then retracted his sword, causing a damage.


The next thing he saw was the Golden Rock Python's body pressing down.

It seemed like this Cliff Python's attack style was limited. It could only suppress, sweep, and spray out poison. Thinking about it, it made sense. The Golden Rock Python was a level 18 monster after all, not a real Boss. Its Intelligence was not that high.

With this experience, I was able to face the same scene a second time, which made me feel much more relaxed. It was easy to avoid them.

Furthermore, the Golden-Rock Python no longer spat out any poison. Most likely, the poison in its poison sac was limited. I don't know, after being poisoned once, will there be antibodies in my body? That way, I won't be afraid of poison anymore.

After spending more than half an hour, the Golden Rock Python was killed by my "Seven Inch Slash" technique.

After defeating this monster, my entire body flashed with a golden light and unexpectedly levelled up by a level.

EXP gained: 620 points, 1 gold coin, and a leg guard with a faint glow.

I picked it up and looked at it.

[Misty Rain Leg Protector]

Defense: 9

Required level: 9

A Level 9 whiteboard, but it was better than nothing. After a quick change, my calves were no longer bare.

The corpse of the Golden Rock Python had not been refreshed yet, this had to be used to the fullest extent. From my left hand, I separated bits and pieces of light energy from the surrounding air. When the light spots gathered to a certain extent, the entire palm of my hand emitted a dazzling light.

I shouted, "Cloud Stealer!"

After a moment, a blue snake gall flew out from the corpse of the Golden Rock Python and into my hands.

Snake gall is only a tier 1 alchemy material, so it is completely useless to me. I threw it into my bag.

Zhang Xuan continued walking forward. Not long later, a second Golden Crag Python appeared.

With my first experience, I seemed much more relaxed this time. My fighting style also became smoother.

After a moment, the Golden Rock Python fell onto the ground, leaving me with a red wrist guard.

[Rising Dawn Bracers]

Defense: 7

Magic Defense: 2

Required level: 8

After killing dozens of Cliff Pythons along the way, I had successfully risen to LV9. I had plenty of EXP and even obtained a helmet, which was just nice for me to use.

[Vast Ocean Helmet]

Defense: 5

Attack + 1%

Required level: 7

If he continued forward, there would definitely be a problem. Otherwise, why would the Golden Rock Python appear here?

Then I must find out what the problem is, or else my heart is so uncomfortable that I feel as if someone has set it up. These Cliff Pythons expended a great deal of effort on me.

After about ten minutes of trekking, they could no longer see the valley. In the distance, there was a large forest. It seemed to be full of life.

Beside the forest, there was a beautiful human girl wearing a purple armor. Her snow-white calves were visible beneath the armor. She wielded a dark green longsword in her hand and her entire person was like a dancing butterfly.

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